This is how we give our Pudgey Poo antibiotics for her little ear infection. We do this twice a day, for a few weeks.
She is a sweet girl & will take her meds like a champion. She is turning three this year! I have had her since she was just a couple of months old 🥹
Next time I think I will inject the meds into a superworm & see if that’s easier for her!
my little Corndog is getting so big!
Went from a little smokie to a whole hotdog in the span of a week 😭
(We keep a very close eye on gliders when we are outside.)
missing my little corndog right now!
Was doing pouch checks & saw one of Dollie’s joeys airing out! 😍 so so pink.
Mort the daddy keeping guard but really just waiting for another blueberry lol
Family get togethers for the holidays mean that there will be a sugar glider napping with my dad. That’s the rule. I don’t make them up.
Pua was always happiest when he was in a bra 😂 gah I miss this little squeak! He was always so so sweet. He’s living with some of our dear friends in MN & is thriving ✨
#sugargliders #sugargliderjoey #fyp
NO BC I AM NOT WELL. Look at how tiny Eddie was you guys!!! 😭😭 a literal angel.
sugar gliders grow soooooo fast. I guess all babies do lmao. Eddie was always the sweetest boy. Now he’s thriving with on of our friends 🫶🏽
NO BC I AM NOT WELL. Look at how tiny Eddie was you guys!!! 😭😭 a literal angel.
sugar gliders grow soooooo fast. I guess all babies do lmao. Eddie was always the sweetest boy. Now he’s thriving with on of our friends 🫶🏽
NO BC I AM NOT WELL. Look at how tiny Eddie was you guys!!! 😭😭 a literal angel.
sugar gliders grow soooooo fast. I guess all babies do lmao. Eddie was always the sweetest boy. Now he’s thriving with on of our friends 🫶🏽
ok can someone pls tell me why it’s so cute to listen to sugar gliders eat lol. Literally any person chews their food like this & I will be absolutely blinded with rage; but give me a glider that can’t chew with their mouth closed & that is actually the perfect soundscape for me. ALSO THE TWINS ARE HUGE ! One detached a few days ago, I got to hold him last night ! I think I will name him Pickles. The other one I am pretty sure detached over the last couple of days, but he has always been nursing when I check on them, so I haven’t really gotten a good look at him. I think I may name him Mr. Stinky Pants. Not sure why. Let me know your thoughts.
EEK we got a sneak peek at Dottie’s twins! They are literally spilling out of her pouch, I’m not sure how much longer she can keep them in there 😂 Not every mom does well with twins, but Dottie has produced twins almost every single time, and she’s been awesome with them she far. Can’t wait to see what they created this time! Both babes have pink tails, and dark bodies. I’m excited to see them 🤭