The Cassie Lee Cat Rescue

The Cassie Lee Cat Rescue We are an Orange County based 501c3 dedicated to helping cats in danger of being euthanized at high kill shelters, tnring (trap, neuter, and return.)

feral cats to help prevent overpopulation, and helping friendly homeless cats get into loving homes.

Coconut (black spot on ear) finished his 84 days of FIP treatment! He did get final blood work to confirm we could stop ...

Coconut (black spot on ear) finished his 84 days of FIP treatment! He did get final blood work to confirm we could stop treatment. 🎉 Now we just have 84 days of observation 😅 and he can be adopted out! Biscotti his brother is adoption ready and currently looking for his forever home!

As you all know FIP is deadly without treatment and it is such a long treatment and can be very expensive! We've had so many FIP cats and have spent thousands treating them and had multiple FIP cats at once! Luckily FIP meds are finally FDA approved and the treatment has become so much more affordable. We use to do strictly shots but they are painful to the kitties so we switched to pills and now they came out with a new oral suspension which is what Coconut was on for the entire 84 days! He did so great with treatment and him and his brother are just such sweet babies.

We are so excited for Coconut and we can't wait until he finishes observation and finds his forever home! Don't forget his brother is ready to be adopted! We love you sweet boys! 😽

Our baby bats have grown up! It's crazy to think when we got these two we didn't know if they would make it but with a l...

Our baby bats have grown up! It's crazy to think when we got these two we didn't know if they would make it but with a lot of critical care we were able to save them. It originally was 3 kittens and we lost Grover. We are heartbroken over it but we are just so glad we still have these two precious babies. These cats are literally the sweetest babies and get along with dogs! They will be fully vetted next Sat and ready for adoption! 🤎

Here's a little bio from their foster mom:

Percy (black with white chest) is a sweet and cuddly boy who will literally start purring the moment you look at him (you don’t even have to touch him before he purrs, he just enjoys being in your presence). He is playful, s***ky, and constantly begs to be held and cuddled. He’s so smart, he even knows how to sit on command! His favorite things to do are play with his crinkly toys, play with his sister, and lay on your chest and purr! He also thoroughly enjoys watching dancing fruit baby sensory videos on the tv 😂

Annabeth (all black with tiny wisps of white here and there) is curious, playful, and so cuddly. She absolutely adores being picked up and falling asleep with her head on your shoulder (she will sit very patiently at your feet waiting to be held)! She may be a whole pound smaller than her brother, but what she lacks in size she makes up for in pure s***k! She loves tussling and playing with her brother (and often wins)! Her favorite toy is her dragon stuffy that she will wait for you to throw and bring back.


Update on Stevie and LF now Penny.Well first thing is Lord Featherington turned out to be a girl so to stick with the Br...

Update on Stevie and LF now Penny.

Well first thing is Lord Featherington turned out to be a girl so to stick with the Bridgerton theme we renamed her Penelope (Penny for short.) Stevie was abandoned in our Petco where we house our cats and luckily the vet at vetco reached out to her personal friends and they offered to foster. Shortly after Penny was abandoned at one of our tnr locations and I asked them if they would be willing to pair them up since kittens do better in pairs. We just wanted them to pass their 2 week quarantine. While waiting on that Stevie was suspected of having ring worm and then it was confirmed. Of course we didn't want to put a healthy kitten with one who had ring worm so we had to hold off until Stevie was all clear. These two are as thick as thieves. Literally obsessed with each other and also are both pre-adopted by their foster! 🥳 Both will be fixed tomorrow and fully vetted and ready to be adopted!

This is how their mom describes them:

Stevie is a sweet and curious kitten. She loves to chase and feels really proud of herself when she “catches” whatever toy she’s interested in and will prance it around for all to see. She’s recently discovered sink faucets and will jump up to investigate and play with the water any time you wash your hands. More than anything though, she loves her new buddy Penelope who is slowly giving her confidence and companionship. Penny is such a perfect kitten. Not only is she gorgeous with unique markings, she has the calmest temperament and fits right in wherever she is. She brings big sister energy to Stevie’s little sister chaos. That’s not to say she doesn’t love to play and explore – we often find her in new spots we never thought she could get to and she is absolutely fascinated with bird watching, even when it’s just a YouTube video to entertain her!

Again thank you to my fosters, volunteers and everyone who supports us because we can't do it without you guys. 😽 Happy life sweet girls!

Introducing a new family one of our fosters found: the Foodie Family! Meet Tofu (Mom), Dumpling (Brown nose) and Bao (bl...

Introducing a new family one of our fosters found: the Foodie Family! Meet Tofu (Mom), Dumpling (Brown nose) and Bao (black nose)! They were all found outside our foster’s apartment. Mom was friendly the first night while her babies were less trusting. We think mom might’ve been dumped after she got pregnant and had her babies outside. Now, they’re happy to be inside! Mommy Tofu is comfortable being inside while her babies are still trying to get used to it. No one is fond of dogs but we can’t blame them! They’re wary of other cats but they can get used to them! Tofu is a sweet girl, she loves pets and a good snack! She’s always been very comfortable with our fosters and loves people! Dumpling is a more shy but gets more comfortable quicker! Bao is a little bit more feisty than her sister and takes more time to adjust but she always comes around! There’s nothing a warm home and some treats can’t fix! Currently everyone is in the process of getting vaccinated and spayed—An all girl family!

It’s been a while since we’ve posted our silly boy, Domino! After his brother and sister were adopted he’s been very cli...

It’s been a while since we’ve posted our silly boy, Domino! After his brother and sister were adopted he’s been very clingy but also very camera shy. He’s definitely an interesting, alien shaped boy. A bit peculiar but maybe your home can be his home for peculiar kitties! Domino is still waiting for his forever home and he’d love to play and cuddle with you! He’s not a big fan of big dogs but if you have small dogs, he’d love to meet them! He loves to play with just about anything—even trash! And my favorite quirk: he loves to lick you good morning! (You get used to it)

So happy to report that Vicki now Victoria 👑. Has been officially adopted!Dude this cat was feral as hell. 🤣 The foster ...

So happy to report that Vicki now Victoria 👑. Has been officially adopted!

Dude this cat was feral as hell. 🤣 The foster would literally use a long back scratcher to touch her and she would go insane but she never gave up! She loved Victoria through every step! Now is she a overfriendly lap cat no but she deserves love and her mom gives her so much of it. These stories are always a little more heartearming because we know how hard it is for these types of cats to get help but because of Roxannna we were able to pull her out of the shelter were she would have been euthanized if not. We literally learned about her and got her that day and we are so happy we did.

We are so happy for you Miss Victoria. We know you have the best mom and siblings. Happy life sweet girl! 😽

Phantom has offically been adopted! Phantom came to me at 4 weeks old from Seaaca. He was super sweet and friendly but a...

Phantom has offically been adopted!

Phantom came to me at 4 weeks old from Seaaca. He was super sweet and friendly but after getting him fully adoption ready Phantom started eating less and hiding a lot. I could tell from the way he looked he had FIP so we did blood work of course to confirm and started treatment right away. I did 2 weeks of injections but he hated them and would hide from me because they hurt. :( We decided to switch to pills for the remainder of treatment and he did amazing. We actually don't do shots at all anymore unless the cat is on deaths door and needs injections!

Phantom kicked FIPs butt! (84 days of treatment and 84 days of observation.) I adored Phantom but he really didn't like my 2 dogs even though they love cats the feeling was not mutual. 🤣

We decided to post for Phantom to look for a new foster and one of my fosters said they wanted to foster him and then it turned into she wanted to adopt him. I'm super excited because he landed in a great home and he has 2 brothers. I know he will be adored forever. Happy life sweet boy. 😽

***WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS****This is Toasty. Someone reached out to us about a cat with some sort of trap stuck on her f...


This is Toasty.

Someone reached out to us about a cat with some sort of trap stuck on her foot. Although we are beyond full and funds are low we agreed to help her. Her foot is broken in 2 different spots and even with orthopedic surgery they don't think it can be saved so tomorrow she is getting her leg amputated. Toasty isn't feral she is just very scared and was pretty nice when I handled her considering everything.

I am hoping once she is starting to feel better and knows she is 100 percent safe she will open up more. We are hoping to raise 500 dollars to help with expenses if anyone has anything to spare.

We will keep you updated on Toastys journey!

Biscotti is ready for YOU 🫵 yes you to adopt him!He has been waiting patiently for a home for quite a while now. We abso...

Biscotti is ready for YOU 🫵 yes you to adopt him!
He has been waiting patiently for a home for quite a while now. We absoultely adore him but we really want him to find his family.

Biscotti is a very curious cat and loves to explore. His vices are scratches, cuddling, stretching, cat towers and wet food. Although he loves to play hes a rather chill dude. We can't wait for this cutie pie to be adopted.

We love you buddy! 😽

Meet Frankenstein! Frankie for short.We got a message about him on Friday but when I got the message he was already gone...

Meet Frankenstein! Frankie for short.

We got a message about him on Friday but when I got the message he was already gone. 😿 Me and a volunteer/foster went to go look for him on Saturday and of course found 2 other cats but not him. (Both cats seemed in good health and we are coming up with a plan to help tnr the cats who arent fixed. The finder has already tnrd some so yay.) I asked the lady who reached out to me to please let me know if she saw him and on Monday she called me that he made an apperance! I asked her to keep an eye on him so we didn't lose him again and hopped straight in my car.

When I got there he was laying under a bush sleeping. I swear he actually looks worse in person. I didn't have a trap on hand since I've loaned out all of mine lol and all I brought was a carrier. My fear was if I just grabbed him he would get scared and escape. I patiently sat there with the lady who reached out and her husband while I tried to asses how friendly he was. I asked them if they had any tuna and we opened it up and he walked right out from the bush. 🤗 I put the tuna in the carrier and luckily he was hungry enough he walked right in after some coaxing. He was pretty freaked out but he is doing well.

He got his first dose of revolution for mange and is on antibiotics. He did also get dewormed today. He is a little scared and hisses at me from time to time but also meows at me. I'd be scared too if a strange lady stole me off the street but hopefully he realizes soon he is 100 percent safe. Once he is feeling better he will be fully vetted and hopefully adopted out into his forever home! We are excited to see his transformation! 😻 We already love you so much Frankie!

If you could please consider donating to us... all the money goes back into the rescue. We are 100 percent donation based so without donations we can't help cats. We appreciate all of you guys so much! Thank you so much for reading this and following our kitties! 😽

We got a plea to help this cat that had been losing weight and appeared sick. Today he went to the vet and I was told he...

We got a plea to help this cat that had been losing weight and appeared sick. Today he went to the vet and I was told he was an ice cube and non responsive (even while they were touching his literal eyes) and they gave him a 10 percent survival rate. He was severely dehydrated, covered in diarrhea and they said if he was hydrated would have a uri. We don't take putting down cats lightly at all but he was suffering for quite some time getting worse and worse on the street and we decided to make that call to end his suffering with the consult of the vet professional of course. (I know from the pictures he doesn't look on death doors but when cats are scared they get adrenaline and can seem better than they are.) 💔💔💔

I am absoultely devastated because we wanted to give him a chance. I want to thank the lady who reached out and would feed him. He wouldn't go in the trap so she literally threw a blanket over him and put him in. She is such a badass. If you see an animal who needs help don't overlook them. Sadly a lot of street cats suffer until they pass away on the street. We are happy we were able to surround him with love in his short time in our care. His name is Kiki and his life mattered. We love you buddy. 😿

Does anyone like Bridgerton?Well meet Lord Featherington! 🪶 Iykyk right?!LF was dumped at a colony and trapped by my lov...

Does anyone like Bridgerton?

Well meet Lord Featherington! 🪶 Iykyk right?!

LF was dumped at a colony and trapped by my lovely fosters. We weren't expecting to take in another cat but we thought we could do a pairing with him and Stevie once they are both past their quarantine. As we all know kittens do better in pairs!

He is a super sweet kitty and was clinging to one of the feral cats at the colony probably so scared! 🤧 We are just so happy he is safe and can't wait for him and Stevie to meet and become besties.

Keep an eye out for this cutie! 😽

New kitten alert! 🚨Everyone meet Stevie! Stevie was found at our local petco where we have cats in store. The store mana...

New kitten alert! 🚨

Everyone meet Stevie! Stevie was found at our local petco where we have cats in store. The store manager reached out to me and told me the vet/staff at vetco was taking care of her but needed a rescue or they would have to call animal control. I said well does anybody want to foster? 🤣 and the vet there actually reached out to her personal friends and asked if they wanted to foster the kitten and luckily they said yes so here we are!

They are really such nice people and you can tell how much they already care and love Stevie! But I mean who wouldn't love this sweet angel? She is so stinkin cute and we are all obsessed with her.

We are excited for you guys to follow along on Stevies journey! 😻

Meet Khaleesi!As some of you know my friend and foster Felisa and her husband Greg (the most lovely kind hearted people)...

Meet Khaleesi!

As some of you know my friend and foster Felisa and her husband Greg (the most lovely kind hearted people) feed the cats at a local shelter that get dumped in the parking lot. A lot of times people go there to surrender cats and since there is a no leash law for cats they get told to just release them. Which is awful. There are a ton of coyotes and not only that there is a lot of car traffic. Friendly cats are at huge risk. The worst part is most of them aren't fixed. So not only does she feed them she also tnrs (trap, neuter, release) and we try to help with the friendly cats when we can! Well Khaleesi went to fixnation to get fixed and had a mass in her mouth. We were able to cover Khalessis bill to remove the mass at a different vet but she is not in the rescue. She did turn out to be friendly and will be adopted out!

I am writing this post because we could use some donations right now. We don't want to not help cats because they aren't in the rescue but we can't help a ton of cats who aren't because sadly it costs money. We don't do it for money of course but we are 100 percent donation based. We can't help cats without donations. So if you have anything to spare it would mean the world to us and that means we can help more cats and that's all we are here to do! We appreciate every single person who follows us and supports us! Thank you so much! 😽

Meet our new kitties.The momma kitty is named Mia. The dark Orange is Rascal and the light Orange is Ralphie. Someone I ...

Meet our new kitties.

The momma kitty is named Mia. The dark Orange is Rascal and the light Orange is Ralphie. Someone I know reached out to us about this family and asked if we could help. I said if you can foster then yes we can help! 😺 Originally there was 4 kittens before I knew about them one went missing and in the process of trapping everyone another kitten went missing. We are hoping someone took them in but we weren't able to actually get the kittens or mom without trapping but we are on the look out. 😭 Everyone was pretty freaked out originally and the mom was even hissing and striking but has become a lot more friendlier while being inside so we have high hopes she will become even more friendly while being socialized and be able to be adopted out.

The kittens are super playful and I honestly think they are more friendly even though they didn't have much human interaction because the people fostering would feed them everyday! They are adjusting so well to the indoor lifestyle. (Aren't they so stinking cute? And mom is so beautiful! 😻)

The dad is super friendly and we already got the green light from his owner to fix him. We are just working on getting everyone fully vetted and adopted out. They have some worms and fleas but nothing too crazy!

We are hoping to raise money to help get this family fixed! We are also covering the dads neuter because he is an out door cat and we don't want anymore litters! If you are able to donate we would appreciate it so much! 🫶

We are excited for their journey and can't wait for everyone to be fully vetted and adopted out!


Olivetini 🍸 was adopted!Olive has been in her new home for a little over a month! Her adopter wanted to make sure his ki...

Olivetini 🍸 was adopted!

Olive has been in her new home for a little over a month! Her adopter wanted to make sure his kitty Glacier and her got along. There was few hisses initially but now they are thick as theives!

Olive and Glacier have a ton of toys, a cat tree and a cat wheel so they have lots of enrichment and each other so they don't get bored! Did you know kittens actually do better in pairs??

We are so happy Olive has found a great home!

Now just Biscotti and Coconut left! Coconuts 4th week of FIP treatment will be done this Friday! It kind of seems like it's flying by??!! We know Coconut has a long way to go (84 days of treatment and 84 days of observation.) But Biscotti is ready for his forever home now. Just because Coconut got FIP doesn't mean Biscotti or Olive ever will it is just a higher chance due to genetic disposition. We always tell our adopters if a sibling gets FIP and what signs to look out for! If a sibling is diagnosed after one has already been adopted I will actually reach out to the adopter and let them know what signs to look out for. I always tell my adopters to reach out to me if there is every anything wrong because we are here for them and the kitties forever. Even though the cats leave the rescue they never leave our hearts!🫶

Ash and Boots (now Betty) have both been adopted! 🥳We are so happy!  Ash has a new brother named Pancake and Betty has a...

Ash and Boots (now Betty) have both been adopted! 🥳

We are so happy! Ash has a new brother named Pancake and Betty has a brother named Cooper!
Both kittens are very much loved as you can tell!
We are so happy they both found the best forever home and both adjusted very quickly!! They went from living in a car to living the good life. Their mom was tnrd as well as most of the cats in the neighborhood (still a couple that need to be trapped.)

That brings us to the last kitten of the litter! Domino! He is still looking for his forever home! We know who ever ends up with him will be very lucky because these kittens are so sweet. We love having him but the end goal is for him to get adopted! We know the perfect family is out there and he is patiently waiting for you! 🫶🫶🫶

Thank you to our adopters, foster Mack (who fostered all 3 kittens) and our volunteers! We appreciate you all so much! 😘

I am super sad writing this post.About a week ago we took over a litter of kittens that came from SEAACA. How we got the...

I am super sad writing this post.

About a week ago we took over a litter of kittens that came from SEAACA. How we got them is a really long story and not important to this one but we were not the original people who had them.

These kittens Percy, Anabeth and Grover were super sick with diarrhea and just overall not doing well. Before we got them they got a f***l and turned out they had giardia. We started them on treatment and were providing fluid, b12 and supportive care. I was really worried about them because they were just leaking diarrhea without stimulation and pretty listless. I believe they also had coccidia even though it didn't show up on the f***l. For parasites to show up on f***ls the egg has to be present so even though they are sometimes helpful they don't always give you the right answer.

On Wednesday Grover started crashing and we immediately started fading kitten protocol but we ended up losing him. 💔 To be completely transparent we don't lose a lot of cats. We have lost 5 kittens in total including Grover after being a rescue for 3 years. 2 premies and 2 other sick neonates. Now our numbers might be low because we are such a small rescue. I currently have 6 fosters including me but usually 4 main ones. To say we are devastated is an understatment. I literally put my heart into every cat that comes into the rescue. Heck even cats who don't. But it hurts more when you are right there fighting with them. There is so many what ifs. What if we had got them earlier, what if we started the coccidia meds earlier. I broke down crying racking my brain. It never gets easier. What helps is that Anabeth and Percy are still here. No more diarrhea! Playing, eating and acting like normal kittens. We are so happy they are here with us. Sometimes I have to remind myself even though our numbers may be small of the cats we help we are still making a difference to those we help. We love our cats, we love our volunteers, we loves our fosters, we love our adopters. WE LOVE RESCUE! And we love Grover. (3rd picture) 😢


La Palma, CA


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