The City of Merriam Woods Dog Pound,is located at 4417 State Hwy. 176, Merriam Woods, Mo. We are a City owned and operated "Dog Pound" that is supported by donations and the assistance of "May The Paws Be With You" non-profit organization. If you find a stray or lost dog please contact the city office at (417) 561-4341 Mon.-Fri. from 9:00am to 5:00pm for assistance. The pound accepts strays and ow
ner relinquish animals from Merriam Woods residents only since we have such limited space. If you would like to owner surrender a dog you must contact the office to make arraignments and find out if there is space available the fee is $30.00. All dogs owned in Merriam Woods are required to have a yearly license, you must show proof of parvo combo vaccinations. The fee is 3.00 for registration if spayed or neutered. Unaltered animals are 20.00. If your dog is found at large and is not registered you will be required to pay registration plus the impound fee's Prior to the dog being released to you. You may also be issued a citation for your dog running at large. PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OFFICE for information on registering Pit Bulls. This page was created as a way to get the word out about the Merriam Woods Dog Pound being open. Please keep comments and questions related to Animal Control issues. Feel free to post any information concerning lost or found dogs in the area. We will post pictures of any dog we pick up or that is turned in to our office. We are now able to do adoptions from our facility. We are working with other Shelter/Rescue organizations to place our unclaimed dogs. We are currently in the process of expanding our holding facility in an attempt to better serve the needs of the community. We gladly accept donations of dog food, water and food bowls, toys, etc. Any donation made to our supporting non-profit "May The Paws Be With You" are tax deductible, please contact Laura in the city office for more information.