If you can help, please do! ♥️
ABANDONED MAMA DOG (now named Honeycomb) leads a concerned animal lover to her babies that she had given birth to under an empty house ! Mindy saw a dog walking the streets whom obviously had pups somewhere. She kindly spoke to the mama dog and followed her to a home with a hole in the foundation and the mama dog barked at the entrance. The entrance whole was a tight squeeze and Mindy new she could not get through. Mindy tooted her horn to see if anyone was in the area of that house, and a young boy of about 10 years old came from across the street, approached her and asked if he could help her. Mindy explained a mama dog brought me to this hole in the foundation, I think she has babies in there. The young boy said, yes, she had them in there about 3 weeks ago. Mindy stated; I can't fit through that hole and the young boy offered to help, climbing in and bringing the 6 pups out. Mom dog willingly followed into her vehicle and Mindy was off to home with a hungry mama and her 6 pups.
Mindy didn't know what she would do, her dad is very very sick and lives over 7 hours away and she had been preparing to go be with him through a very critical time. So Mindy checked local humane societies and all told her, they had no room and would have to euthanize the pups. Mindy put a message out to all friends for help! A friend, Caroline, whom lived in NH asked around, can anyone help this mama dog and her pups that were abandoned in Southern Alabama and no where to go. Someone told Caroline, contact Teresa of Live and Let Live Farm Rescue, and Caroline called and we immediately jumped into action.
Live and Let Live Farm Rescue (LLLF)had no contacts in Southern AL, but we put the messages out for help and our head foster in TN, Gina, found that Tiffany just moved to the town that is about one hour from Mindy. The next morning arrangements were made for Live and Let Live Farm to take the family under their wing and mom and pups went into foster with Tiffany. New to the home, and not yet set up for fostering dogs, LLLF was able to purchase a kennel for outside time for mom and when the pups grew old enough to play outside as well as purchasing puppy food and supplies at the local Tractor Supply.
Mama Honeycomb, is a very smart girl to know when someone was safe to help her pups. Honeycomb and her family is now going through parasite cleansing, external and internal, and has their vet appointments in place for vaccines and whatever else they may need to be healthy.
Next step is to set up plans for the family to head to NH, to Live and Let Live Farm Rescue in about 5 weeks when they are healthy and ready for travel. Bless this family and caring and compassionate humans... you all make a difference for such precious lives at their greatest times of need. www.liveandletlivefarm.org We are blessed for the caring rescuers, volunteers, fosters, transporters and supporters to be able to help such precious lives during their greatest times of need !!!!!!! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/16P8380V33S2T