Welcome to our first intakes of the 2024 season 2 tiny baby girls only two days old. The finder attempted to reunite babies with momma and had them outside last night hoping she would come for them but sadly she did not. We will do all we can for them, so far they both seem healthy and we have starting the rehydration process. It takes approximately $500 per baby raccoon to care for them until release. If you'd like to make a donation to help with their care or other babies that will come our way this season you can use Paypal- [email protected] or Zelle 815-494-0932 or send a PM for other options. Thank you all in advance ❤️🦝🥰
Monday all but 1 opossum was successfully released including sweet Marshmallow 🥰 They are all huge and nice and plump for the winter! The opossum that is still here is Tiny Tim who came late in the season and is still to small. Tiny Tim may need to stay this winter but that will depend on the weather and how fast I can fatten him up lol 😆
Dinner time for the outdoor opossums 😋 donations always needed! Everything we do comes directly from our pockets caging, vets bills, meds, food, toys, laundry, blankets.....EVERYTHING. IF YOU CAN HELP IN ANY WAY THE ANIMALS AND I WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE IT 🙏 ❤️ PayPal via [email protected] or porch drop offs also appreciated PM me for info. Thanks ❤️
Stork dropped off a special delivery last night! Sleep....what's that lol 😆
Jimmy one of our 5 week old baby
raccoons wanted to say good morning and thank you again for helping us get our Babywarm incubator ❤
Another late night or is it technically early morning lol 😆 😜 took in 5 newborn baby raccoons only a few days old! 2 of them still have their umbilical cords still attached. The home owners relocated the raccoon not realizing she had babies until they started to hear them crying 😢 by then it was too late mom had been gone 3 days!!! Lucky these 5 are fighters! Please don't relocate raccoons this time of year they may have babies yes and if you are at all able to help me out with the cost of a baby warmer I am more than desperately I need you just have no idea I don't want to have to turn people away but incubator space is already super crowded....ugh please see my babywarm post 100% of the proceeds go to the incubator NOTHING is deducted! Thank you in advance for your help and to those that already donated I couldn't do what I do without you!
New intake tonight baby bunny only a couple days old ❤