We have had a whirlwind of things happening before and during convention!
First, before convention I found a really nice chocolate senior buck to add to our collection of Tans. We got word from the breeder that something went wrong with him. He was sick--head tilt and falls off the table when running. We were offered another buck but I declined. We are now on their waiting list for a nice Tan. I told her a nice chocolate or lilac doe or buck is fine. Just want it to be nicely marked like the one I had purchased. The breeder was fine with that. She is so nice!
Now the night before we were sending our critters off, we were assessing the Brits and doing tattoo touchups. Our nicest one out of Finn x Rosie decided to jump off the grooming table and jump on the floor. She broke one of her rear toes!! The next day we took her to our friend that is doing the transporting and he wrapped it and was trying to get it set back in place. I will need to rewrap in a few days. For now, waiting for it to start it's healing process. This doe automatically would pose and already had won some legs!!
In the past we had a Tan do about the same thing and broke it's toe on the end of its back leg. That was completely dislocated and floating. We had that amputated. This doe has one of her middle toes broken. Hopefully it will heal fine and one cannot tell it was broken. We shall see. If anything, we will use her as a brood doe as she is there nice!
Today was judging day for us. We don't know how the Brits did. We sent 2 senior does and 2 junior does. All black Otter!
For Tans, I was told of one of them earlier and then I got messages from 2 different people about our Tans! For starters, one told me that 1 of them had escaped. That one was found. Another person said one of ours jumped off the running table. I have no clue how that one is doing or which ones they were who misbehaved. Lol. Go figure, only our Tans! Hopefully the Brits behaved themselves! Lol.
Ok here are the Tan placings that I know of!
Oh I should mention that we changed the chocolate senior buck to an older fellow who seems to be still in his prime! BB8 was sent to convention and he is 4 years old! I honestly didn't expect him to do well due to his age but boy was I surprised! He placed 3rd in chocolate senior Buck's, but there were only 6 in his class! Hey, I will take that 3rd place with a 4 year old chocolate buck!
For chocolate junior buck class, there were 29. Only the top 13 were posted. Matthew Lee didn't make it in the top 13. I honestly don't know his placing and hoping to find out tomorrow.
We then had Blacks next. I truly wished I had entered Felix at convention but I didn't. I'm kicking myself as he would have been one I would love to have seen how he did. I know I was worried about him making and maintaining senior weight and that was a reason as to why I didn't send him. Well Dexter had 18 in his class of senior bucks. He placed 3rd! I will take that win! He is out of Bunnicula x Iron Bun. Last year his dad won the black senior buck class and his uncle, Spider Bun placed 2nd.
Black Senior does only had 12. I had both Aubrac and Dolly in those classes. All I know is that they placed dead last, #11 and #12. I don't know who got what. Aubrac will be leaving for her new home when convention ends.
Next up was the junior black division, for both does and bucks they had a total of 63 each! I said I would be happy if we ended up in the top 50 to top 30 as the juniors are all out of Bambi, our first generation buck!!
For bucks, we had 2 brothers that were sent, Ryan and I Am Next. I don't know who got what. All I know is that we placed in the top 15 by getting #12 and #14 place out of 63 junior bucks! Now that says a lot for the cross of Bambi x Naomi, aka Chomper!!
Finally junior does. We only had 1 entered, Maria. I honestly don't know where she placed. I do know that She didn't make it in the top 16! Hopefully we can find out exact placings of them tomorrow plus the Brits!
Of the Brits, we only had black Otter. We sent sweet Holly who will be going to Wyoming after convention and Jolly who has an attitude will come back to us and our intentions are to breed her! She already is going to be granded--i just need to turn in the paperwork to do that.
Dexter is waiting on his grand champion status to be official through ARBA. We sent that off prior to convention.
Onto the junior does that we sent: since Rosette decided to break her toe, we replaced her with her aunt, Almond. Almond is out of Finn x Walnut (Finn x Rosie). Then we sent Benji who is out of Finn x Rosie.
Again, hoping to find Brit placings tomorrow! When I know more, I will post here!
At convention, we do have 3 Tans waiting to hop on the next bus to their paradise!
Maria, Matthew Lee and probably it is going to be Ryan.
At home we have a few who is ready to hop on board somewhere...
Karma could be a potential hopper.
Ralph is so sweet where he would be perfect for a 4her!
Jane Doe needs a good house bunny pampered life
Lilo we would love for her to become a free roaming house bunny, preferably a clover kid in our area as she loves to do agility!
Both Jane Doe and Lilo are older girls. Jane is 3 and Lilo will be 4 in December.
Oh and this fellow is not leaving here but most of our homegrown's goes back to our first generation buck, Bambi! He actually will turn 6 years old on December 1! I do hope he sees his 6th birthday and continues to live awhile longer! He doesn't look like an old man as he still loves doing agility and being around kids! He is so laid back and very sweet. Love this buck of ours!!