We had BEAUTIFUL weather for a lesson last evening! Miss Amyah had a great ride on Fred! If you are looking for a fun after school activity for your horse crazy kid, I have openings for 4 students currently! Evenings during the week and availability on Saturdays as well!
Great job Amyah!
Come see me for some winter horsemanship lessons! Ground work and riding!
Ever wonder about how to keep your horse out of your personal space? Ever wonder how to begin teaching your horse to leg yield? Teaching your horse how to move away from pressure has so many benefits! In this video I give you the step by step process of how to teach your horse 3 exercises that with help them learn to move away from pressure.
Polo Wraps 101
Polo wraps can be confusing to use and if used wrong can be outright dangerous. In this video I cover why to use polo wraps, when to use them, safety tips, and how to put them on correctly.
I'm gonna miss this beautiful boy when he heads home!
I had some help from Val Golden yesterday and today to see how Sakara goes with another rider. It was pretty awesome to see the progress he's made!
Great ride on this boy yesterday! He's coming along so nicely!
Holly-relaxation at last!
Holly-Free lunge/turn out
Attempting haunches in on center line. First to the right, then to the left. We drifted a bit but all in all it was a good lesson! Loving learning all the lateral movement at a walk while I'm pregnant! Wonderful school horses at KKM Stables!
Thanks to my wonderful instructor Karen Graves I can now attempt to perform half-pass! In other words, I know how to ask for it and can get a correct answer most of the time! Just at the walk for now though cuz this pregnant lady can no longer sit a trot! And this was Reggie's and my first lesson together since his injury so only walking for him too!