When I created the portrait of Nazeer, several years ago, I couldn’t have known the importance it would have in the world of Arabian horses. From that point on, when an image of Nazeer was needed, whether on the covers or in publications of all kinds, it was also used in the breed video of the Arabian Horse Trust to represent the Egyptian Arabian foundation stallion, Nazeer. A print of this painting also hangs in the Museum of the Horse, Arabian section, in the Kentucky Horse Park, as the representation of Nazeer. The original is now owned by Sheikh Ahmed Al Thani.
Always in my mind was to do a series, beginning with Nazeer, but the time was not right. Happily, it has now begun. The second in this series has now been completed as an accurate portrait of Ansata Ibn Halima. Although his fame came after coming to America, he was a horse of the desert. I felt it was important that he be depicted in a scene that most accurately depicts life in the desert, with the Bedouins.
This painting has the potential of becoming as important as the Nazeer, as both have been veried as accurate portraits of the horses represented. Available