Oddity Alley, Victor, Colorado 6/14-6/15 #oddity #freaky @skulls #recyclednature #weekendshow #blackmonarch #shopsmall #supportsmallbusiness
Happy Thanksgiving, if you’re seeing this we are grateful for you! We wish for an epic 2024 for all of us!! Change is coming and I welcome all the abundance, we are thankful for it all. Blessing for everyone! #Thankful #Grateful #blessed #feelblessed #givedonttake #yourock
Custom done bison for great people! Love when the buyer loves their art so much they keep coming back to look at it and say thank you 🥰
All set up and sweat our asses off today at day one of the Wild West arts fest in Cody, WY
We’re super thankful to use our friend Chancie Wamhoff’s awesome 2 wheel wheelbarrow today!!
Free Shipping now through Sunday at 9pm
All set up at the oddity and fear expo in Colorado Springs @ the event center Saturday 9-6 & Sunday 10-4!
Thanks Jeremy @ Handsverker
So last night was awesome! 4 bands including Falling in Reverse played here at the Buffalo Chip in Sturgis. Tyler bass player for Falling in Reverse wandered into our booth with his lovely girlfriend. Absolutely awesome people! He was so cool and took photos with our friends,huge fans of theirs, in our booth and recorded this video for Clarence Stelzer’s 19th birthday.
They also bought a skull but not before checking with the vegans in their group about if they could take it on the bus without upsetting anyone. F**king awesome people! Instant new Fan. Thanks Tyler you made our night!
The booth is coming together nicely. It’s too hot to finish now but later when it cools off we will get this finished up. Come see us at the Chip!
#BuffaloChip #Sturgis #setup #beatthe heat
Well friends it wasn’t a great day at frozen dead guy days, in Nederland, CO. Chasing Tails booth was robbed and vandalized at the festival. It seems the piece of crap that did this expected to get away with much for than they did. They had bagged and packed up a large majority of our items and shoved them in totes and bags to escape with. They must have only gotten out with 1 tote or bag and we are trying to get an exact count on items stolen. We know for sure that they took all of 3 of our wrapped bear, bobcat,Lynx & lion claws and my favorite two monarch butterfly pendants along with a shoebox size tote of bone leg knives. Several items that weren’t taken were damaged as well because they had thrown them carelessly into containers and bags. Videos of our booth after the theft here and before in the comments
The staff and patrons have been trying all they can to help us resolve the situation.
Trying new things. Added hand stitched embroidery, chain, leather lace, rhinestones, bone and glass beads! Available for sale
Another customized fanny pack done! $75
Whitetails & Wine
Adding glass etching to my hobbies!
Vivian Bielecki & Suzi Belles are our Winners! Viv was drawn first and she is my lovely supportive aunt, we decided to draw a second winner because Viv is family! Suzi, please message us to arrange for you to get your one of a kind custom designed Swivel Sdick!
Chasing Tail Fanny Pack Fun!
A little video collage of our family having fun with our latest inventory item photo shoot!