Bobby Starlight is Rambo's (Starlight Time) Grand Dad. I never knew his story until I read this. So very cool.
Bobby Starlight 2002-2019
Seven years ago a quote was needed for a Bobby Starlight breeding ad. I said, "He is the best horse I ever rode." Now if i were asked, "What is the best horse you ever rode?" The answer remains Bobby Starlight.
Many may remember me riding him. Most don't know the story. Florida land developer Sandy Semanik and I were in Ardmore, OK, for the January sale in 2004. Sandy wanted better horses and it was my job to help him find some. (He couldn't have had worse help!) They led a Grays Starlight stallion in the ring that had just turned two. I remember I thought he was the most remarkable horse I had ever seen. Sandy said, "That's a 'purdy' horse. I'm going to buy him." And he did. (I guess he really didn't need my help after all!)
As we were making arrangements to get our new purchase back to Florida, Sandy asked me what we were going to do with this horse? I told him I guess we better show him. He then wanted to know what we would show him in? I told Sandy I had seen a reined cow horse show once and I was pretty sure I could do that with him.
Bobby Starlight only had one flaw...ME! I had never trained a reined cow horse, never ridden with anybody, and had only seen one show in my life when I started his training. Every time I learned something new, I would retrain him. He must have been retrained a thousand times, and he tolerated it. The first time I took him to the Worlds Greatest Horseman, he had roped 30 steers total and had worn a bridle 30 days! He made the finals.
He won a lot of money in spite of me. He gave me my start. My family loved him. I think he would have been one of the greatest cow horses of all time if he had a more experienced trainer. I've waited a lot of years to have another like him. I've had plenty of good ones but none that good. Why did my first horse have to be my best I often wonder? Probably to teach me I suppose. You can imagine the grief when I received the call today from Flag Ranch in Oklahoma informing me of his passing.