I've been shut down to the public for a little while now and have cut back breeding considerably. I've had some time to think and figure out what direction to take the Rattery. I don't believe I will be open to the public again, but have considered being open to work with other breeders who share my same values and breeding ethics. I have also contemplated allowing certain previous adopters to adopt from me again, if they were interested. If you were a previous adopter and interested, send me a message. :)
This brings me to what I want to focus on now in the Rattery. I have a hard time focusing on just one thing. Of course, the #1 Goal will always be temperament and health, but besides those things I want to turn my Standard lines into Dwarf and raise strictly Dwarves. I'll be honest, currently my Dwarf lines are very work in progress. I have only ever adopted out 1 pair of females to a lovely couple that drove all the way from Tennessee for them. I have never heard from them since, but I assume they are/were lovely little girls. That line I am trying to save currently as I am not only a breeder, but I also enjoy them as my pets and let most of my girls get too old to breed.
At this time currently I am unsure exactly when my doors will be back open, but I wanted to let those who still follow the page an update on what's been going on and the direction the Rattery is going to focus.