Coconut (black spot on ear) finished his 84 days of FIP treatment! He did get final blood work to confirm we could stop treatment. 🎉 Now we just have 84 days of observation 😅 and he can be adopted out! Biscotti his brother is adoption ready and currently looking for his forever home!
As you all know FIP is deadly without treatment and it is such a long treatment and can be very expensive! We've had so many FIP cats and have spent thousands treating them and had multiple FIP cats at once! Luckily FIP meds are finally FDA approved and the treatment has become so much more affordable. We use to do strictly shots but they are painful to the kitties so we switched to pills and now they came out with a new oral suspension which is what Coconut was on for the entire 84 days! He did so great with treatment and him and his brother are just such sweet babies.
We are so excited for Coconut and we can't wait until he finishes observation and finds his forever home! Don't forget his brother is ready to be adopted! We love you sweet boys! 😽