1. Keep Candy Out of Reach: Chocolate, xylitol (found in sugar-free candies), raisins, and other ingredients in Halloween treats can be toxic to pets. Store all candy in a secure location.
2. Avoid Costumes That Restrict Movement: If you want to dress your pet up, make sure the costume is comfortable and doesn’t restrict their breathing, vision, or movement. Watch for signs of discomfort like pawing at the costume or trying to remove it.
3. Watch Out for Glow Sticks: Pets might be tempted to chew on glow sticks, but the liquid inside can cause excessive drooling and discomfort. Keep glow sticks out of reach or avoid using them around pets.
4. Limit Doorbell and Stranger Exposure: Constant doorbell ringing and strangers in costumes can stress pets. If your pet seems nervous, consider keeping them in a quiet room away from the main Halloween activity.
5. Keep Pets Indoors: Unfortunately, Halloween can bring extra risks for pets left outside, including pranksters who may tease or frighten them. Keeping them indoors ensures they’re safe and away from potential harm.
6. Decorations Can Be Hazardous: Watch out for lit candles, loose wires, and small decorations that pets might chew or knock over. Consider using battery-operated candles and keeping decorations out of reach.
7. Identification: With all the coming and going, pets may try to slip outside. Ensure they have proper ID tags and microchip information updated, just in case they escape.