First week of February is off to a great TNR start.
I was setting up the traps, I heard the clink from the trap, bam, 2 kittens, 1 trap.
Was prepping my last 2 traps, I planned on setting up 10 traps in total, clink, cat number 3.
Finished setting all the traps, now I wait.
We are working on trust with the moos 😊. We know it will take awhile and that’s 100% ok.
The moos all love Knicker Makers, it’s a snack sold at Tractor Supply for horses.
Francine, with the white eyebrows, loves her snacks. Moopaul will do anything Francine does.
Off camera is Regina, she’s the boss of the moos.
We brought Turd’s littermates in the house last night. Typically they hunker down in one of the shelters, however, they were petrified of the snow.
So Fluff and Scar are in the house now.
Up until last night we couldn’t handle Fluff, she was having none of it, no pets, no handling of any kind…Scar we could pet, we couldn’t pick her up, at all.
The snow made them very friendly, very quickly. Lol
They are both in a 7500, they were fed, have a litter box, toys, and a kitty hide away.
Turdie Birdie got a new toy.
He’s loving it.
He’s going to be in a 7500 for a little bit longer. We want him to reach around 5 lbs so he can have a chance with our bruisers. lol
This is our pittie puppy, Tacoma, aka Tacky, aka Knucklehead. He loves the moos. We can't tell you how often the moos will be sleeping near this corner, and he's out there right next to them. No barking, no nothing, just tail going 240 :-). The moos don't mind him one bit.
Tacoma came to us via We Are Zeus. We believe he still has a few siblings that are still available for adoption. He's a great pup, a very arduous chewer, he listens well, he's easily trainable, and he loves his snacks :-).
Turdie Birdie officially weighs 3 lbs 3 oz!
Turdie Birdie weighs 3lbs 3 ounces! We couldn’t be happier. Now that his back end has fully healed (no more swelling, redness, eczema, kitty diaper rash) he’s definitely a he 😊
Momma Morton non-update. Is she faking? 😏
Momma Morton non-update update 😏
Is she fakin or is she makin?
Cat shelters are fully completed now.
We want to send a giant thank you to my dad for coming up with and executing the plan for making the shelters.
A giant thank you also to David, Janet and Daniel for helping fund the supplies to make and seal the shelters.
Once they are dried, we will place them around the trees out front and stuff the shelter with straw.
Thank you all for your continued support!
A moo update.
They are all adjusting and doing well.
Slowly they are getting more and more comfortable with us 😊. We can boop all of the snoots, except for one. There’s even some head and back scratches that happen!
Ethel and Lucy squeezed out somewhere, straight to the pumpkin buffet. Lol
Momma Morton update, still no update. Lol
She’s definitely getting a belly, I’m not judging…especially since I’m just a full white beard away from passing as Santa.
She’s still getting 1 large pumpkin a day (we try to feed her a 10 lber) and the food I mention in the video.