Retrieving a dog who doesn’t want to come in becomes simple when you understand what YOUR dog loves to do (play, valuable treat) and you have a method to back up your command (leash on a flat-buckle collar).
You can use your dog’s natural prey instincts to engage him in play, then carefully step on your leash line to bring your dog in.
For safety, we always cut the handle off the line.
Flirt poles engage, exercise and entertain both you and your dog.
Have you ever tried to force a playful puppy to come inside?
Make it a game instead! Move away from your puppy so you become interesting. Have something your puppy values!
This creates an energetic, reliable recall and creates engagement.
The best part is that it’s makes training a blast for everyone!
Odysseus. Obedience work.
Play. Train. Play some more!
Focused heel work begins!
A few steps of obedience and then back to play and off-leash time!
If you’re ready to change the relationship you have with your dog, we’re here to help!
It’s a new year!
You and your dog(s) do NOT have to live with the frustration, angst and anxiety that leash reactivity brings!
Begin the year by creating the relationship you want to have with your dog. #thecalmdogllc
Oso: Place command
Be firm. Be fair. Be consistent.