I’ve seen multiple videos from Zoos in Florida evacuating the animals. One video showed their penguins in line, waiting to get in their kennel ON THEIR OWN, and a skunk running to his kennel when directed.
If the penguins and skunks can be crated, so can your dog! Lol
Besides natural disasters, there are MANY other reasons why it is important to kennel train your dog.
1.) Safety:
A crate creates a safe space for them. If your dog is destructive, likes to get into stuff, or has fear, it is a great tool to use to be able to make sure they’re not put in dangerous situations.
In the events of natural disasters for example, having a crate trained dog, is going to be not only more manageable, but more safe for the dog in the event of: evacuations, and finding housing or care for them. You know they won’t be running off. If they have separation anxiety, this can help calm them as they know the crate is “their space.”
It is also a great tool for potty training. Or if you bring in a new dog to your house. PUPPIES. You are responsible as a dog owner to keep them SAFE.
2.) Vet Care/ Boarding/ Grooming:
Now the responsibility for us who provide these services to your dogs, is to keep them SAFE. That is why safety is number 1. If your dog had a medical emergency, for any type of surgeries, dental work, neuters, etc, they WILL get crated. When you take your dogs to grooming, they WILL get crated. Most boarding facilities your dog WILL get crated. Why? For safety. We cannot have a bunch of dogs running lose, especially unsupervised.
This is why it is super important to kennel train your dogs. This does not mean they have to be crated full time, or everyday etc. but they need to understand and know that when it’s time to go to a crate, it’s not something to fight, and it’s ok. A crate is not punishment. My dogs don’t get crated, but if I tell them the command “kennel” they know to go find their kennel, and stay in it until I lock it up or not. When I kennel my dogs, it is to keep them SAFE.