We have some unique parrotfish from Thailand 🇹🇠this week. This is the first time they've been in stock at Bob's. I can't get over how colorful they are.
#parrotfish #parrotfishcichlid #tigerparrotfish #fish #fishstore #fishhobby #freshwaterfish #freshwateraquarium #bobstropicalfishla
New shrimp
#shrimp #shrimplover #shrimphobbyist #shrimptank #shrimpkeeping #shrimpbreeder #shrimpsofinstagram #shrimpsofinstagram #shrimphobby #shrimpgang #nanoshrimp #caridina #caridinashrimp #neocaridinashrimp #neoshrimp #neo #taiwanbee #taibee #bobstropicalfishla
New Australian shipment of corals arrived yesterday. We're very pleased with our new supplier. I'll be taking individual photos of some of my favorite pieces. I'll try not to hord them for myself. 20% off all NEW Aussie corals this Saturday and Sunday if you mention this promotion in store only.
#aussiecoral #coral #coralfrags #coralreef #coraltank #coraladdict #corals #coralpolyps #reefporn #reefing #reefaddict #reeflife #reefgeek #reefphotography #reefhobby #reefaquarium #reeftanks #reeftank #marinelife #marineanimals #marinephotography #saltwaterhobby #allmymoneygoestocoral #bobstropicalfishla
New saltwater stock this week.
#saltwaterhobby #saltwatertank #saltwateraquarium #saltwater #saltwaterfish #marinelife #marinefish #fishhobby #fishtank #fish #bobstropicalfishla
New Plecostomus shipment.
#plecoaddict #pleco #plecomania #plecosofinstagram #plecolife #plecobreeding #plecofish #plecostomus #plecotank #plecos #plecolove #plecobreeder #bobstropicalfishla
New shrimp in stock and such a big variety this time. Available in store and our website @bobstropicalfish.com site haven't been fully updated with the current stock of shrimp. Please check back as we'll be adding more.
#shrimp #nanoshrimp #freshwatershrimp #neo #neocaridinashrimp #caridina #caridinashrimp #shrimp#bobstropicalfishla #shrimphobby #shrimphobbyist #shrimptank #shrimps #shrimpkeeping #shrimplover #shrimpbreeder #shrimp
Look at all the Alien/Hybrid we're bringing to @aquashella get them before we leave for Dallas. Now, in stock.
#betta #bettathailand #bettabreeder #bettafish #bettalover #bettasthailand #bettabreeding #bettasofinstagram #bettatank #bettabarrack #bettalovers #bettacommunity #alienbetta #hybridbetta #bobstropicalfishla
Getting ready for @aquashella in Dallas. Just a preview of some of the male Betta fish we're brining. Can't wait to meet everyone.
#betta #bettathailand #bettabreeder #bettafish #bettalover #bettabreeding #bettasofinstagram #bettatank #bettabarrack #bettalover #bettacommunity #bobstropicalfishla #ohmybetta
New shipment of Plecos arrived yesterday. Acclimated and ready to go!
#pleco #plecobreeding #plecoaddict #plecomania #plecofish #plecosofinstagram #plecolife #plecostomus #plecotank #plecos #bobstropicalfishla
Beautiful Vanda Half-moon Betta
#bettathailand #bettabreeder #bettafish #bettalover #bettasthailand #bettabreeding #bettasofinstagram #bettatank #bettabarrack #bettalovers #bettacommunity #halfmoonbetta #halfmoonbettafish #bobstropicalfishla
New Discus in stock.
#discusfish #Discus #freshwaterfish #fish #aquariump #bobstropicalfishla