Here’s the difference between cheap and awful taxidermy compared to good artistic taxidermy. The big one on the right is my 11 pt I killed in 2001 , I had it mounted by a taxidermist with over 35 years of experience and after I got into doing taxidermy, it makes me sick to look at my trophy, the eye anatomy is wrong , the tilt of the antlers are way off , almost straight up and down and the whole mount looks awful , the little deer on the left is my work , I just finished this mount for a client last week , you can compare and contrast as to where the artistic ability comes into place , I spend entirely too much time on the mounts for my clients , especially commercial work , every little detail counts , but that’s why I’m respected and I have returning customers every year , if I wouldn’t hang my work on my wall , I wouldn’t expect anyone else to. Just a little fyi , all of my capes are tanned by me , I don’t use dry preservatives to preserve my capes and I will not use it as it is not stable , I want my mounts to last my customers a lifetime, using dry powder to preserve capes is risky and there’s the risk that down the road the hair will start falling out , I have a deer I’m doing a remount on because of this issue , so always ask your taxidermist how they preserve their hides , just wanted to show you that cheap work ain’t always better , and just because someone is in business for that long , doesn’t mean they produce good work , they do enough to get by and get paid and cut corners , but that’s not how I roll , thanks and I appreciate all of my loyal customers and followers !