On this day in 2008, we got Rok Star in Hollywood. She was rescued from a shelter in Los Angeles. That whole day was a day to remember. We were in Hollywood to play our second show at the Whisky. One of the most memorable times with her, our band, and friends. Tonight, we took her to the pet store to get her an anniversary present.
David got it all started when he found her online on July 4th weekend. He called the shelter to make sure she was still there. They says that they were surprised that she was. Because they had a lot of Dogs there and she had been there for awhile.
He asked them to hold onto her until after the holiday. He made arrangements for our friend Julie to pick her up on July 5th. She brought her home and took care of her until we got there on July 24. Then she brought her to our hotel. Which was the Beverly Hotel across from CBS.
We have video of Rok Star in our hotel room that day that we will post in a comment. So, everything worked out to save her. We brought her home, and she’s been our “kid” since then. And Angel that God sent us. Thank you, Julie (In Heaven). We wish you were here to celebrate with us. Life is a lot better with her. We love her more than anything.
David and Daren