I’m getting great advice on what to do with dad here….
Cap vs A Button Mushroom. The jury is out on taste but they’re sure fun to play with! #bringingupbanybordercollie #keepthebrainbusy #babydogsgonnababydog #eatyourveggies
Cap is 4 months old now! Hot days call for cool water and bobbing for tennis balls is fun! Follow Cap the Service Dog In Training for more! #servicedogtraining #babybordercollie #summerfun #keepthebrainbusy
Two puppies enter, both puppies leave! It’s a Play Bow Throw Down! #bringingupbordercollie #captheservicedogintraining #peggytheservicedog #puppiesatplay #freeshapingbehavior #itsarufflife
Some early afternoon shenanigans on a gorgeous Friday afternoon Cap and Peggy The Service Dog having a play bow showdown!
Cap learning to use the Kibble Vending Machine! His paw has to hit the bone and push it down to dispense a dozen or so kibbles. It took him a few days of playing and frustration but he got it!! #futureservicedog #babybordercollie #captheservicedogintraining #freeshapingbehavior
Mute or your ears might pop!
Cap is a brilliant little boy and needs constant challenges and puzzles to keep his brain busy. So far we use puzzle bowls, treat balls and treat toys to keep him busy and motivated.
This toy (a treat vending machine: to get the food he has to push the bone down and it’ll dispense some of his kibble).
We baited it for him with good snacks the first few times. Then we showed him by lifting his foot and using it to press down the lever.
Tonight he’s bored and wants more food so he started to play with his new toy.
Frustration won and he smacked the bone!
Now he’s getting it every 4-5th time. I’m so proud of him! He has a new favorite toy and he figured it out on his own. Good boy, Cap!!
Achievement Unlocked: First puppacino devoured!
Peggy’s is the best big sister a goofy baby border collie could ask for. ❤️
Cap loves the new baby pool! He loves to dig at the water before jumping out and giving us a big show of Zoomies. It’s awesome!