Loki wondering why there isn't any koi food floating this time
Our pond filtration, bog filter, 3 to 4' layer of 1/2 -1.5" river stone with 4" header which the water flows up from the large savio skimmer and bottom drain with bladder aerator. Pump is a Hayward variable speed pump mostly run @ 1750rpm for regular daily operation. There are two 55 watt uv bulbs installed in the savior skimmer each side. The water then goes from skimmer, bottom Drain to a pump pre filter then flows into a header that allows the flow to be split between the bog filter and repurposed Hayward sand filter turned into a bio filter using k2 media which is blown out weekly and then backwash and flushed to a remote discharge pipe. All piping is at least 2" pvc pipe. The pond is between 17,500-22,500 gallons including the bog filter pond.
Amazing weather for November
Today Loki turns seven months old!!! Can't believe we have made it this long 😂
Colder weather, water at 60°f water, water is like glass
Koi can sure make some noise
Clear water, very active today