Happy 1st Birthday to my Sleeping Beauty babies!! 🩷💜💙
Their parents are Aurora and Spirit - this was a very special litter to me as I knew it would be Spirit’s last litter before getting to ‘retire’ as a pet! I got their mother and father as young kittens around the same time, and they were our second and third Ragdolls here at Mittenstar at the very beginning just over 3 years ago now. They had two litters together just over a year apart, and all of their kittens together not only are beautiful, but have some of the best, Ragdolly personalities. Every update I get from their kittens is just how happy and loved they are.
Now as these kittens celebrate their 1st birthday, I am reminded of just how lucky I am to have gotten to love and raise them, and see them off to such awesome families!!
Ragdolls take about 2 - 3 years to fully develop in their structure, coat, and looks, it’s hard to believe looking at these guys now as they’re already so big, but they’ll actually continue to fill out and grow over the next few years!
We have:
Briar - who now is fully named ‘Briar Rose’ and lives with us! So you’ll see more updates on her, and her future kittens, to come. ❤
Charming - who now is named ‘Moshi’ - but his meowmy often calls him ‘Charming Moshi’ and I just love that for him haha! He has a beautiful Bengal sister as well!
Dream - who now is named ‘Evie’ which I just love - after the Poke’mon (which is also one of my favorites lol!) She is such a mini-me of her momma, Aurora!
Beauty - who is still named Beauty!! Her meowmy loved her name and felt it fit with her. She has a big sister Maine C**n who she loves and totally fit right in with as well!
And Rose - who now is named Bella!! She is a ‘snowbird’ with her family, and did very well going back and forth this year from Michigan in the summer, to Florida in the winter! Her family says she loves going out for walks in her pet stroller, and loves when they have company over!
Thank you all for opening your home to our Mittenstar babies and for sending me these updates!
I do so much here to raise them right for the time they’re with me as babies - but a large part of their personalities develop with the love and care they receive at home too. And I can just tell in all the updates I get back how cherished they are, and it means so much to me to know these little lives I brought into the world with such careful planning are so loved and are so happy.
Thanks for reading my sappy kitty post, I just get emotional thinking about how much they’ve grown lol!! Happy Sunday everyone! 🩷💜💙