I live at the base of the Superstition Mountains, where I get alot of inspiration. I was born into a seven generation circus family and traveled all over the United States and Canada. We built all the props for our acts. This sparked my interest in creating different kinds of metal work. When traveling on the road, you had to be able to fix, make and repair everything because you were moving weekl
y and sometimes daily. This helped hone my creativity. Later I started working at the Phoenix Zoo as a chimp trainer, where I also designed and built all the props for the four exotic animal acts. Working with steel I became interested in art and jewelry. I have made a lot of metal sculptures and interior and exterior metal design for homes in Pinacle Peak and Scottsdale area. I enjoy making silver jewelry and carving and have combined these talents along with wire inlay on some of my knives. I always had a love for working with steel and creating unique items usable and appealing to the eye I enjoy making period knives, western style, fur trade, Indian, and one of a kind custom knives. I made my first knife in 1985 and became a full time knife maker in 1989. All my knives are hand forged high carbon steel. The steels I use are 0-1 tool steel, 5160 spring steel, 52100 ball bearing steel,1095 high carbon, 1084 high carbon, and 15N20, along with nickel. For my damascus, I sometimes include high carbon cable, and motorcycle chain. I do all of the work on my knives in my shop, from forging to heat treating, carvings on the handles, and inlays.