Fluff Trough now available at Marysville and Burlington. If you haven’t actually seen this in person, you’re missing out! These raised feeders have a viral following for a reason!
When I say I know what it’s like to have to feed multiple products to your pets, trust me, I can empathize! Five pets, five different foods, and a slew of meds. I wouldn’t change this life for anything though! This week we are feeding the following: @greenjujukitchen @smackpetfood @oc_raw @naturalpetpantry @grizzlypetproducts @nootiewellness Razzie is eating out of a @flufftrough raised feeder, Zalina and Mosez use a Slo Dog Go Slow slow feeder, and Sunny & Oreo are using raised, tilted whisker saving bowls (not pictured). All available at Julz Animal Houz. Healthy pets start with a healthy diet! Come see us for pet nutrition guidance. Oh…and SOUND ON for some great French Bulldog sound effects 😆
Christmas with cats.
Who else is fighting the cat vs tree battle?
Goodie Bag day is one week away!! While each bag is different, here is a sneak peek of what you may find inside, in addition to a Julz Animal Houz gift card, valued at $5-$250. See you next Friday!
Winthrop peeps, these just landed and we are OBSESSED!
Fashion Forward 🤭
Fashion trends start at Julz Animal Houz!!! OK, so that may be a bit dramatic, but, we do have some super cute tees and sweatshirts to express your love for your pets!! These are a few of our fan favorites! #julzanimalhouz #julzanimalhouzburlington #julzanimalhouzmarysville #julzanimalhouzwinthrop #dogandcatlover #dogmom #dogdad #naughtyshirtsayings
Green Juju - not just for dogs!
@greenjujukitchen goat milk for the win!! Did you know that Green Juju is formulated for dogs AND cats?! Pure. Simple. Raw. Green Juju grass-fed raw goat’s milk contains proteins, fats, enzymes, probiotics, vitamins, minerals and more! They source the best raw milk in the country — from happy, healthy, humanely raised goats. #julzanimalhouz #julzanimalhouzmarysville #julzanimalhouzburlington #julzanimalhouzwinthrop #greenjuju #greenjujukitchen #mainecoon #mainecoonsofinstagram #mainecooncat #mainecooncatsofinstagram #mainecoonkittensofinstagram #mainecoonkitten #cats #catsofinstagram #catworld #rescuecat #rescuecatsofinstagram #rescuekitten #rescuekittensofinstagram #viral #trending #crazykitten #catmom #boycatmom #rawfed #rawfedkittens #rawfedcats #rawisbest #rawfedcatsofinstagram
Today is Wild Wednesday!! Run, don’t walk! #julzanimalhouz #julzanimalhouzmarysville #julzanimalhouzburlington #wildwednesday #rawfeddog #rawfeddogs #rawfeddogsofinstagram #rawfedcat #rawfedcats #rawfedcatsofinstagram
Got picky cats? Yeah, me too! If I’m not banging my head against the wall trying to get these two goobs to eat, it’s not a normal day. That is, until I whip out my secret weapon…Green Juju Dog Food. Huh? Dog food, for cats?! Yep! You read that right! I rotate through a large variety of foods (for all of my pets), but hands down, the brand that is consistently loved by my cats, and is never snubbed, is Green Juju! With its high organ content, it’s not only incredibly healthy, it’s extremely palatable. Cat peeps, I’m talking to you! Yes, you!! I know, you want food with a kitty on the label, labeled just for cats, I get it! But don’t be fooled by thinking Green Juju is just for dogs, it’s not! Get some! Freeze dried or frozen (I feed both), your cats will thank you! #julzanimalhouz #julzanimalhouzmarysville #julzanimalhouzwinthrop #greenjujukitchen #greenjujunot justfordogs #rawfed #rawfedcats #rawfedcatsofinstagram
Green Juju frozen (and freeze dried) food is great for dogs AND cats!! Maine Coon Sunny is absolutely ravenous over the beef!! Green Juju is a frequent buyer item, which means we track your purchases and will hand you your thirteen bag of food for FREE!Available at all three Julz Animal Houz locations today! #julzanimalhouz #julzanimalhouzmarysville #julzanimalhouzburlington #julzanimalhouzwinthrop #greenjujukitchen #rawfedcats #rawfeddogs #rawfedcatsofinstagram #rawfeddogsofinstagram #somefreshfoodisbetterthannofreshfood
If you’ve been looking for a sign to show you it’s time to head to Julz Animal Houz, here’s your sign! Green Juju frozen food has arrived!!! How do you spell love? G R E E N J U J U Tag us in your Green Juju pics!#julzanimalhouz #julzanimalhouzmarysville #julzanimalhouzwinthrop #greenjuju #rawfeddogsofinstagram #rawfedpets #rawfedcats