TLC by the Lake Guardian Home page

TLC by the Lake Guardian Home page This private page is created for the TLC by the Lake poodle and doodle Guardian homes.

the purpose of this page is to provide communication, info, announcements, tips and trick for our Guardian homes.

So several people have asked for updates on Maria lt’s been a week since we’ve been home last Wednesday but since then w...

So several people have asked for updates on Maria
lt’s been a week since we’ve been home last Wednesday but since then we’ve only had one night of nursing. Due to Maria being in the hospital for so long, our nurses have to find assignments elsewhere, rightly so. So I have been her caregiver 24/7 and when I say 24/7 I mean 24/7
We finally in the past two nights Have had 90% of the 6 hr night, restful. But the first two nights home were filled with horrific terrors and fear on our part.
When Maria gets sick Maria‘s motility completely shut down and her bodies response to pain in her G.I. track is to create secretions to the point she is drowning in them, and she her oxygen saturation decreases. So for the first five days, we would have two days where it was 24/7 high heart rates and desat, secretion. Then three days where it would be 12 hours of good and five minutes later you would have 12 hours of oh my gosh, do we need to go back to the hospital.
Talking to her doctor from day one, when I was in a panic, her pulmonologist said you’re gonna have to give her a week and it’s literally been a week till I finally feel like we are 65% back to feeling we are not loosing her. We still are getting below daily Volume feeds that she is required for a healthy nutritional intake into her but she’s looking good and we’re getting close to it. The problem is when her G.I. system says” I am done”, it’s done and we have to give her 2-3 hour breaks. The hourly volume that she is up to is only enough to sustain her if we were able to do it 24/7 and we are not. we’re only able to get about 19 hours of feed in a day but she still at a healthy weight and is resting more peacefully every day requiring less and less suctioning every day And I feel I can walk out of the room and fix dinner for an hour as long as we can hear monitors alarming.
I can not thank you enough for all your prayers. Please keep them coming for germ free house. Haha!!! With 3 kids in school and one whos’ Autoimmune is in the tank and who is always bring things home every virus out there.
Thank you All

Special Thanks to some angle on earth who donated 2 large air purifiers to Maria for her room and our Living room. Not mentioning names because I want you to have your blessing in heaven.

And thank you to Cherry Glade Mennonite church for the blessing of the amazing food. My boys could live off pizza and hot dogs for only so long. Even once I got home the left overs tasted so heavenly.


Please pray for all the homeless that where on the Streets in all the towns effected by the hurricane.


Tonight I struggle with panic of Bring Maria home and not being able to keep her safe from Germs and all that comes next!
Been really trying to turn to Gods word when I have been stressed lately. Opened my Bible to Mark 5:36 “Do not fear only Beleive”.

Maria Thursday night 9/20/24 update:She desat all night,  xray and blood gases good. No collapsed lung nor do they look ...

Maria Thursday night 9/20/24 update:

She desat all night, xray and blood gases good. No collapsed lung nor do they look worse and no plural effision like last week.

Respiratory and Dr are encouraged it is
just left over junk from illness that you can’t get out until she is extabated.
Said 24-48 hrs to get this stuff out.
Suctioning every hr.

She has not slept in 30 hrs.

Prayers we are extabating about 3:00pm

Prayers we are extabating about 3:00pm

God is still working miracles.   Dr Not ready to give up on a new miracle.  But not sure why she is fighting allsadation...

God is still working miracles. Dr Not ready to give up on a new miracle. But not sure why she is fighting all
sadation medicine or why her BP is bottoming out.

Thank you all for your prayers for Maria. Keep them coming!!Last week we had two viruse innthe house. The boys started t...

Thank you all for your prayers for Maria. Keep them coming!!

Last week we had two viruse innthe house. The boys started throwing up juat for 24 hrs each on Monday and Tuesday on Thursday night last week Maria threw up for about an hour. I thought it just the flue that thw boys had. Kept her on pedilyte all thursday night and Friday. As her nurae was leaving at 3:30 Maria seemed flush. She was running 100.7 temp. By 5:30 we where calling ambulance. I couldnt get her oxygen up out of 76-80. We spent the night in hosp. Was put on bacterial antibiotic but then switched to a viral antibiotic and belivwd it was just thw viral flue and aspiration peunomia from what the boys had. We came home late Saturday night. Knowing we have all the equipment and nurses at home. She was stable but never got
real better.
While i was at Shawn Game Tuesday night( watching from Van becauae I too had started to get sick Monday Night) Bill Pickrel started to have problem with keeping her oxygen up to higher then 86-90 and had to put her O2 up to 4 litter.
I got home and worked to 1:00am with chest vest, breathing treatments, her cpap. It would go up to 90 and I would lower O2 then back she would
drop sat again down. Finally she settled into sleep and stayed above 90.
Let me also add since I got sick Monday evening and so when she she fell
asleep on Tuesday night i passed
out too at 1am. The nurse came in at 6:00 and the second Maria woke
up all alarms started to go off. We worked for an hour. Her airway was inflamed and I couldnt get deep
suction down her nose to her lungs. And again she was in 75-80 O2 on 4-41/2 litter oxygen. I jokes wiyh Maria it would bw nice if ahe could wait till 8:00am so
we could get all 3 kids off to second day of school. But no LOL!! 7:00 am. We had to call ambulance again.
Poor Shawn he isnnot a morning person and I am helping nurse with Maria and Miracle and going down list for Shawn. Was not one of my calmer school send offs. There is a lot of van packing, dog moving when we call ambulance everytime not to mention having 3 kids ready for bus at exact sametime.
To all you teachers you may never know what a kiddo goes thru before reaching you in morning.
So yesterday all day Maria was given lots
of support but we only could get up to 90% oxgen. Bacterial antibiotic where addd. Got
to room mid afternoon and Dr W orderes me to rest becauae I looked rough. Maria rested I rested. 5:20 i was half asleep andnwoke to reapitory sayingnthe word intubate. I set right up and said what are you talking about. I dont care how many times in hosp or how many times your child has been seriously ill, you never are ready for the word “intubate”.
i quickly called Bill and allowed him to facetime with her. We prayed and gave her to God.
It is different when you pray and give your children living lives and future to God, then to Give your Child LIFE to God what ever happenes in next 48 hr. At times like these many may beg God and bargin with God. I promised God I would not do that. We would praise him in what ever happened. Then you pray with out stopping.
Maria was again intabated around 6:00 but also they found her left lung looked
to have fluid amassing around the outside and was enlarging quickly thru out the day. So now she was also
going to need a chest tube. This is where the communtee of prayers again worked a miracle.
Dr W let me spend time with her until they where ready to do chest tube. She was on 100% oxygen but only sating innyhe 80 onnthe vent. I cried I
prayes, i sang the sweet song that Grandma Shirley Pickrel sang to her from the first time Shirley met Maria. “You are my sunshine”. As you all know the last
line is “Please dont take my sunshine away”. And then lots of tears flowed.

After waiting for shift change at 7:00 last night they begin. Again we reqxhes out to frienda and famiky and oir
church prayer groups, and prayers
worked. 1 1/2 later they came and said they got the central line in but did not need to do the chest tube that it was her left lung that collapsed again 3x in 6 mths. She has continued to get better all night. Today they want her to level oit and rest. Not
pushing anymore vent changes till tomorrow. But new shift starts tonight and in teaching hosp means new Dr in charge so new plans. So we will see??

Thank you Thank you. Your Praise, Your Faithfulness to pray worked!!!

The Pickrel family


Ok LOL thing are rough around here. Lol. Family sick for 2 wks. And full house with puppies. lol. I am eating last of fresh strawberries in only cereal left in house with no milk. lol. Time for grocery run

We ask you all to keep Beth and Bonnie in your prayers. Bonnie lost her daddy on Thursday. He has been ill for about 2+ ...

We ask you all to keep Beth and Bonnie in your prayers. Bonnie lost her daddy on Thursday. He has been ill for about 2+ yrs. Bonnie seat by his side for many hours.

Challa Adams (Daughter of Sassy and Rex) @ 9weeks

Challa Adams (Daughter of Sassy and Rex) @ 9weeks


Remember when your female comes into heat and it is her cycle to be breed you are responsible to have her here to TLC by day 6. We need you to confirm and double confirm if we are able to pick up in Frederick on our trips during the week.

Please note Katrina our staff will be doing a lot Of the pick up and delivery right now.


Happy Birthday to Trudy!

TLC male guardian homes:  Please let me know ASAP if the male has to go on a antibiotic.

TLC male guardian homes:
Please let me know ASAP if the male has to go on a antibiotic.


Looking for Guardian homes and Dogs to walk in the Accident 4th July Parade tomorrow July 3rd. 10:45. Should take about a hour.
Dogs need to be well behaved in public.


McHenry, MD

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm




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