Do I go to my local feed store for grain or to fill my cup with puppy love?
Emotional support donkey? or emotional support thoroughbred?
✨Pete takes on the Hunter ring!✨
This weekend Pete was piloted by our talented friend @tripleetraining and ended up as the GRAND CHAMPION BABY GREEN HUNTER!!!!!
We love how versatile and willing to learn this boy is.
✨ Pete takes on a winter XC schooling!✨
We got lucky with some gorgeous weather here in NJ so we took the opportunity to get out and have a nice, easy XC outing. Nothing big and scary, just knocking off a bit of rust!
Pete was a very good boy!! Big thank you to Megan for the invite, her consistent encouragement and belief in our little rocket man!
Bailing Twine Chronicles… Fail Edition
✨ Pistol Pete putting in work!✨
I’m honestly dumbfounded that we still have Pete in our barn, but I’m not complaining!!
He’s so freaking fun to ride and learns so quickly. He hadn’t been ridden in at least a week thanks to Mother Nature, but today we were able to put in some quality flat work.
✨Bailing Twine Chronicles✨
Unnecessary or necessity? 😂
#horsesofinstagram #horsegirlhacks #farmgirlhacks #farmgirl #horsegirl #equestrian #ottb
✨ Jumping into 2025 with BGE means…✨
🌟 Focus
💪 Confidence
📚 New Chapters
🌱 Growth
🐴💖 #BridgeTheGapEquine #NewYearNewGoals #EquineJourney #ottb #horses #equestrian #horse #eventing
✨Our newest addition, Nash, clearly loves music✨
After late night chores I chose to take a few minutes and hang out with the horses. The weather and our work schedules have made it challenging to get all of the riding done so Nash hasn’t done much in the riding department since arriving to BGE.
With that said, there’s a LOT to be gained from just spending time with the horses and letting them have a bit of chill time. We are big believers in building trust with our horses both in and out of the tack. Bodywork is also something we do regularly for our crew!
What are your favorite things to do with your horse on the ground?
✨Gimme More has been Pete’s mantra the last few months✨
If there’s one thing this horse loves it’s a job. Putting in work with Madeline in the irons at @windurrausa with Silva Martin 🤩😍