Our newest patient from Wild Florida Rescue. Hit by car on Friday with multiple fractures and post-trauma issues, but improving and working well with us. Such a magnificent creature! Send him/her good wishes as he/she potentially has many weeks of rehab. We are so happy he started eating today.
Reminds me of those pregnancy ultrasound images. But surprise!!
1 day post op finally getting a feed
Last Friday we got a call in from Wild Florida Rescue about a young pelican with fishing line badly wrapped from a hook that was swallowed and then wrapped around a wing. Because of Avian Influenza still in the area, there are not a lot of options for places that can/will help, so we want to do all we can. the fishing line had him cinched tight so his poor head was up against his wing and he could barely move. Dale received him and he was taken to surgery to remove the line. He did have some tissue damage to the wing that should heal quickly, but he did really well with surgery and was ready for his celebratory meal. So Saturday morning, he got his fill and he was taken back to the Port and released. Always good to have a happy ending. And hopefully this guy will be a little more careful with the fish he consumes to assure no fishing line or hooks still attached!