What a one-of-a-kind woman.
Shelby saw it to be her life’s mission to help as many animals in her community as she could. From her days at Blue Mountain Animal Clinic, to the early days of the formation of the Page SPCA, to working at the old animal shelter and finally at the new shelter, she was always there willing to do just about anything to get the animals the help they deserved. Throughout her time in the animal world, Shelby helped thousands, if not millions of animals through spay and neuter, rehoming, adoption, bathing, feeding, administering medicine, cleaning cages/kennels, playing, walking, contacting rescues, coordinating transports….we could go on and on. Her tireless efforts were to always try to make all the animals she encountered feel loved, safe, and secure, no matter the length of time she spent with them. Her defense of the voiceless animals of our county will be felt for generations.
Shelby’s 35+ years of dedication to helping the lost, hurt, abandoned and unloved animals of this county is awe-inspiring. She will forever be the heart of this organization, and in the following days moving on without her will be quite the challenge. We ask you to be patient with us as we reorganize and decide on how to move forward together to keep serving this community as Shelby would have wanted us to.
Shelby’s funeral is on Saturday, March 30th at the Bradley Funeral Home. The family is receiving visitors from 5-6pm with the service following after. In lieu of flowers, Shelby’s wishes were to have donations sent to the Page SPCA. Our address is PO Box 62, Luray, VA 22835.
(Please spay and neuter your pets)
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