Scallywags! Parrots of the Caribbean er eatin' me sunflowers ๐ป โ ๏ธ#HeartBeetGardening #UrbanFarming #EdibleFlowers #SunflowerPower #Loot #wildparrotsoflosangeles #Nature #feedingthebirds #LosAngeles #Seattle #GrowYourOwnFood #turnipthebeet #homegrown #VegetableGarden #EdibleLandscaping #UrbanFarm #heirloomsunflowers #Biodynamic #SummerCrop #bumpercrop #GrowGreen #peaceonearth
LETTUCE TURNIP DA BEETS! #HeartBeetGardening #UrbanFarming #FunPlantPuns #GrowYourFood #HaveFun #GetDirty #DownAndDirty #Organic #Biodynamic #LosAngeles #Seattle #EdibleLandscaping #FarmingRevolution #Q-Tip #chemicalbrothers @plant_puns
Time for tomato planting! Everyone's favorite crop? Let us help you get a good head start with our established plants! #HeartbeetGardening #EdibleLandscaping #GrowYourOwnFood #tomatoplanting #springishere #getthemintheground #heirloomtomatoes #Organic #sustainablebackyardfood #Biodynamic #LosAngeles #Seattle
Worms! Our vermicomposting workshop was a hit. It's imperative that the next generation understands how to compost and grow food. #HeartbeetGardening #GrowYourFood #vermicomposting #EdibleLandscaping #BuildYourSoil #FreeWorkshop #LosAngeles #Seattle #OrganicLifestyle
Just like Popeye, Hollan proves that spinach makes the body strong. While there are more and more "super foods" receiving press, we mustn't forget the ones our grandmother insisted we eat. #HeartbeetGardening #Samoan #superfood #Organic #Spinach #UrbanFarming #EdibleLandscaping #growyourown #HonestWork #DownAndDirty #LosAngeles #seattle
Our Samoan plant guru is sowing an amazing variety of purple potatoes. This may be his first time planting spuds, but back on the island he grew taro roots so large it would take a week to finish eating #heartbeetgardening #samoan #urbanfarming #islandlife #biodynamic #conciousliving #purplepotato #healthyfood #organic #losangeles #seattle
These sugar snap peas are ascending to the heavens. We love theses legumes because they're so cute and easy to snack on! #UrbanFarming #EdibleLandscaping #HeartBeetGardening #GrowYourFood #SugarSnapPeas #Organic #Cute#LosAngeles #Seattle #Homegrownveggies #internationalwomensday #resist #agriculturalrevolution #biodynamic
Our skilled urban farmers leave your property spotless, without a trace of all the hard work it took to transform your property info a mini farm. #heartbeetgardening #urbanfarming #madskills #losangeles #seattle #organic #homegrown #ediblelandscaping #conciousliving #hardwork #leaveittothepros
We're bringing the most sustainably harvested cedar, milled in small batches by our friends in Northern California. Who wants raised beds built from native incense cedar? #HeartbeetGardening #UrbanFarming #EdibleLandscaping #sustainablewood #Lumberjad #norcallovessocal #foreverfarmboyandhistractor #GrowYourFood #incensecedar #sawmill #ediblegardening #RaisedBedFarming @homestead_custom_sawmilling
Who knew the Garden of Eatin' was in Malibu? #Heartbeetgardening #EdibleGardening #UrbanFarming #Malibu #Paradise #GardenOfEaton #Food #Organic #farm #Biodynamic #abundance #somuchfood #revolution #HugAFarmer #malibu #california
Bad boyz of urban farming #UrbanFarming #Compost #EdibleGardening#Organic #Farm #Vegan #VeganLifestyle #Gangster #California #LosAngeles #Farm #Garden #GrowYourOwn #Food #GrowFood #GreenMan #Biodynamic #permaculture
Garden nerds talk about beneficial insects and flowers a lot. Let's remember that birds are great at reducing unwanted insect populations. #birds #heartbeetgardening #urbanfarming #nature #love #california #joshuatree @vickytree #respect #animals #organic #pestmanagement #integratedpestmanagement #ipm #farming #nerds #ediblegardening #orchard #vegan #vegetarian #raw #farm #balance
Check out our new swag! #heartbeetgardening #urbanfarming #ediblelandscape #vegan #homemade #harvest #bags #organic #farm #losangeles #handmade #biodynamic #vegetarian #crafts #cute #ediblegardening #seedlings #heirloom #fava #beans #chard #kale #raw #revolution @vickytree #team #heartbeet
Daniel delicately dries and stacks our #handcrafted #hearbeet harvest bags in preparation for #artisinalla at #thereef this #weekend #urbanfarming #love #losangeles #california #downtown #organic #handcrafted #growyourown #permaculture #ediblelandscape #farming #biodynamic #heirloom #homegrown #beautiful #homemade #reuseable #bag #homemade
Farmer Jad #boyswillbeboys #urbanfarming #heartbeetgardening #ediblegardening #farm #johndeere #happyfarmer #fun #organic #garden #biodynamic #heirloom #vegetarian #vegan #raw #revolution #urbangardenersrepublic #farming #growfood #compost
Dying harvest bags with beets #heartbeetgardening #urbanfarm #organicveggies #california #biodynamic #bigyield #losangeles #urbanfarming #ediblegardening #beets #organicdye #organicfiber #laborday #crafts #organic
Labor Day BBQ... yakatori style #heartbeetgardening #urbanfarm #ediblelandscape #beautiful #shsh*topeppers #japanese #laborday #bbq #organic #homegrown #biodynamic #organicveggies #healthyfood #urbanfarming #losangeles #california
YUM, Kabocha squash!! My mother used to make pumpkin pie from this naturally sweet Japanese pumpkin #heartbeetgardening #biodynamic #kabocha #squash #homegrown #gardengram #ediblelandscape #urbangardenersrepublic #raw #vegan #vegetarian #urbanfarm #organicfarm #gardening #farmtotable #gardenlove #gardengirl @vickytree #growfoodnotlawns
Mixing in our signature blend of amendments #secretsinthesauce #heartbeetgardening #heartbeetgardening #organic #urbanfarming #ediblegardening #soilmicrobes #sustainability #biodynamic #bigyield #paleo #realfood #nature #revolution #raw #growyourown #growfoodnotlawns @urbangardenersrepublic @growfoodnotlawns #vegan #dripirrigation #waterconservation #californiadrought #labor #farm #gardens