We have been seeing many cases of heat stroke here at the ER and Trenton Animal Hospital this summer, most we were able to treat but one became fatal this weekend. With the extreme heat we are having this summer it can be a matter of minutes before your dog’s temperature can reach critical levels. Brachycephalic breeds (think flatter muzzle) like bulldogs, French bulldogs, shih tzus, Boston terriers, etc) are at extra risk because their airways are compromised and dogs cool themselves primarily by panting not sweating like people.
If your dog does get overheated, get them someplace cool, offer water and apply a room temperature to luke warm bath. Never place an overheated animal in cold water or apply cold packs..this could leave to a severe medical condition called DIC. Body temperature should be gradually lowered while you contact your vet for immediate care. Here are a few tips to avoid heat stroke and signs your animal could be having trouble. Sadly the case we saw this weekend was caused by the power going out at the home and a failure of the power company to alert the owner. Make sure that you have alerts set on your phone with your power company
to alert you to power outages. Stay safe and COOL! Dr Hiers