Sol’s Viv is all decorated for Thanksgiving!! What does your Viv look like for the holiday?
@lovelylennylizard retains all photo rights.
#beardeddragonsofinstagram #beardeddragonnetwork #boybeardeddragon #beardeddragon #beardiesofig #snuggletime #cuddletime #cuddleyourlizard #cuddleyourdragon #reptilesofinstagram #reptilerescue #rescudedbeardeddragon
#lizardofinstagram #lizardlife #reptilesofinstagram #reptiles #reptile #lizard #reptiles #scaleybaby #dragon #dragonsofinstagram #dragonsofig
Makes me so happy! First couch sale of the day to this cutie! He gave it the blep of approval!!
@lovelylennylizard retains all photo rights.
#beardeddragonsofinstagram#rescuebeardeddragon #girlbeardeddragon #beardeddragon #beardiesofig#reptilesofinstagram #reptile rescue #rescudedbeardeddragon
#lizardofinstagram #lizardlife #reptilesofinstagram #reptiles #reptile #lizard #reptiles #scaleybaby #dragon #dragonsofinstagram #dragonsofig
#foreverhomeofLennyLoo #Lennythegirlbeardeddragon #lovelylennylizard #foreverhomeofSol
Rexx vs. Feeding night!
@lovelylennylizard retains all photo rights.
#leachianus #leachianusgeckosofinstagram #leachianusgecko #leachies #leachiegecko #rhacodactylusgecko #rhacodactylus #rhacodactylusleachianus #rhacodactylusofinstagram
Every think Lenny is the perfect little angel that can do no wrong? Guess again! Enjoy this toddler like tantrum from a bearded dragon.
@lovelylennylizard retains all photo rights.
#beardeddragonsofinstagram#rescuebeardeddragon #girlbeardeddragon #beardeddragon #beardiesofig#reptilesofinstagram #reptile rescue #rescudedbeardeddragon
#lizardofinstagram #lizardlife #reptilesofinstagram #reptiles #reptile #lizard #reptiles #scaleybaby #dragon #dragonsofinstagram #dragonsofig
#foreverhomeofLennyLoo #Lennythegirlbeardeddragon #lovelylennylizard #foreverhomeofSol
Here we have our special needs vision impaired Sol. Today we are working with mealworms which are not a recommended regular treat for Bearded Dragons. I had some left over from the cresties so o took this as an opportunity to enrich Sols feeding skills. He has a hard time seeing roving things and yet if you keep it in one place he thinks it’s not alive and isn’t interested. He has very poor vision so it took a lot of patience and effort to get him to eat all of them. This is part one of two. So be sure to like and follow for the second part of this video!
@lovelylennylizard retains all photo rights.
#beardeddragonsofinstagram#rescuebeardeddragon #girlbeardeddragon #beardeddragon #beardiesofig#reptilesofinstagram #reptile rescue #rescudedbeardeddragon
#lizardofinstagram #lizardlife #reptilesofinstagram #reptiles #reptile #lizard #reptiles #scaleybaby #dragon #dragonsofinstagram #dragonsofig
#foreverhomeofLennyLoo #Lennythegirlbeardeddragon #lovelylennylizard #foreverhomeofSol
Where’s Sol? Can you find him?
@lovelylennylizard retains all photo rights.
#beardeddragonsofinstagram#rescuebeardeddragon #girlbeardeddragon #beardeddragon #beardiesofig#reptilesofinstagram #reptile rescue #rescudedbeardeddragon
#lizardofinstagram #lizardlife #reptilesofinstagram #reptiles #reptile #lizard #reptiles #scaleybaby #dragon #dragonsofinstagram #dragonsofig
#foreverhomeofLennyLoo #Lennythegirlbeardeddragon #lovelylennylizard #foreverhomeofSol
Stay tuned to what we are creating with these new items. Everything is so fresh and clean the possibilities are endless!! What would you like to see on them!?
@lovelylennylizard retains all photo rights.
#smallbusiness #lovelylennylizard #smallbusinessowner #smallbusinessmarketing #smallbuisnesslove #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocalbusiness #supporthandmade #reptiles #amphibians #bats #birds #avian #invertebrates #mantis #axolotl #beardeddragon #beardeddragons