Summer fun and a great way to get your kids involved! Host a barbecue and have a scavenger hunt. I bet the adults will have just as much fun! 
FREE PRINTABLE for personal use!
This Barn Scavenger Hunt Worksheet is a fun barn activity for summer camp or other unmounted activity days. You can find the editable template through Canva (you just need a free Canva account to access and edit) here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGDj0DTQ-Y/n23_nTas-NlaPiBfXIh57Q/view?utm_content=DAGDj0DTQ-Y&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink&mode=preview
Edit to suit the needs of your farm and students. This template will help you get started and save you time.
Looking for more unmounted and mounted riding lessons for students of all ages and levels? Check out our online lesson plan library for instructors: https://horseridinglessonplans.com/
Don't forget that we offer a member's only library of Summer Camp Curriculum - EVERYTHING you need to run an ENTIRE camp ALL SUMMER LONG, ALL DAY! Mounted and unmounted lesson plans, worksheets, games, activities, and more!