Honey that you see in stores may be labeled organic, but the USDA does NOT recognize honey as an organic product. Why is that? Because honey bees can forage for up to 5 miles in any direction and while we beekeepers can talk until we’re blue in the face telling our bees to be careful out there 😜 we don’t actually have any control over where they choose to get their nectar. Truly “organic” honey would require a certified organic area of nearly 80 square miles!
How are these products labeled organic? The honey within is *imported* from countries that DO certify honey, Brazil for example (which has a rainforest-based organic honey industry). So, is it actually organic? Yes, because every country of origin regulates their own honey labeling. Is it local? No
Know what you’re buying. If you want local honey, buy it directly from the beekeeper. It will not be organic but it will be the best honey you’ve ever tasted! (and help shrink your carbon footprint while you’re at it) 🌸🐝🍯