Please help us welcome the newest (and tiniest) members of the O&Co fam: Bert (gray) & Ernie (brown)!
When Milwaukee Area Domestic Animal Control Commission (MADACC) reached out to us about two itty bitty seven week old puppies who needed a place to land and we happened to have a foster home open whose niche is nursing baby dogs back to health, it was kismet!
Unfortunately, these two are in worse shape than we anticipated, and, thankfully, our partners at Riverwest Veterinary Clinic squeezed us in at a moment's notice. Ernie's belly is VERY swollen, and while abdomen swelling is a normal symptom of parasites, Ernie's was too significant not to get him checked out right away. Our vet was also concerned about the size of the swelling, so we did a few x-rays to ensure it wasn't something more severe. We're counting our lucky stars that it wasn't!
Bert is, obviously, severely underweight. He's got so many pounds to gain, and between puppy food and formula, he's on track to be a hefty little clunker soon!
Both boys are on a double round of meds to clear out the wormy worms from their systems and get them feeling better and they each got a scrub in the tub and a much needed nail trim. They're settling in with their foster and will, hopefully, get a very well deserved and needed full night of rest.
Today's vet appointment set us back more than we were imagining. If you can find it in your heart to help us cover some of their vet costs, we would be ever so appreciative (and we promise to pay you back in their glow up photos!).
Venmo: olyverandco
PayPal: [email protected]
Square: https://square.link/u/MgXIA3D1
Website: https://www.olyverandco.org/donate
O&Co is dedicated to saving the ones who need it most. This comes with a cost, and we know it. But they deserve it, and, no matter what, they will get what they need. We got you, babies! 💛❤️