Have you ever wondered why your dog humps?
👉🏼Humping is often misinterpreted as a display of dominance, when in reality, it's actually a displacement behavior!
For example, in this video, Riley lacks proper introductions to other dogs. Consequently, he doesn't know how to be social or play, so he resorts to a familiar behavior that can also appear dominant.
🔅This is a classic example of displacement behavior.🔅
It's important to reiterate that humping is not inherently a dominance behavior. Dominance itself is a complex subject, and in multi-dog households, the dynamics of dominance can shift depending on the specific circumstances.
These behaviors are typically the result of stress/anxiety.. I see this a lot!
Also, I don't typically laugh when I see this happen! It was definitely a "had to be there" moment. Hah!!!...
One more thing.. HAPPY FRIDAY!!!
Here's a peek into a day with Salem and Binx, my decoy dogs..this video is very mild. [read on]
For dogs with reactivity problems, a decoy dog can help desensitize them to other dogs in a safe space.
Since most of my dogs are super reactive, it's vital that I don't start desensitization with a real dog. Yeah, I know a real dog has movement and smells, unlike Salem and Binx, but my dogs mostly perceive them as real.
Watching the dog with the decoy gives me a good read on their reactivity. This is a crucial step. Once we start desensitization and while implementing already learned commands, we can slowly and safely start introducing them to other dogs in very controlled settings [this is done with a lot of caution].
When it comes to healing reactivity and aggression, it needs to be done safely and at the dog's pace. It's really important to do this process step by step, and the right way. If we don't, we risk causing harm to the client dog, the dog being used to help desensitize, and harm to people. It can take something as small as a snap from one dog to create anxiety and defensive behavior in the other. So again, doing this the right way is a MUST.
This is certainly a process, but you can't put a timeline on healing!
One last thing, Happy Friday!
Serious question... Anyone I'm close to want a dog? ⭐️6 FREE TRAINING SESSIONS INCLUDED!⭐️ He's almost 2, an XL Pitbull, kennel-trained, and knows basic commands (again, he comes with six free training and acclimation sessions). He needs a home with no other dogs or cats right now, but he's amazing with people!
Please help! We need to find him a loving home ASAP. It's a long story, and I'm happy to elaborate if you're interested. (He's not our dog; he's a rescue that I picked up while trying to help a rescue out of Oklahoma. Unfortunately, they haven't come, and he needs to leave his current location ASAP.)
He's an amazing dog, and I'm so scared he'll be sent to shelters (when they do come for him) and eventually euthanized.
I would take him, but I've reached the maximum number of dogs allowed in my rental.
PLEASE HELP! His name is Captain!.. he's an inside dog and must stay inside!
Obviously this post is made out of desperation!!!!!
To everyone who supported us, cheered for us, and for every name drop and referral, we really appreciate all your support this year. We're so thankful for each of you!
Thank you for backing our mission. Wishing you all a 2025 filled with good health, happy times, family, friends, and tons of love.
Hope you are all blessed.
🎉Happy New Year🎉.. and please don't drink and drive!
To all the reactive dog owners:
I know it's tough.
Owning a reactive dog is hard, but most everyone I've met wants the same thing: to love them and help them feel better.
It's definitely not easy having a dog with behavior issues, but your willingness to help your dog is seriously awesome.
This is probably not how you pictured dog ownership, but you know your dog didn't choose this and they're trying their best.
Don't beat yourself up if your patience runs thin or if you feel overwhelmed. Remember that your dog will have setbacks, and it's normal to get frustrated; reaching a breaking point happens (to you, human). As you know, healing takes time, patience, and persistence!
Reactivity's a crazy ride, but you're doing it. Your dog's lucky to have you!
Hang in there!!!!
Happy Friday!
This is a friendly reminder that if you are solely banking on that one-hour-a-week training sesh to change how your dog behaves at home, then prepare to be disappointed!
I say this with the utmost respect. If you do not plan on being consistent and willing to make the necessary 🐾lifestyle change🐾 to improve this relationship with your dog, please do not call us!
Once you sign up for training, you need to be committed.. all hands on deck.. the whole family! We can give you all the tools for your toolbox, but it's up to you to use them!
What we don't use, we lose.. our dogs are no different!!
If you're ready to make that change and COMMIT..reach out!!
Happy Tuesday!
You are my reason, Buddy!
I love you 🧡🖤
One crucial aspect in dog training is comprehending the concept of a dog's "Threshold."
In the dog world, a threshold refers to the specific distance at which a dog perceives a potential trigger and becomes alert to its presence without experiencing emotional distress. It can be viewed as the dog's protective boundary. However, once the trigger crosses that boundary, the dog becomes excessively stimulated to the point where it loses the ability to respond to commands or calm itself down (in simpler terms, the dog has officially lost their sh*t) 🙀
This video serves as a prime illustration of what occurs when dogs exceed their threshold and reach their breaking point.
This particular group of dogs faces various challenges. It is noteworthy that the family has shown so much dedication in assisting these dogs. 👊🏼
💫The Place Command is such a magical little signal 💫
This command is great when you need to preform a task without a dog under your feet. It's also a great command when your dog needs to just #ChillTheFOut
Need help teaching your friend the Place Command? Reach out!!!
One last thing... HAPPY FRIDAY!
Meet Milo. Milo was at risk for euthanasia. We've been working with him since June.. he has come leaps and bounds!
We see you, Milo! We're here to help 👊🏼
My boys had a spa day at Uptown Paws yesterday!
Tobii LOVED it, and Bruce.. well, he’s just Bruce! 🤣
All ready talk about K9 Aggression today! Who’s coming?! 11pm, my place.. hope to see you there!