Farm proofing puppies, and they are all sleeping and don’t care one bit about the birds
Imladris Shilohs
A funny little story for you...
How many have had this happen to you?
7 girls and 2 boys has changed to 6 girls and 3 boys. Apparently green/spatzel grew a pen*s!!! How that happened we don't know. One day he was a girl and then the next he had a stick and berries!! We were weighing them last night and I grabbed him and saw his little button wiener and just thought the wrong collar was on him. But I checked and the other two boys were still there🥴 I guess when his umbilical chord fell off his pen*s materialized🙄. Now, I know I'm sleep deprived but I handle those babies a lot!! Maybe he has a detachable pen*s but it was still there this am when I checked.
No matter what I say I am an idiot!! I can't tell an 🍆 from a 🍑
And don’t just think rift gets the better of lore
They play like this all the time!!
Rift being attacked by the almost 6 week old babies
Yup, now lore is letting the lambs nurse on her!!!!
This is just one reason why I love my Shilohs. These are 6 day old bottle baby lambs that I got on Sunday. The dogs have seen them through a gate but haven’t interacted with them until now
The puppies this morning. Notice the cute little one on top. She's got determination
Quiver taking the Flock for a Walk
Quiver was herding the Guinea Fowl at the farm one afternoon, we got a kick out of it and happened to catch it on video. It almost looked like she was talking the flock for a walk as she herded them up and down the fence line, then turned and walked them down to the barn and back. She's such a good and fun girl!