These babies will be available for adoption soon. Dad was a seal point Ragdoll and mom is a seal point Siamese. They are the cutest babies ever. ❤
Look at Copper go
I am so ready for next week. Hopefully my back will hold out until then but the babies are taken care of.
It is with much sadness that I have to tell you that baby Bleu didn't make it. He started having seizures about 1am this morning. From about 1am to 6am he had about 1 an hour with each lasting a good minute or so. Eventually I just sat up in bed with him on my chest so that if I dozed off I could immediately feel when he started to have one. Then at 6:30 this morning they started coming back to back. Bleu died in my arms at 7:20 this morning. It was incredibly heartwrenching to hold him with each seizure as they became worse knowing the outcome was going to be good or maybe it was. I asked God on his last seizure to just please take this baby and stop his suffering and my prayer was answered. I know Bleu is no longer in pain and is rooting up the grass in heaven and being a happy piggy. Rest in Peace Bleu ❤
******* I attached a video of one of his seizures so please dont watch it if you don't want to see what he went through ******
I was so happy to see this girl today. I haven't seen Felina in over a week and I always get nervous when she is MIA. But when we seen her at the back of the property we of course called her name. She threw her head up and here she came. Momma I need my feed. LOL
Oh how I love this girl.
For your listening Pleasure
Make sure your Volume is UP
These puppies are the ones that were brought to us from Shreveport. They were brought in with their mom. These babies break my heart. They have no idea what human contact is. They flee from fear. They will snap from fear. They had no idea what dog food was. Only mommas milk. We are introducing them to food, we are introducing them to humans. They need constant contact to let them know that they are ok. It is ok to be petted, cuddled and loved. This is not going to end with us. This will need to be an ongoing process for the ones that adopt them. They will need continued socialization. This will be imperative to their social skills as an adult. Oh my Goodness these babies are soooooo CUTE!!!!! ❤❤❤❤
When your headed outside to go water and feed horses and you hit a really slick spot on the porch after all this rain and you fall flat on your back. Not Good
I felt and heard my back and neck snap..... OH CRAP
I lay there for awhile trying to decide if I can or should move. Well after a little while I crawl to my feet. Let's go get this done.....
Turn on the water and well dang it..... Broken!!!!!
Can you say DONE
Thank Goodness Bobby loves me and fixes it when he got home tonight and hauled the bales of hay since there was absolutely no way I could do it.
Yep I need a day off
Thelma & Louise
They are just precious
Praying for Felina.
Doe days end this weekend. 🙏
I see her next week.