So number one is to do an In House FIX IT VISIT, (fixing any and all problems within the house, they will see results that day, then if the owner wishes I continue on with basic obedience 17 commands...out close to home then shopping centers and so on, just me and your fur pet, all the while working the commands into them. They love it, and it is obvious. Last is the hardest, TRAINING THE OWNER what their dogs know and it is hands on with me correcting. This works out the best for all.. As the owner continues on with these basics, not wavering, the dog will take the owner as the leader. This is the best! Within 3 months dogs can go off leash next to the owner around the house, yard etc. Always use a leash while doing festivals, swap meets, etc. Always check the ground for heat...if you can't hold it there for 3 seconds, leave your dog at home, try when it is cooler. (if your dog shows aggression towards other dogs, kids, people, additional training is recommended. Don't take them to stores etc. because people will want to pet them. ) Dogs love to go with you because they want to be with even a simple ride is GOLD TO THEM!