Dear ranch mamas,
I see you. Boy do I SEE you.
All those days you cried sorting cows, while yelling "It’s okay baby! Mama’s here! Just give me a minute!" to a crying baby in the back seat of a pick up, they really do make for independent kids. I promise, you aren’t ruining them.
And all those afternoons working horses in under 5 minutes while your toddler hollered from a pack n play, man those afternoons broke you, and trust me I know they sucked... Sometimes you cried those days too.
But ALL those days I hollered "its ok baby! We are almost done!" with tears in my eyes and anxiety in my heart, as we did things we HAD TO GET DONE to keep this ranch moving, have made for a 3 year old that can play independently for hours outside. He will play by himself all afternoon while I ride or sort cows or move hay bales.
It gets better.
You’re doing great I promise.
And if no one told you lately, if that baby is fed and changed and somewhere safe, you aren’t going to break them leaving them in a carseat, pack n play or bouncer for 30 minutes while you get what needs done, done.
The ranch mamas before you.