Baby fox squirrel. The mother was killed by a car. It is being fed calf milk replacer.
Tuesday night cesarean and spay on a cat that couldn’t deliver the kittens. There was no milk and the kittens will have to be bottle fed.
Dogee is from the Cassville Walmart parking lot.
Fluffy climbs a tree to get on the roof at least twice a week. An upstairs window is raised to let her back inside.
Young dog displaying symptoms of tick paralysis. A Nexgard tablet was given by mouth to kill hidden ticks.
Fleas causing anemia in an older dog. The topical flea medicine wasn’t working.
Looks like marijuana. This is not from the owners, but from family visitors.
This cat was not eating well and losing weight. When Purina One was offered, the appetite appeared normal.
Chapo after constipation relieved.
Frannie has recovered this morning from marijuana.
Frannie had symptoms of head bobbing, urination, dilated pupils and non responsiveness. Mary instantly recognized the symptoms. The puppy is being held overnight for observation and treatment if necessary. At 8:30 PM she is wagging her tail and obviously recovering.
This hen is from a group recently purchased. The have developed a respiratory infection. Oxytetracycline will be given orally with a syringe daily.
Tootsie was having trouble delivering this puppy. The head was out, but the rest of the body was not coming. With my left hand. the puppy was rotated counter clockwise. The puppy popped out with minimal traction. If using the right hand, the puppy would be rotated clockwise. There is one puppy left to be delivered.
Rabbit treated for ear mites and nail trim.
This dog was constipated with hard feces in the rectum. He strained painfully with no results. Three 30 ml syringes of soap and water was given rectally. Suddenly, the feces exploded from the rectum. The young man sitting in the chair quickly jumped out of the way. This was at 5:15 pm and Mary had left for the day.
Toby went outside to play with the other dogs. He came back inside with the eyeball popped out of the socket. The eyeball was lubricated and with allis tissue forceps applied to the upper and lower lids, the eye was popped back into place.