The dogs got to snuffle in the yard this evening for some freeze dried Stella and Chewy's salmon and cod topper that we got on clearance. I am grateful to have dogs who make me forget that some dogs will inappropriately guard resources. 😅
**sound on for cuteness**
Just have to share this because it's adorable. My neighbor and two kids came out to watch the dogs train, and I had just set up the camera to see why I was not getting consistent weave entries with Joule. The other neighbors were out playing soccer in their yard, but the two kids cheering while the dogs did their training was just too much. Their mom was taking a video and cheering with them and if my dogs never do anything more than be Very Good Pets who provide excellent entertainment and enrichment to my life I don't think I'd be sad about it.
Just another day, trying to multitask to fit all the things in. Keeping dogs conditioned and doing their exercises, asking them to wait their turn and lie on a bed, and simultaneously watching training videos so I can come up with a plan for some field training when the weather gets a little better. It's not the life for everybody, but it's the life for me!
Mando finished rally class tonight and looked great doing it!
She got bored at Home Depot today. 😂
Went to the car wash with the baby puppy today. My dogs normally ride in the custom TNC crate in the rear of the vehicle, but for the car wash I wanted her in the front seat so I could watch her. Joule is 16 weeks old today!
The boys went for a swim today, and for a midnight snack they're all enjoying a crunchy cow ear from Dog Bully Sticks
Our morning fetch session! Gigi gets her own, and it's short simply because that's a lot to ask of her injured leg. Two of these dogs are steady, one is not. Hopefully we get a chance tomorrow to play with some birds and see what looks great and what needs some work!
We have made it a goal to find a place to run once a week at minimum after looking more into a class we took at Fenzi Dog Sports Academy, The Whole Picture: Behavioral Wellness for Performance Dogs taught by Sarah Stremming.
Trudy's owners sent me this the other day and I just can't with how cute she is.
Seriously. Twin Cities Animal Rehabilitation + Sports Medicine Clinic is the best place in the whole world for rehab. Do you see the snood? I just can not even.