This is not going to be an exciting post.. .
This Sunday, we lost a dog who was becoming one of my favs. Things happen sometimes and I'm usually one to accept the ups and downs of life, however this one hurt me deeply and am really struggling with it. Our dogs are our other kids, we take care of them, we protect them, we love them, we take pride in our accomplishments with them, and this is a passion what we do. But when something like this happens I can't help but beat myself up over it. Since we bought our house we have been working towards building things here to make it the best possible for the dogs, but our yard is still not where I'd like it to be. Dogs still will be dogs and find ways to get out. I have been on top of things everywhere I can, but in a split second a dog can escape. Sunday night, I was doing the last outing with my dogs before bed, had turned my back for a second to pick up some turds, then realized Smaug was not there. I brought Riot and Junior back inside then spent an hour racing around my neighborhood looking for him, and calling AC, 24hr vets, and PS. Few mins later I recieved a call back from the kind police officer who responded to a call of a loose dog struck by a car a few blocks away from where I was looking. She told me the people who hit him did the right thing and helped as best they could. She told me she raced him to the vets office as quickly as possible for he was still breathing but just barely. She had just arrived at the office minutes after I called them. He had taken his last breath on her lap in the car ride there. This has never happened to me before as I pride myself on being a responsible pet owner, and I am beating myself up for this. I had to go up to the vets office and kiss his nose, letting him know I was looking for him and I'm here now. You were a good boy Smaug, this was just so unexpected. You were becoming such an amazing dog that we really looked forward to so much great things from you. We took him home and buried him with one of his favorite treats. We have a mold of his pawprint, and the new collar I just made for him, but his cage is still empty and his sister Vhagar doesn't know what to do without her partner in crime. I'm glad you are back home now but things will never be the same without you. This one hit too hard and still a struggle to accept it. So for all our friends and followers we thought we would owe it to you all to share this story to understand we are going through alot with this tragic loss, and also to help educate why proper containment is so important. RIP SMAUG. we will never forget you. 💔😭