We all share snackies here but teaching Sana to be patient and allow the goats to eat alongside her, be it food or treats, is important. Tonight went well. ❤️
For those who don’t know, routine is everything for livestock. Especially Skye. In my earlier post, I mentioned how I had to unexpectedly bring Frog and his bestie, Toad, onto the porch. My quickest option was Skye’s pen. When she lost her sh*t, I brought her into the house. But that wasn’t her pen. She let me know her displeasure 😂. Don’t worry, she’s content now in her old pen and is happily sleeping now but oof, it’s been a night lol
It was a beautiful, sunny but chilly day here. I didn’t get all the faces but loved seeing them out enjoying the not so windy weather.
Snowstorm 2025
It’s our first significant snowfall in the last couple of years and none of us are enjoying it lol
Thank you, Santa!
The 2024 Santa run sponsored by Solomons Volunteer Rescue Squad and Fire Department has come and gone. Our goat ambassador, Basil, joins me every year and tonight he was decked out for the holidays. We look forward to this every year! Thank you!!!
Every year, Basil (our Ambassador goat) joins me at the end of the driveway to see Santa. This year, we went in style and he was all decked out for the holidays! Thank you, Solomons Volunteer Rescue Squad and Fire Department for doing this each year, it’s a treat for us and for all the people in our neighborhood. And hey Mrs. Claus, Basil was sooooo excited to get his candy canes!! Thank you thank you!!
A little throw back to little Skye before she turned into a big girl ❤️ (I don’t own rights to the music)
Chicken Nubbie
Chicken Nubbie is doing AMAZING.
It’s love ❤️
As you know, we took Frog in today for his cast removal. If you remember, Frog and his best friend, Toad, were on the run for 2 months before being captured and taming them has been an undertaking like no other. Even after nearly three months here, they are still extremely skittish but I see tiny glimpses of the sweetness they have inside. This is Erin, who works at our vet Southern Maryland Equine Veterinary Service (SMEVS) and she is often hands on with the people we bring in. It was clear today that Frog fell in love with her and this made my heart swell. It’s times like this that really make me realize how important it is to help these little beings, no matter the cost. It makes everything worthwhile.
#skye can’t be alone for 10 minutes 😂. How will she ever transition outside. Oof.
Gracie update!
Video from this afternoon’s chores. Miss Gracie is curious, she wants to know why everyone else gets love and attention and decided today that she wanted to say hello, taste my fingers and let me love on her. She is perfection, y’all. She’s absolutely perfect ❤️