on a scale of 1 to 10 dept.:
this is a personal 1.5, but it continues to return - largely because of the 'madison-avenue -junkies' who relish making me look bad (my parents' did a hell-of-a-good job doing that enough thank you!)!
I was always one of the smart-er kids in any classroom growing up. A 'C' was NOT just average and okay (most sugar-happy sleep-inners wearing their Jiffies nightly were placated with mommy or daddy blessing them with that one). Funny because it is those 'C' students who make the most demands on time once 'adults'! Anyway - I made a huge mistake as a college freshman (no, not burying my face in Chris's beautiful blondhaired butt once alone (I have a vibrant memory at times) - but) - deciding to transfer to another school as a sophomore! The new school had 'better numbers' - was 'generally considered' as being one of the 'best' schools in our state of Ohio. I can empirically state THAT is an overblown assumption not supported by any reality existing on this planet or its moon! The housing was artificially restricted - making basement barracks style overflow necessary (cajoled off as 'character-building') - meaning entire wings of 'freshman' dorms were available but not for non-freshmen! The selection of classes were few - and as I was both an undergraduate twelve quarter bachelor, and a semester hour graduate it occurred just once that I was closed out of EVERY course selection requested - 0 hours (knowing that to retain dormitory status then was necessary to carry at least twelve quarter hours it became necessary to take 'something'!) Two hour psychology course helped - I learned of 'Konrad Lorentz's 'Flush Toilet Model' of aggression' and dominance in a troop of baboons as well as the differences between male and female or***ms - then depicted as lines on a chart without visuals. The highly respected emeritus economics professor and author was tasked with teaching to 400 students a principles class in an auditorium wherein a pseudo-radical Jewish student carried long pseudo-arguments on with the prof to the delight of the 'audience' - (the tests were multiple choice and in several if not all fraternity test files - so obtain a prior test - memorize the question and answer - learn nothing - pass the course - praise Allah - and keep your mouth shut it's not cheating!) (the text he wrote was used at the 'other school' wherein the prof acknowledged the text but tested from his classroom material - and a class wherein I received the highest grade in the class of fifty) The accounting department - to teach accounting - you know the staple of any solid fraternity - hired 'profs' who taught accounting how one of the school's own emeriti thought it should be taught by using his textbook - a weird concoction of plusses and minuses that somehow were to lead to financial statements and a periodic ending (written mid-last century I knew there was 'something' special about that bunk so I preserved it with a clear plastic book cover). It was not until several years later when re-taking accounting (and aceing it) using another and excellent textbook I was informed by 'those who taught' nobody used that textbook except that school because it was so poor. Well, that being said the course was set to be two grades - a mid-term and a final (I know the mid-term was set to be near the withdrawal deadline and I think it was just before) but this was changed after the unexpectedly good grade achieved on the mid-term made success virtual was made pub-lic the 'prof' announced he was changing the rules - the only grade would be the final - and of course this was after the withdrawal deadline - (the final was an obscure bit of fiction covering little else discussed or homeworked - but the crew in the front row seemed to have 'all' the answers - (it 'was' rumored the 'prof' was a graduate and frat boy back in the day). Then of course the social life - I found getting and keeping a girlfriend very much more easy to accomplish at that school - I had a few. Reasons for this obviously was because those stupid bi***es were ignorant of the truth as it was to be told! I also had a part-time job - one that integrated me with the 'business district' of the small rented berg the school situated in. There also was the 'RUSH' - that annual event wherein students are supposed to beg to be included into the fraternity/sorority system. It was in that system (and it should be mentioned I was not there long enough to go 'active') I learned of the real reason this antebellum concoction of racist ideology prefacbricated to support forty year old alcoholics and pedophiles with their weekender activities exists. (The closed door made it possible to deal pounds of ma*****na - in fact while this school has a lilly-white 'fine Jewish girl' reputation as the place to send your virgin to its reality held that more dope was pushed than at those schools with the 'radical element' present - done and done) That being said simply returning to the old school and continuing on resolved all issues EXCEPT for the seeming belief of 'what' occurred 'there' was absolute and undeniable truth which cannot ever be refuted - even with tons of evidence to the contrary. Friends (loosely applied - you might know and like those jokers) there is no vindication in futility. Your wife gave her bu****le to a total stranger after leaving you three children - divorce and move on AND leave well enough alone (and inform the bimbo sending you pink sheet reminders 'about' they are dwarfed by reality!) And if this totally leaves you wondering - what good can you include by questioning anything about what I have just related - just move on and keep it to yourself!