Most of us are familiar with the sometimes amusing or maybe even irritating ritual that some dogs perform before settling down to rest.
Why do they insist on circling, digging, scratching, making mounds of cushions, blankets or mats, often with great delight and satisfaction, when they have a perfectly comfortable, neat place to sleep?
It may simply be the same urge that leads us to twist, turn and scrunch up our pillows before finding a position that feels most comfortable, but the most likely reason is that this behaviour is genetically inherited from their wild ancestors.
These pre snooze dance moves each served a specific purpose that enabled their wild ancestors to feel protected, safe and comfortable in their environment.
Even though our modern, domesticated dogs shouldn’t need to be concerned about the same things their ancestors did, many dogs simply can’t resist performing these rituals.
Sometimes excessive circling, the inability to get comfortable or crouching down and then getting up again may indicate a health issue like arthritis, back problems or other painful conditions so it’s a good idea to have a vet check if you are noticing this happening frequently.
Generally, snooze time dance moves are a completely normal, natural behaviour and allowing your dog to perform these moves to their hearts content is important in contributing to their wellbeing by allowing them to feel more in control of their environment.