I want to do more creative grooms in the new year, but clients that want to play with their dogs hair are few and far in-between. It's unfortunate.
The typical response to these grooms from non-professionals are, "That's abuse!" "Dogs aren't toys!" "That dog is EMBARRASSED!"
First of all, it's not abuse. These are pet safe dyes and it doesn't hurt the dog. Abusing pets is bad for business when they're your primary source of inccome. They're not toys, but their hair is versatile and they enjoy the attention. Finally, dogs don't get embarrassed. I promise you, they don't care what their hair looks like, just like I don't care what mine looks like at 8 a.m. at client drop off.
Now that we're on the same page, I encourage you to look at your dog and asked yourself, "Would a bright blue leopard print mullet down the back make my groomer happy in 2025?"
The answer is yes.
(These are not my grooms)