Le Blue Dimond x Bulgraf
Nevado is available to try at WEC weeks 4-12
Stunning and safe gelding would make a great mount for kids or AA riders for all 3 rings. Upper mid 🖐️’s
JK Training is looking for a working student. Needs to be reliable and hard working. Possibility for reduced board or lease depending on commitment. Great opportunity to learn. See more about JK Training on our website Contact Jen at 925-216-2276
Turnout time for Taco! Please ignore my annoying voice. I'm pretty sure the horses are really glad I use non-verbal communication with them. Haha!
#tbt to these goofballs! And someone is definitely a hunter!
#adventureswithtaco #shorkie #barndog #horseshowshenanigans #mykidsarethebest #jktraining #jktraininghorses
Today I rode a unicorn! It was hard to get past admiring his mane, but I managed to practice some lead changes, canter lengthening, and trot half pass (or something that sounded like that). My cheeks still hurt from smiling!
#dressagequeenintraining #horses #horsemane #lusitano #jktraining #jktraininghorses #horsetrainerlife
Kisses from Calibe :p
#ilovemyhorses #horsetrainerlife #notreatsneeded #jktraining #jktraininghorses
Barbara and Rose doing a little cross-training and looking super!!!!
#dressagequeen #hunterprincess #horses #equestrian #eyesupheelsdown #jktraining #jktraininghorses
Watching the morning workouts at the track! We even got to see American Pharoah!!!!
#horseshowshenanigans #horsetrainerlife #delmar #racehorses #thoroughbreds #needforspeed #mynextcareer #jktraining
Alfie says, "Good morning from The Oaks!!!!"
Someone is itchy!
#horses #blackbeauty #jktraining
A sneak peek at one of the fantastic horses that will be featured at the Pacific Sporthorse Selection, an elite sporthorse auction. This young mare is going to be a big winner in the hunters and equitation! Our Head Trainer Jennifer Kallam is sourcing quality hunter/jumper/equitation horses and ponies for this special event.
#jktraining #horseforsale #pacificsporthorseselection