J P Success, Inc

J P Success, Inc Quality Tropical and Marine Fish, Corals, Tanks, Setups, and Accessories. Great Prices. Friendly and knowledgeable service.

JPS Tropical Freshwater & Saltwater Fish Order Tuesday Dec 31Grand Finale Fish order this week - Largest single fish ord...

JPS Tropical Freshwater & Saltwater Fish Order Tuesday Dec 31
Grand Finale Fish order this week - Largest single fish order of 2024!
Fish Store will be open regular store hours Wednesday, Jan 01 2025!
Stop by and see all the new arrivals - Order details below

Order Qty Description Approx Price
2 Angel Coral Beauty SM $45.99
3 Basslet Royal Gramma M $34.99
3 Cardinal Orbic (Pajama) M $17.99
12 Crab Emerald $8.99
2 Goby Diamond SM $29.99
6 Goby Firefish $24.99
3 Goby Yellow Clown $17.99
2 Hawk Falco $45.99
4 Shrimp Cleaner SM $45.99
6 Shrimp Peppermint Algae Eating $12.99
25 Snail Astrea $1.99
10 Snail Mexican Turbo $3.99
12 Snail Nassarius XL $3.99
6 Snail Nerite $2.99
2 Tang Sailfin SM $59.99
3 Bacopa $5.99
6 Bunch Cabomba Green $7.99
3 Flame Moss Portion $12.99
2 Hairgrass Dwarf Potted $11.99
3 Hedge Cherry $5.99
3 Hedge Green $5.99
3 Hygrophilia Blue $5.99
3 Micro Sword - Narrow Leaf Potted $12.99
3 Plant Bunch Ludwigia Broad Leaf $5.99
3 Plant Potted Crypt Asst $9.99
3 Plant Potted Sword Ozelot Green $12.99
4 Plant Root Anubius Asst $12.99
3 Plant Root Vallisneria Corkscrew $3.99
3 Porteion Pogostemon Helferi
3 Algae Eater Chinese Reg $3.99
3 Barb Tiger Green Platinum $8.99
7 Betta Female Crowntail $6.99
1 Blackworm Live 1/4 Portion $4.00
4 Cat Cory Aeneus Albino Reg $4.99
4 Cat Cory Green $4.99
6 Cat Cory Julii Med $6.99
6 Cat Cory Paleatus $5.99
5 Cat Cory Panda $7.99
6 Cat Cory Sterbai $5.99
3 Catfish Algae Eater Gold Sm $3.99
5 Catfish Banjo $7.99
5 Catfish Flying Fox S $4.99
12 Catfish Glass $9.99
12 Catfish Otocinclus $4.99
3 Catfish Pictus Polka Dot $12.99
5 Catfish Stone $5.99
2 Chalceus Pink Tail $19.99
3 Cichlid Green Terror $12.99
7 Cichlid Kribensis Asst $9.99
1 Cichlid Oscar Red Reg $14.99
1 Cichlid Oscar Tiger Albino Sm $12.99
1 Cichlid Oscar Tiger Sm $12.99
3 Eel Dragon (Goby) $22.99
5 Frog African Dwarf Reg $7.99
1 Glofish® Tetra Cosmic Blue® $12.99
2 Gourami Dwarf Blood (Flame) Male $8.99
2 Gourami Dwarf Male $8.99
4 Gourami Pearl $7.99
7 Gourami Sparkling $3.99
12 Guppy Asst Female $3.99
5 Guppy Elephant Ear M Asst $4.99
4 Guppy Laserbeam $4.99
4 Guppy Moscow Blue Male $3.99
5 Hatchet Silver Reg $5.99
7 Killie American Flagfish Reg $6.99
1 Knife Black Ghost Reg $23.99
5 Loach Clown Reg $16.99
4 Loach Hillstream Butterfly Reg $11.99
5 Loach Kuhlii Reg $4.99
5 Molly Balloon Asst $5.99
3 Molly Balloon Sailfin Assorted $7.99
5 Molly Dalmatian Lyretail Med $5.99
5 Molly Lyretail Asst $3.99
5 Molly Lyretail Creamsicle L/T $4.99
5 Molly Marble M $4.99
3 Molly Sailfin Asst R $7.99
5 Molly Silver $4.99
5 Molly Silver Lyretail $3.99
1 Oscar Albino Red $12.99
5 Platy Blue M/M M $3.99
5 Platy Blue Painted $3.99
5 Platy Bumblebee Med $4.99
5 Platy Coral Red $3.99
5 Platy Dawn Med $4.99
5 Platy Gold Twinbar $3.99
5 Platy Highfin Asst Med $3.99
5 Platy M/M Asst $4.99
5 Platy M/M Gold $3.99
4 Platy Marigold M/M $3.99
5 Platy Neon Blue Black $4.99
5 Platy Neon blue Wag Med $3.99
5 Platy Peppermint Med $3.99
5 Platy Rainbow $3.99
5 Platy Red Tuxedo $3.99
5 Platy Red Wag Med $4.99
5 Platy Tricolor Med $3.99
12 Pleco 2" $7.99
5 Pleco Clown L103 $9.99
4 Pleco Rubbernose $9.99
3 Puffer Green S $7.99
5 Rainbow Blue Eye Gertrudae $12.99
5 Rainbow Blue Eye Signifer Md $12.99
5 Rainbow Madagascar M $9.99
5 Rainbow Neon Dwarf Med $11.99
3 Rainbow Turquoise $11.99
5 Ram Balloon Blue $15.99
5 Ram Balloon Electric Blue S $12.99
5 Ram Blue Reg $12.99
5 Ram Gold $12.99
5 Ram Ruby Clown $12.99
15 Rasbora Galaxy (Danio) $6.99
3 Shark Bala Reg $9.99
200 Shrimp Ghost $0.50
10 Shrimp Neo Red Cherry $3.99
6 Shrimp Neo Rili Red $4.99
12 Shrimp Red Cherry $3.99
6 Snail Mystery Blue $3.99
4 Snail Mystery Gold $3.99
6 Snail Nerite Tiger $3.99
6 Snail Nerite Zebra $3.99
5 Snail Rabbit Asst $9.99
5 Snail Rabbit Yellow Reg $11.99
7 Swordtail Assorted Male $5.99
3 Swordtail Green $4.99
3 Swordtail Kohaku $5.99
5 Synodontis Eupterus $9.99
3 Tetra Black L/F $3.99
5 Tetra Colombian Red Blue $3.99
5 Tetra Hatchetfish Marble $4.99
5 Tetra Phantom Black Reg $4.99
Order Qty Description Approx Price
5 Variatus Black Neon Hifin $5.99
5 Variatus Blue Coral Neon Hifin $5.99
5 Variatus Highfin Redtail Black $5.99
5 Variatus Sunset $5.99
2 Barb Tinfoil Albino Sm $9.99
2 Barb Tinfoil Golden $8.99
4 Platy Neon Gold $3.99

JPS Tropical New Year's Holiday ScheduleAquarium store will be open Tuesday, New Year's Eve until 8:00PMAquarium store w...

JPS Tropical New Year's Holiday Schedule
Aquarium store will be open Tuesday, New Year's Eve until 8:00PM
Aquarium store will be open Wednesday, New Year's Day 11:00AM-8:00PM
Grand Finale FW & SW Order arrived 12/31/24 - Post Soon!
We Wish Everyone a Safe, Happy, and Prosperous New Year!

JPS Tropical Hand Picked Betta, Tank Raised Angels, and More12 New Arrival JPS Hand picked Bettas - Neocaridina Shrimp, ...

JPS Tropical Hand Picked Betta, Tank Raised Angels, and More
12 New Arrival JPS Hand picked Bettas - Neocaridina Shrimp, Piranha
Well Stocked & Staffed for the Holiday Weekend - See the New Arrivals!
See the Full Report Below:

Order Qty Description Approx Price
5 Angel Blushing S $4.99
10 Angel Gold Marble S $4.99
10 Angel Gold Marble Sm $4.99
10 Angel Smokey $4.99
12 Betta Half Moon Hand Select $14.99
5 Frog Dwarf Albino $7.99
5 Piranha Red belly Sel $9.99
8 Shrimp Blue Pearl $5.99
12 Shrimp Red Cherry $3.99
5 Shrimp Yellow Fire $5.99
6 Tetra Cardinal L $3.99
24 Tetra Neon L $2.99

JPS Tropical Fresh & Saltwater order Tuesday, Dec 24This week's Fish order has arrived and all livestock is looking grea...

JPS Tropical Fresh & Saltwater order Tuesday, Dec 24
This week's Fish order has arrived and all livestock is looking great!
Hand picked Betta, Small Angels, Etc order Thursday Evening
Winter Warehouse Makeover Better than Ever beginning January 2025
Order Details below from Tuesday's order

Order Qty Description Approx Price
2 AG Wood Stump M $27.99
2 AGI Malaysian Wood L $39.99
5 AGI Malaysian Wood Med $24.99
5 AQ Malaysian Wood S/SM $9.99
1 Driftwood Saba Xlg $59.99
3 Filter Sponge Bacto Surge Sm $12.99
3 Spider Wood M $24.99
1 Anemone Sebae Purple Tip $49.99
5 Cardinal Orbic (Pajama) M $17.99
50 Crab Hermit Red Leg $1.99
8 Goby Firefish $24.99
1 Goby Watchman Yellow/Blue $29.99
25 Snail Astrea $1.99
10 Snail Mexican Turbo $3.99
25 Snail Nassarius L $2.99
25 Snail Tropical Turbo $2.99
2 Starfish Chocolate Chip SM $14.99
3 Hygrophilia Blue $5.99
4 Plant Red Root Floater Cupped Portion $12.99
4 Plant Root Anubius Asst $12.99
5 Plant Root Vallisneria Corkscrew $3.99
1 Potted Anubias Frazeri 'Mother' $54.99
3 Barb Odessa $4.99
3 Barb Tiger Green Sm $4.99
5 Barb Tiger M $6.99
6 Betta Female Crowntail $6.99
2 Botia Lohachata (Yoyo) Sm $7.99
5 Cat Cory Aeneus Albino Reg $4.99
6 Cat Cory Julii Med $6.99
5 Cat Cory Paleatus $5.99
3 Cat Cory Panda $7.99
12 Cat Cory Pygmy $4.99
6 Catfish Algae Eater Gold Sm $3.99
12 Catfish Otocinclus $4.99
3 Cichlid Electric Blue Acara S $16.99
4 Cory Emerald Green $6.99
2 Crab Red Thai $5.99
6 Frog African Dwarf Reg $7.99
2 GloFish® Danio Galactic Purple $9.99
2 Glofish® Tetra Electric Green R $12.99
3 Goby Bumblebee Reg $5.99
3 Goldfish Black Moor S $9.99
3 Goldfish Fantail Calico M/S $9.99
6 Guppy Elephant Ear M Asst $4.99
4 Guppy Laserbeam $4.99
4 Guppy Luminous White $4.99
4 Guppy Santa Claus Male $4.99
3 Killifish Golden Wonder M $7.99
3 Loach Hillstream Butterfly Reg $11.99
5 Loach Kuhlii Reg $4.99
3 Molly Black Med $2.99
3 Molly Dalmation $3.99
3 Molly Lyretail Asst $3.99
3 Molly Lyretail Blk M $4.99
3 Molly Lyretail Creamsicle L/T $4.99
3 Molly Marble M $4.99
2 Oranda Asst Reg $11.99
2 Oranda Asst Sm $9.99
1 Oranda Calico Med $14.99
2 Oranda Calico Sm $9.99
2 Oranda Ranchu Black M $29.99
2 Oranda Red Cap M $14.99
2 Oranda Red Cap Reg $12.99
1 Oranda Red M $14.99
3 Platy Balloon Asst $7.99
Order Qty Description Approx Price
3 Platy Neon blue Wag Med $3.99
3 Platy Peppermint Med $3.99
3 Platy Red Wag Med $4.99
3 Pleco Clown L103 $9.99
3 Pleco Rubbernose $9.99
4 Puffer Dwarf Indian $7.99
2 Ram Balloon Blue $15.99
2 Ram Balloon Electric Blue S $12.99
2 Ram German $12.99
2 Ram Gold $12.99
5 Rasbora Galaxy (Danio) $6.99
12 Shrimp Amano Algae Eating Reg $3.99
1 Shrimp Ghost 1/2 Box
12 Shrimp Neo Red Cherry $3.99
12 Shrimp Neo Rili Red $4.99
5 Shrimp Neo Yellow Fire $7.99
6 Snail Mystery Gold $3.99
6 Snail Nerite Tiger $3.99
6 Snail Nerite Zebra $3.99
3 Swordtail Assorted Male $5.99
3 Swordtail Green $4.99
6 Tetra Black L/F $3.99
6 Tetra Cardinal T/R $3.99
6 Tetra Neon Black M $2.99
24 Tetra Neon L $2.99
3 Tetra Red Eye B/B $5.99
5 Variatus Black Neon Hifin $5.99
5 Variatus Blue Coral Neon Hifin $5.99
5 Spider Wood SM $12.99

JPS Tropical Christmas Eve Store Hours:Aquarium store is open Tuesday, December 24 until 3:30PMAquarium store will reope...

JPS Tropical Christmas Eve Store Hours:
Aquarium store is open Tuesday, December 24 until 3:30PM
Aquarium store will reopen Thursday, December 26 Normal Hours
Unpacking this week's big fish order this morning - Order post shortly!
We hope everyone got a JPS Gift Certificate this year - Store will have plenty of Colorful, Beautiful, Healthy Livestock, & Equipment to Aquascape away!
We Wish Everyone a Safe and Enjoyable Christmas Holiday Weekend!

JPS Tropical Freshwater & Saltwater Order Thursday, Dec 19Big livestock order this week going into the weekend before Ch...

JPS Tropical Freshwater & Saltwater Order Thursday, Dec 19
Big livestock order this week going into the weekend before Christmas!
New Saltwater picks, Cleanup Crew, and everything for last minute shopping
Store well stocked: Dry Goods, Tanks & Stands & More - Gift Certificates
See detailed report below from Thursday's order:

Order Qty Description Approx Price

2 Basslet Royal Gramma M $34.99
12 Crab Emerald $8.99
50 Crab Hermit Red Leg $1.99
3 Crab Hermit Scarlett Reef $8.99
3 Damsel Springeri $17.99
2 Dragonet Blue Mandarin $37.99
1 Foxface S $69.99
5 Goby Firefish $24.99
1 Shrimp Fire SM $69.99
25 Snail Astrea $1.99
12 Snail Margarita Black $1.99
20 Snail Mexican Turbo $3.99
15 Snail Nassarius XL $3.99
12 Snail Turbo Spiny $2.99
1 Starfish Fromia Red M $45.99
3 Starfish Sand Sifting $24.99
2 Tang Powder Brown SM $79.99
2 Urchin Pin Cushion Sm $29.99
1 Urchin Short Spine $24.99
4 Bunch Cabomba Green $7.99
4 Hedge Cherry $5.99
3 Hygrophilia Blue $5.99
4 Ludwigia Dark Red $5.99
3 Mermaid Marsh $5.99
3 Micro Sword - Narrow Leaf Potted $12.99
3 Plant Banana $9.99
5 Plant Bunch Nesaea Golden $5.99
6 Plant Hornwort Bunch $7.99
4 Plant Jungle Vallisneria Reg $4.99
4 Plant Root Sword Brazilian Lg $12.99
4 Plant Root Vallisneria Corkscrew $3.99
5 Algae Eater Chinese Reg $3.99
1 Blackworm Live 1/4 Portion $4.00
1 Botia Lohachata (Yoyo) Sm $7.99
3 Cat Cory Aeneus Albino Reg $4.99
4 Cat Cory Julii Med $6.99
4 Cat Cory Paleatus $5.99
4 Cat Cory Panda $7.99
4 Catfish Flying Fox Siamese $5.99
3 Cichlid Oscar Asst Fancy Reg $14.99
3 Cichlid Severum Red Spot R $32.99
2 Crab Red Thai $5.99
3 Danio Giant Reg $3.99
2 Eel Dragon (Goby) $22.99
100 Feeder Golds $0.13
2 Glofish® Tetra Galactic Purple $12.99
3 Goby Bumblebee Reg $5.99
2 Goby Stiphodon Neon Blue $9.99
2 Gourami Dwarf Blood (Flame) Male $8.99
2 Gourami Dwarf Male $8.99
2 Gourami Dwarf Powder Blue Male $8.99
24 Guppy Asst Female $3.99
4 Guppy Elephant Ear Dragon $4.99
5 Guppy Elephant Ear M Asst $4.99
4 Guppy Endler Green M $4.99
4 Guppy German Yellow $4.99
4 Guppy Santa Claus Male $4.99
4 Loach Kuhlii Reg $4.99
4 Molly Balloon Asst $5.99
3 Molly Balloon Sailfin Assorted $7.99
3 Molly Dalmation $3.99
4 Molly Lyretail Asst $3.99
3 Molly Lyretail Creamsicle L/T $4.99
Order Qty Description Approx Price
3 Oranda Asst Reg $11.99
3 Plant Potted Sword Ozelot $12.99
3 Platy Blue M/M M $3.99
3 Platy Gold Twinbar $3.99
3 Platy M/M Gold $3.99
3 Platy Neon Blue Black $4.99
3 Platy Neon blue Wag Med $3.99
3 Platy Peppermint Med $3.99
3 Platy Red Wag Med $4.99
5 Pleco 2" $7.99
5 Pleco Clown L103 $9.99
3 Pleco Florida Med 3" $8.99
3 Pleco Rubbernose $9.99
3 Rainbow Neon Dwarf Sm $7.99
2 Ram Balloon Blue $15.99
2 Ram Blue Reg $12.99
6 Rasbora Galaxy (Danio) $6.99
5 Rasbora Heter $4.99
100 Rosy Feeder $0.13
3 Shark Bala Reg $9.99
2 Shark Rainbow Albino Reg $5.99
200 Shrimp Ghost $0.50
8 Shrimp Neo Red Cherry $3.99
8 Shrimp Neo Rili Red $4.99
6 Shrimp Orange $6.99
4 Snail Assassin $3.99
6 Snail Mystery Blue $3.99
6 Snail Mystery Gold $3.99
6 Snail Nerite Zebra $3.99
3 Swordtail Green $4.99
6 Tetra Colombian Red Blue $3.99
6 Tetra Ember $4.99
6 Tetra Neon Black M $2.99
10 Tetra Neon L $2.99
12 Bloodworms Jumbo 3.5
4 Goldfish Bubble Eye Asst $7.99
5 Saltwater MultiPack 3.5oz
5 Bloodworms 3.5oz Cube $6.99
6 Froz Brine Shrimp 8 Oz

JPS Tropical Freshwater Fish Order Thursday, Dec 12Big Mid-December Fish Order this Week - Nice Selection for the Weeken...

JPS Tropical Freshwater Fish Order Thursday, Dec 12
Big Mid-December Fish Order this Week - Nice Selection for the Weekend!
Rod's Food Order is in - Big Dry goods restock Monday including Frozen Food!
Tropical Room Tank Refresh Complete - New Live Plant Tanks & More!
Gift Certificates, Plenty of Tanks, Stands, and All in One Aquariums in stock!
See the detailed report from Thursday's order below:

Order Qty Description Approx Price
6 Beefheart 8oz (6 pack)
5 Mysis Jumbo Hikari 4oz
5 Chromis Green $8.99
12 Crab Emerald $8.99
10 Snail Astrea $1.99
10 Snail Nassarius XL $3.99
3 Bacopa $5.99
5 Bunch Cabomba Green $7.99
4 Hedge Cherry $5.99
4 Hedge Green $5.99
5 Ludwigia Dark Red $5.99
4 Ludwigia Super Red Mini $5.99
3 Micro Sword - Narrow Leaf Potted $12.99
4 Moneywort $5.99
1 Plant Anubus Nancon Mother $49.99
4 Plant Bunch Hygro Angustifolia $5.99
6 Plant Bunch Ludwigia Cuba Verticillata $5.99
5 Plant Bunch Nesaea Golden $5.99
2 Plant Dwarf Hairgrass $5.99
5 Plant Java Fern $9.99
5 Plant Potted Crypt Asst $9.99
3 Plant Potted Sword Ozelot Green $12.99
6 Plant Red Root Floater Cupped Portion $12.99
8 Plant Root Anubius Asst $12.99
5 Plant Root Vallisneria Corkscrew $3.99
3 Plant Root Water Sprite Lace $4.99
5 Plant Vallisneria Italian $3.99
4 Pogostemon Stellatus N.L. $7.99
3 Telanthera $5.99
4 Algae Eater Chinese Reg $3.99
3 Angel Asst Md $17.99
6 Angel Black SM $11.99
2 Angel Veil Med $14.99
3 Angel Veil Sm $5.99
3 Barb Gold Denisoni T/R
3 Barb Tiger Albino Sm $3.99
3 Barb Tiger M $6.99
3 Botia Lohachata (Yoyo) Sm $7.99
5 Cat Cory Aeneus Albino Reg $4.99
5 Cat Cory Julii Med $7.99
5 Cat Cory Paleatus $4.99
4 Catfish Algae Eater Gold Sm $3.99
4 Catfish Flying Fox Siamese $5.99
12 Catfish Otocinclus $4.99
2 Catfish Raphael Spotted S $9.99
2 Catfish Raphael Striped $9.99
3 Catfish Stone $5.99
2 Cichlid Firemouth Sm $7.99
3 Cichlid Jack Dempsey Reg $7.99
100 Feeder Golds $0.13
4 Frog African Dwarf Reg $7.99
2 Gourami Dwarf Powder Blue Male $8.99
2 Gourami Neon Dwarf $8.99
12 Guppy Asst Female $3.99
4 Guppy Cobra Koi $4.99
4 Guppy Elephant Ear Dragon $4.99
4 Guppy Moscow Blue Male $3.99
4 Guppy Red Tux Blonde $3.99
4 Guppy Sunshine Yellow Male $3.69
6 Killie Clown $5.99
3 Loach Hillstream Butterfly Reg $11.99
3 Loach Kuhlii Reg $4.99
3 Molly Dalmation $3.99
3 Molly Marble M $4.99
3 Platy Gold Twinbar $3.99
Order Qty Description Approx Price
3 Platy M/M Asst $4.99
2 Ram Balloon Blue $15.99
3 Ram Blue Reg $12.99
3 Ram Gold $12.99
6 Rasbora Galaxy (Danio) $6.99
3 Root Sword Brazilian Xlg $12.99
100 Rosy Feeder $0.13
6 Shrimp Amano Algae Eating Reg $3.99
6 Shrimp Neo Cherry Red Premium $4.99
6 Shrimp Neo Red Cherry $3.99
5 Shrimp Neo Rili Red $4.99
5 Shrimp Orange $6.99
6 Snail Mystery Blue $3.99
6 Snail Mystery Gold $3.99
6 Snail Nerite Tiger $3.99
6 Snail Nerite Zebra $3.99
3 Tetra Bloodfin Reg $3.99
6 Tetra Cardinal T/R $3.99
6 Tetra Congo Male $12.99
6 Tetra Ember $4.99
24 Tetra Neon XLRG $2.99
3 B/Shrimp 3.5 oz cube
3 Baby Brine Shrimp
1 Bloodworms 3.50oz Cube
1 Bloodworms Jumbo 3.5
3 Daphnia 3.5 oz
3 Root Crypt Asst $5.99

JPS Tropical Freshwater Fish Order Thursday, December 05Careful tank-by-tank fish order - Colorful and unusual fish this...

JPS Tropical Freshwater Fish Order Thursday, December 05
Careful tank-by-tank fish order - Colorful and unusual fish this week.
Store Freshwater system makeover matched with a careful full restock
Stop by this weekend and see all we have including Gift Certificates!
Order details from Thursday's order below:

Order Qty Description Approx Price
1 AGI Lace Rock 50 LB $2.99
1 Anemone Bubble Color SM $56.99
2 Blenny Lawnmower M $34.99
5 Chromis Green $8.99
12 Shrimp Peppermint Algae Eating $12.99
25 Snail Astrea $1.99
10 Snail Margarita Black $1.99
10 Snail Margarita Pink $1.99
10 Snail Mexican Turbo $3.99
2 Tang Blue (Hippo) SM $99.99
2 Java Moss Portion $12.99
2 Plant Bamboo Curly Lucky L $12.99
3 Plant Christmas Moss Cupped Portion $12.99
3 Plant Jungle Vallisneria Reg $4.99
3 Plant Root Vallisneria Corkscrew $3.99
3 Plant Vallisneria Italian $3.99
5 Algae Eater Chinese Reg $3.99
5 Betta Female Halfmoon L $11.99
1 Blackworm Live 1/4 Portion $4.00
2 Cat Cory Aeneus Albino Reg $4.99
2 Cat Cory Green $4.99
2 Cat Cory Julii Med $7.99
3 Cat Raphael Striped Sm (T/R) $9.99
6 Catfish Algae Eater Gold Sm $3.99
6 Catfish Otocinclus $4.99
3 Catfish Stone $5.99
3 Cichlid Jack Dempsey Reg $7.99
1 Cichlid Severum Gold Sm $14.99
2 Cichlid Severum Red Spot R $32.99
5 Danio Pearl $1.99
10 Frog African Dwarf Reg $7.99
2 Gourami Dwarf Honey Gold $7.99
2 Gourami Red Gold Honey $7.99
10 Gourami Sparkling $3.99
10 Guppy Asst Female $3.99
3 Guppy Cobra Koi
3 Guppy Elephant Ear Dragon $4.99
5 Guppy Elephant Ear M Asst $4.99
5 Guppy Endler Lime Green M $4.99
4 Guppy Male Lyretail Asst
3 Guppy Miracle Koi Red $3.99
5 Guppy Yellow Dragon $4.99
2 Loach Hillstream Butterfly Reg $11.99
3 Loach Kuhlii Black Reg $3.99
3 Loach Kuhlii Reg $4.99
3 Molly Balloon Asst $5.99
3 Molly Dalmation $3.99
5 Molly Lyretail Asst $3.99
3 Molly Marble M $4.99
3 Platy Balloon Asst $7.99
3 Platy Coral Red $3.99
3 Platy Dawn Med $4.99
3 Platy Highfin Asst Med $3.99
3 Platy Rainbow $3.99
3 Platy Red Tuxedo $3.99
3 Platy Tricolor Med $3.99
3 Pleco 2" $7.99
7 Pleco Florida Med 3" $8.99
3 Pleco Rubbernose $9.99
2 Rainbow Blue Eye Forktail Md $12.99
2 Rainbow Blue Eye Signifer Md $12.99
2 Rainbow Bosemani Reg $16.99
5 Rainbow Madagascar M $9.99
5 Rainbow Neon Dwarf Sm $7.99
2 Rainbow Turquoise $11.99
Order Qty Description Approx Price
2 Rainbow Yellow $15.99
5 Rasbora Galaxy (Danio) $6.99
5 Rasbora Scissortail $2.99
2 Severum Gold Red Spotted $33.99
3 Shark Bala Reg $9.99
5 Shrimp Amano Algae Eating Reg $3.99
7 Shrimp Neo Cherry Red Premium $4.99
7 Shrimp Neo Red Cherry $3.99
7 Shrimp Neo Rili Black Carbon $5.99
6 Shrimp Neo Rili Red $4.99
7 Snail Mystery Gold $3.99
10 Snail Neritina Asst $3.99
3 Snail Rabbit Yellow Reg $11.99
3 Swordtail Velvet Reg $4.99
2 Synodontis Decorus $19.99
10 Synodontis Eupterus $9.99
3 Synodontis Petricola Pink $17.99
3 Synodontis Petricola R $12.99
3 Synodontis Upside Down $12.99
5 Tetra Candy Cane HY511 Reg $5.99
12 Tetra Cardinal Wild $3.99
7 Tetra Hatchetfish Marble $4.99
7 Tetra Hatchetfish Silver $5.99
12 Tetra Neon Black M $2.99
12 Tetra Neon L $2.99
7 Variatus Assorted Reg $3.99
3 Variatus Black Neon Hifin $5.99
3 Variatus Blue Coral Neon Hifin $5.99
3 Variatus Highfin Redtail Black $5.99
3 Guppy Purple Butterfly
5 Platy Blue Painted

JPS Tropical Tank Raised Small Discus Three sizes availableTwenty of our local raised beautiful Discus are in store and ...

JPS Tropical Tank Raised Small Discus Three sizes available
Twenty of our local raised beautiful Discus are in store and doing great!
We've priced these Discus as follows: XS $29.99, S $39.99, SM $49.99
Big Freshwater with a sprinkle of Saltwater order Thursday, Dec 5
Individually selected fish for each of our newly holiday decorated livestock tanks!

JPS Tropical Freshwater and California Saltwater Orders Tuesday, Nov 26Freshwater order moved up this week from Thursday...

JPS Tropical Freshwater and California Saltwater Orders Tuesday, Nov 26
Freshwater order moved up this week from Thursday to Tuesday
California Saltwater order Just in time for Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend
Store will be open Wednesday, Nov 27 until 8PM as normal
Closed Thanksgiving Day - Open Early Friday and Regular hours all weekend!
Details from both FW & SW orders below:

11/26/2024 California Saltwater Order

Order Qty Description Approx Price
2 Coral Duncan Branching Per Polyp $24.99
1 Food Arcti-Pods 6oz $24.99
2 Food TDO Pellet S $12.99
5 Food Tigger Pods-Live Copepods 6oz $29.99
1 Anemone Maxi-Mini Carpet Ultra $59.99
4 Angel Coral Beauty SM $45.99
2 Blenny Tailspot $24.99
7 Cardinal Orbic (Pajama) M $17.99
25 Crab Hermit Red Leg $1.99
1 Goby Diamond SM $29.99
3 Goby Yellow Antenna $29.99
1 Grouper Panther S $59.99
1 Hawk Arc Eye $39.99
1 Hawk Falco $45.99
1 Shrimp Fire L $69.99
4 Shrimp Pistol Candy Stripe $24.99
20 Snail Astrea $1.99
4 Snail Conch Tiger Sand $8.99
20 Snail Mexican Turbo $3.99
10 Snail Nassarius XL $3.99
1 Starfish Linkia Blue SM $37.99
1 Tang Powder Brown SM $79.99
1 Tang Tomini Flame Fin SM $89.99
1 Wrasse Carpenter Flasher SM $42.99
1 Wrasse Six Line SM $34.99
1 D86 Indo Frogspawn Branch Hulk 3 Head $149.99
1 E77 Indo Zoa Combo Rock $69.99
1 K117 Indo Pumping Xenia $69.99
1 K118 Indo Zoa Florida Gators $69.99
1 K15 Indo Zoa Combo Rock $59.99
1 K19 Indo Zoa Red $49.99

11/26/2024 Freshwater Order

Order Qty Description Approx Price
1 Basslet Royal Gramma M $34.99
2 Blenny Lawnmower M $34.99
12 Crab Emerald $8.99
2 Tang Blue (Hippo) SM $99.99
3 Urchin Pin Cushion Sm $29.99
3 Bacopa $5.99
4 Bunch Cabomba Green $7.99
3 Hygrophilia Blue $5.99
3 Ludwigia Dark Red $5.99
3 Ludwigia Super Red Mini $5.99
2 Plant Red Root Floater Cupped Portion $12.99
3 Algae Eater Chinese Reg $3.99
3 Axolotl Assorted S $59.99
3 Barb Tiger Green Platinum $8.99
5 Barb Tiger M $6.99
5 Betta Female Halfmoon L $11.99
1 Blackworm Live 1/4 Portion $4.00
4 Cat Cory Julii Med $7.99
3 Cat Cory Paleatus $4.99
3 Catfish Stone $5.99
3 Cichlid Oscar Lemon M $19.99
6 Danio Pearl $1.99
4 Danio Zebra $2.99
4 Danio Zebra Longfin $2.99
100 Feeder Golds $0.13
4 Frog African Dwarf Reg $7.99
1 GloFish® Angel Starfire Red $39.99
2 Goby Stiphodon Neon Blue $9.99
2 Goldfish Black Moor S $9.99
3 Gourami Dwarf Blood (Flame) Male $8.99
5 Gourami Sparkling $3.99
12 Guppy Asst Female $3.99
4 Guppy Elephant Ear Blue $4.99
6 Guppy Endler's Male Reg $5.99
4 Guppy Flamingo Red $3.99
4 Guppy German Yellow $3.99
4 Guppy Tequila Sunrise Male $4.99
6 Killie Clown $5.99
1 Knife Black Ghost Reg $23.99
3 Molly Balloon Asst $5.99
3 Molly Dalmation $3.99
3 Molly Lyretail Blk M $4.99
3 Molly Lyretail Creamsicle L/T $4.99
3 Molly Sailfin Asst R $7.99
3 Platy Gold Twinbar $3.99
3 Platy Neon blue Wag Med $3.99
3 Platy Rainbow $3.99
4 Platy Red Tuxedo $3.99
3 Platy Red Wag Med $4.99
2 Pleco Clown L103 $9.99
3 Pleco Rubbernose $9.99
3 Ram Gold $12.99
5 Rasbora Hengeli $4.99
250 Rosy Feeder $0.13
3 Shark Rainbow R $4.99
3 Shark Redtail $5.99
6 Shrimp Amano Algae Eating Reg $3.99
1 Shrimp Ghost 1/2 Box
12 Shrimp Neo Red Cherry $3.99
5 Shrimp Neo Rili Red $4.99
5 Shrimp Neo Yellow Fire $7.99
6 Snail Mystery Gold $3.99
6 Tetra Cardinal T/R $3.99
4 Tetra Congo Male $12.99
12 Tetra Neon L $2.99
Order Qty Description Approx Price
4 Tetra Phantom Black Reg $4.99
4 Variatus Black Neon Hifin $5.99
5 White Cloud $2.99
1 Bloodworms 3.50oz Cube (10 Pack)

JPS Tropical Freshwater Fish Order Thursday, November 21Full Freshwater Fish Order with Targeted Saltwater for the Weeke...

JPS Tropical Freshwater Fish Order Thursday, November 21
Full Freshwater Fish Order with Targeted Saltwater for the Weekend.
It's always tropical at JPS - Stop by and see all the new arrivals!
Store is fully stocked - Tanks, Stands, Accessories, and Setups.
Detailed report below from Thursday's order

Order Qty Description Approx Price
5 AQ Malaysian Wood S/SM $9.99
12 Crab Emerald $8.99
50 Crab Hermit Red Leg $1.99
3 Shrimp Cleaner SM $45.99
25 Snail Astrea $1.99
10 Snail Tropical Turbo $2.99
2 Bacopa $5.99
3 Hedge Cherry $5.99
3 Hedge Green $5.99
2 Ludwigia Super Red Mini $5.99
3 Moneywort $5.99
1 Plant Anubus Nancon Mother $49.99
2 Plant Bamboo Curly Lucky L $12.99
2 Plant Bunch Araguaia Hygro $5.99
3 Plant Bunch Nesaea Golden $5.99
5 Plant Hornwort Bunch $7.99
3 Plant Java Fern $9.99
3 Plant Vallisneria Italian $3.99
5 Betta Female Crowntail $6.99
3 Botia Lohachata (Yoyo) Sm $7.99
5 Cat Cory Aeneus Albino Reg $4.99
3 Cat Cory Paleatus $4.99
3 Cat Cory Panda $7.99
3 Catfish Algae Eater Gold M $4.99
5 Catfish Algae Eater Gold Sm $3.99
3 Catfish Flying Fox S $4.99
10 Catfish Otocinclus $4.99
3 Catfish Stone $5.99
3 Cichlid Afr Electric Yellow $12.99
2 Cichlid Firemouth Sm $7.99
3 Cichlid Oscar Asst Fancy Reg $14.99
3 Cichlid Severum Red Spot R $32.99
6 Danio Pearl $1.99
6 Danio Zebra $2.99
6 Danio Zebra Longfin Asst $1.99
2 Discus Turquoise Red M $99.99
6 Frog African Dwarf Reg $7.99
3 Frog Clawed Albino Sm $11.99
4 Goby Bumblebee Reg $5.99
3 Goby Stiphodon Neon Blue $9.99
12 Guppy Asst Female $3.99
5 Guppy Elephant Ear M Asst $4.99
5 Guppy Elephant Ear Mosaic $4.99
5 Guppy Flamingo Red $3.99
5 Guppy Moscow Blue Male $3.99
3 Loach Hillstream Butterfly Reg $11.99
5 Loach Horseface Med $12.99
4 Loach Kuhlii Reg $4.99
3 Molly Balloon Asst $5.99
3 Molly Balloon Sailfin Assorted $7.99
3 Molly Black Med $2.99
3 Molly Dalmation $3.99
3 Molly Lyretail Blk M $4.99
3 Molly Silver $4.99
3 Platy Gold Twinbar $3.99
3 Platy Highfin Asst Med $3.99
3 Platy M/M Gold $3.99
3 Platy M/M Red Med $4.99
3 Platy Rainbow $3.99
3 Platy Red Wag Med $4.99
5 Pleco 2" $7.99
3 Pleco Clown L103 $9.99
3 Pleco Rubbernose $9.99
6 Puffer Dwarf Indian $7.99
1 Puffer Green M $15.99
Order Qty Description Approx Price
2 Ram Balloon Blue $15.99
3 Ram Blue Reg $12.99
3 Rasbora Galaxy (Danio) $6.99
6 Rasbora Heter $4.99
3 Root Sword Brazilian Xlg $12.99
250 Rosy Feeder $0.13
3 Scarlet Badis $7.99
1 Shark Black Sm $14.99
6 Shrimp Amano Algae Eating Reg $3.99
8 Shrimp Neo Red Cherry $3.99
6 Shrimp Neo Rili Red $4.99
3 Snail Assassin $3.99
4 Snail Mystery Blue $3.99
5 Snail Mystery Ivory $3.99
6 Snail Nerite Zebra $3.99
4 Tetra Black L/F $3.99
40 Tetra Cardinal T/R $3.99
6 Tetra Ember $4.99
4 Tetra Hatchetfish Marble $4.99
12 Tetra Neon L $2.99
2 Tetra White Skirt Blushing Longfin Reg $4.99
5 Spider Wood SM $12.99

JPS Tropical Freshwater/Saltwater Order Thursday, Nov 14Mid November JPS Livestock refresh this week - Order came in wel...

JPS Tropical Freshwater/Saltwater Order Thursday, Nov 14
Mid November JPS Livestock refresh this week - Order came in well as always!
Warehouse winter season Prep - Tropical Plants, Fancy Goldfish, and Surprises!
Stop by and see all the new arrivals - Store is stocked on Aquarium Equipment
See detailed report from Thursday's fish order below:

Order Qty Description Approx Price
2 Blenny Lawnmower M $34.99
12 Crab Emerald $8.99
1 Dragonet Blue Mandarin $37.99
10 Snail Nassarius XL $3.99
1 Tang Blue (Hippo) SM $99.99
1 Worm Feather Duster $19.99
4 Bunch Cabomba Green $7.99
2 Hairgrass Dwarf Potted $11.99
3 Hedge Cherry $5.99
3 Java Moss Portion $12.99
3 Ludwigia Dark Red $5.99
3 Ludwigia Super Red Mini $5.99
3 Moss Ball Sm $14.99
3 Plant Bunch Nesaea Golden $5.99
5 Plant Hornwort Bunch $7.99
6 Plant Root Anubius Asst $12.99
3 Algae Eater Chinese Reg $3.99
4 Betta Female Crowntail $6.99
3 Botia Lohachata (Yoyo) Sm $7.99
5 Cat Cory Aeneus Albino Reg $4.99
4 Cat Cory Green $4.99
6 Cat Cory Julii Med $7.99
4 Cat Cory Paleatus $4.99
4 Cat Cory Panda $7.99
3 Catfish Algae Eater Gold Sm $3.99
8 Catfish Otocinclus $4.99
2 Catfish Stone $5.99
1 Cichlid Keyhole $9.99
2 Cichlid Oscar Asst Fancy Reg $14.99
250 Feeder Golds $0.13
5 Frog African Dwarf Reg $7.99
2 Glofish® Danio Electric Green $9.99
2 Glofish® Danio Starfire Red $9.99
3 Goby Bumblebee Reg $5.99
3 Goldfish Calico S $4.99
3 Gourami Dwarf Male $8.99
12 Guppy Asst Female $3.99
4 Guppy Blue Turquoise Male $4.99
4 Guppy Cobra King $3.99
4 Guppy Cobra Pineapple $3.99
4 Guppy Elephant Ear Mosaic $4.99
4 Guppy Flamingo Red $3.99
4 Guppy Tequila Sunrise Male $4.99
6 Hatchet Silver Reg $5.99
3 Loach Hillstream Butterfly Reg $11.99
4 Loach Kuhlii Reg $4.99
4 Molly Black Med $2.99
4 Molly Butterfly Neon L/T Md $5.99
3 Molly Dalmation $3.99
4 Molly Lyretail Asst $3.99
8 Molly Lyretail Blk M $4.99
3 Molly Sailfin Asst R $7.99
3 Oranda Asst Reg $11.99
3 Platy Blue M/M M $3.99
3 Platy M/M Gold $3.99
3 Platy Neon Assorted M $3.99
4 Platy Neon Blue Black $4.99
3 Platy Rainbow $3.99
4 Platy Red M $3.99
3 Platy Red Wag Med $4.99
3 Platy Tricolor Med $3.99
6 Pleco Clown L103 $9.99
1 Pleco Phantom Bluespot L128 Sm $49.99
2 Pleco Rubbernose $9.99
4 Puffer Dwarf Indian $7.99
Order Qty Description Approx Price
3 Ram Gold $12.99
3 Rasbora Galaxy (Danio) $6.99
5 Rasbora Heter $4.99
3 Root Sword Brazilian Xlg $12.99
250 Rosy Feeder $0.13
3 Scarlet Badis $7.99
2 Shark Rainbow R $4.99
6 Shrimp Amano Algae Eating Reg $3.99
100 Shrimp Ghost $0.50
10 Shrimp Neo Red Cherry $3.99
6 Shrimp Neo Rili Red $4.99
4 Snail Assassin $3.99
6 Snail Mystery Blue $3.99
6 Snail Mystery Gold $3.99
6 Snail Nerite Tiger $3.99
6 Snail Nerite Zebra $3.99
10 Tetra Cardinal Wild $3.99
4 Tetra Glolite $2.99
3 Tetra Von Rio $2.99
2 Tetra White Skirt Blushing Longfin Reg $4.99
4 White Cloud $2.99
4 White Cloud Golden $3.99

JPS Tropical Hand Select Betta, Angel, Neo Shrimp, and More!Restock on our small Tank Raised Angelfish, Choice Betta, Do...

JPS Tropical Hand Select Betta, Angel, Neo Shrimp, and More!
Restock on our small Tank Raised Angelfish, Choice Betta, Dojo Loach, Etc
Store well stocked and staffed for the weekend!
See detailed report below:

Order Qty Description Approx Price
1 Angel Glofish® Red $39.99
10 Angel Gold Marble S $4.99
15 Angel Gold Marble Sm $4.99
5 Angel Silver S $4.99
15 Angel Smokey $4.99
3 Betta Crowntail Dumbo $14.99
4 Betta Half Moon Hand Select $14.99
4 Cat Cory Green $4.99
1 Cat Cory Pygmy $4.99
6 Frog African Dwarf Reg $7.99
5 Loach Dojo Med $7.99
6 Piranha Red belly Sel $9.99
4 Pleco 3.5" $7.99
1 Pleco Phantom Green L200 L $79.99
12 Shrimp Amano Algae Eating Reg $3.99
10 Shrimp Blue Pearl $5.99
5 Shrimp Coco $5.99
6 Shrimp Yellow Fire $5.99
24 Tetra Neon L $2.99

JPS Tropical Freshwater Fish Order Thursday, Nov 7Nice Early November Fish order this week - Store well stocked for week...

JPS Tropical Freshwater Fish Order Thursday, Nov 7
Nice Early November Fish order this week - Store well stocked for weekend!
Hand Select Betta, Angel, Neo Shrimp, Piranha, Etc Friday Nov 08
Store fully stocked with Aquariums, Stands, and Accessories - More Monday!
See the full Detailed report from Thursday's order below

Order Qty Description Approx Price
2 Blenny Lawnmower M $34.99
12 Crab Emerald $8.99
1 Dragonet Blue Mandarin $37.99
5 Snail Mexican Turbo $3.99
1 Tang Powder Brown SM $79.99
3 Bunch Cabomba Green $7.99
3 Moss Ball Sm $14.99
1 Plant Anubus Nancon Mother $49.99
3 Plant Bunch Nesaea Golden $5.99
5 Plant Root Anubius Asst $12.99
2 Root Amazon Sword L $12.99
2 Barb Tiger Green Platinum $8.99
3 Botia Lohachata (Yoyo) Sm $7.99
4 Cat Cory Julii Med $7.99
5 Cat Cory Paleatus $4.99
5 Cat Cory Panda $7.99
6 Catfish Otocinclus $4.99
2 Catfish Raphael Spotted S $9.99
3 Catfish Stone $5.99
3 Cichlid Afr Peacock Blue Sm $12.99
2 Cichlid Afr Peacock Sunshine M $19.99
3 Cichlid Keyhole $9.99
2 Cichlid Oscar Asst Fancy Reg $14.99
2 Cichlid Peacock Blue M $19.99
2 Cichlid Peacock Red M $19.99
2 Cichlid Peacock Sunburst M $19.99
3 Discus Assorted S $79.99
1 Driftwood Anubias Nana $34.99
1 Glofish® Tetra Cosmic Blue® $12.99
1 Gourami Dwarf Powder Blue Male $8.99
4 Guppy Blue Turquoise Male $4.99
4 Guppy Cobra King $3.99
4 Guppy Elephant Ear Red $4.99
12 Guppy Female Asst $3.99
4 Guppy Moscow Blue Male $3.99
4 Guppy Red Cobra Male $4.99
2 Loach Clown M $16.99
4 Loach Kuhlii Reg $4.99
3 Molly Black Med $2.99
3 Molly Dalmation $3.99
3 Molly Sailfin Asst R $7.99
3 Platy M/M Gold $3.99
3 Platy Neon blue Wag Med $3.99
1 Pleco Phantom Bluespot L128 Sm $49.99
4 Puffer Dwarf Indian $7.99
3 Ram Blue Reg $12.99
10 Rasbora Brilliant $3.99
3 Shark Bala Reg $9.99
6 Shrimp Amano Algae Eating Reg $3.99
6 Shrimp Neo Red Cherry $3.99
6 Shrimp Neo Rili Red $4.99
4 Snail Assassin $3.99
5 Snail Mystery Black $3.99
5 Snail Mystery Ivory $3.99
6 Snail Nerite Tiger $3.99
6 Snail Nerite Zebra $3.99
4 Tetra Buenos Aires $2.99
9 Tetra Hatchetfish Marble $4.99
3 Tetra Phantom Black Reg $4.99


222 S Memorial Drive
Lancaster, OH

Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 8pm
Tuesday 11am - 8pm
Wednesday 11am - 8pm
Thursday 11am - 8pm
Friday 11am - 9pm
Saturday 11am - 7pm
Sunday 12pm - 5pm




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