CR Equine & Kennel LLC Destriers-Coursers-Palfreys & Jack Russell Terriers

CR Equine & Kennel LLC Destriers-Coursers-Palfreys & Jack Russell Terriers Ethical breeding-training-sales underpinned by evidence education training experience & psychology

Crossbred Friesians, Iberians, Gypsies, and farm-bred Drafts, and English Jack Russell Terriers.

2011 North American Destrier Horse Registry North American Palfrey 15.05hh True Black MareFor complete information: -NAD...

2011 North American Destrier Horse Registry North American Palfrey 15.05hh True Black Mare

For complete information:
-NADHR Registration Papers
-Graduation Pre-Purchase Exam Vet Report
-Graduation: CREK Equine Scoring System Report
-CRIO Horse Management: Health, Farrier, and Training Records
-CREK Evidence-Based Equine Development Program Graduation Diploma
-Etalon DNA Color, Health, Speed, Temperament, Gait, and Performance Report
-Etalon DNA Ancestry Report

All Around Video

Our horses keep their whiskers…and some have mustaches!

Our horses keep their whiskers…and some have mustaches!

Talking about whisker clipping is a really great litmus test to get an idea of how much of competition is human centred.

It’s a far more controversial topic than it should be.

In FEI classes, whisker clipping was banned recently and this caused a major uproar.

But in lower level classes and many other show organizations, it’s perfectly legal.

Regardless of anyone’s personal preferences, a simple fact remains — whiskers are a sensory organ for horses.

Each individual whisker even has its own blood supply.

The debate of how much they help with sensation is still ongoing but what is fact is that we know they’re used for sensory input by the horse.

It really isn’t up to us to argue to what extent they are used when that argument is only being used to justify us clipping them off for totally shallow reasons.

The only “benefit” humans get from whisker clipping is a “cleaner look” that they’ve been conditioned to like better.

There’s no other incentive, it’s all aesthetic based.

So, the fact that this is still as controversial of a debate as it is when it’s rooted in shallow human preferences really speaks for how much competition centres around human desires.

Because WHY are we enabling ourselves in promoting mindsets that flippantly take away protection and sensory output from the horse, with no care of the impact, just because we like they look better?

Whiskers are cute, for one.

For two, you can’t even see them in the show ring, only close up.

And then third, and most obviously, THEY ARE A SENSORY ORGAN.

Competiton can be done ethically, in my opinion.

But we will struggle to get to the destination of ethical competition so long as human desires are centred to the extent they currently are.

A Real Black Beauty! What a treasure this super talented mare she is. Brienne always greets you in the morning with a ni...

A Real Black Beauty!

What a treasure this super talented mare she is. Brienne always greets you in the morning with a nicker. Just one look at her face will show you she’s a GREAT one with a kind and gentle soul. She is a solid citizen, Brienne is the total package bound together with that sought after true black color that doesn’t bleach in the sun with beautiful feathering around her feet, a beautiful face and eye, and a long, thick, full black mane and tail. Brienne has lots of presence so she looks fantastic in both Western and English tack. Brienne is the total package and has been shown English, she is a beautiful mover, and turns heads wherever she goes. If you’re in the market for a serious been-there-done-that-all-arounder ready for a job and to be your best friend, Brienne’s your girl!

Brienne the smartest horse in our barn. She’s one of those that remembers what she learned and is super easy to train. She stays broke and doesn’t get fresh with time off. Never rude or pushy, just a sweet, gentle mare, who’s easy to catch in the pasture, loves to be groomed, loves baths, treats, affection, and love. She is easy to clip, de-worm, stands politely for the vet and farrier, loads-ties-trailers-unloads, ground ties, cross ties, is great in the stall and in the pasture, and has no vices.

Talented and athletic with the mind of a winner Brienne has an agreeable disposition and forgiving attitude. Brienne would make a great school horse. She would also excel as a fox hunter, lower-level dressage horse, first horse for an advanced beginner, and has a solid foundation for the buttons and tools she needs to be competitive in the show ring.

Brienne goes Western and English: barrel saddle, pleasure, dressage, and hunt saddles; snaffle, kimberwick, Tom Thumb. Unphased by commotion, construction, or obstacles, Brienne rides well with other horses or goes out alone, through water, over logs or over debris, is great around vehicles, other horses, cows, cats, and barking dogs.

Spurs or no spurs, Brienne rides easily with gentle, consistent, voice, leg, seat, and hands. and easy to mount from the block or the ground. She stands quietly once mounted until you ask her to move forward. In the arena, Brienne is a right-bent horse and is a beautiful mover. Her working walk and trot are very good, her walking and trotting lateral work is balanced and engaged, she’s developing very nicely at the canter, she picks up the correct lead in the corners or on the long walls, pitches her pretty little toe out at the extended trot like an upper-level dressage horse, and always halts on a dime. She WTCs and has speed control on voice command, is easy to train and is lots of fun with gorgeous and eye-catching style. But if the arena isn’t your thing, Brienne is equally as great outside on the trails and throughout the many terrains of hunt country and out on the ranch. Brienne is very sensible and is a very sure-footed horse. She’s happy to go wherever you point her and confident in all circumstances. Through water, up the mountains, around all the wildlife, nothing fazes her. She’s the perfect balance of whoa and go: ride on the buckle for hours then pick up the pace when you feel like it to enjoy a slow jog, to an extended trot, to a smooth canter and even smoother hand-gallop. She is very fit and can go for hours. She loves fox hunting! Brienne is quiet and easy as a Whipper-In’s Staff Horse, doesn’t mind barking hounds around her feet, or is just as happy to ride responsibly anywhere in the line in First, Second, Third Flights, or will Hilltop and has no problem with other horses cantering past her, easily speeds up or slows down quickly, and stand politely. She is Hunt Whip trained, you can swing it anywhere around her and doesn’t react if it wraps around her legs or otherwise. Brienne has always been willing to learn to perform any task at hand. Brienne is a rock star in our barn and in our hearts. There is doubt Brienne is a true equine partner! She is a very special horse who deserves the best forever home. You’re going to love her…

Our goal is a perfect match between you and your new Dream Horse!
And we aim to improve the way clients buy horses online sight-unseen. Therefore…
DNA To Help Give You Peace of Mind: All our horses are ProPanel+Ancestry DNA tested by for color, temperament, endurance, congenital disorders, and ancestry. Genetically, Brienne is E/e, a/a, nd2/nd2 and her temperament score of 3 means she is the perfect balance of both curious and vigilant. She is non-gaited and built more for endurance than for speed. As a registered North American Palfrey horse, breed wise Brienne tested as approximately 65% Draft, 9% Nordic, 8% Iberian, 7% Carriage Horse, 5% Thoroughbred, 4% Arabian, and 2% Exmoor, which makes her the perfect blend of strength and agility.

Ready-to-Go: All our horses are delivered to completely setup: current vaccinations, de-wormed, teeth floated, trimmed or shod, veterinary examination within 30-days with new Coggins and Health Certificate, and more. Brienne is 100% sound physically and mentally, she is strong, healthy, she has sturdy legs, and great feet.

Partnership: We stand behind our horses and want them to have the best forever homes. We want you to have peace of mind that you’re investing in a solid citizen. So, in full-transparency, not only do you get full health, farrier, and lab records, DNA and ancestry reports, registration and signed transfer papers, a library of photos and videos, training records and scoring sheets from our Evidence-Based Training Program that is built on Four Pillars of Knowledge: Psychology, Health, Conformation, and Performance; and more, you also get us as your new partner after your new Dream Horse goes home with you.

Breeding: Brienne can come with an optional breeding to our Gypsy Vanner Stallion Lord Arkyn of Riverrun CREK for 2025 or 2026.

For any questions at all, to book a visit or PPE, book transport, etc., be sure to call or text Dr. Laura Pettler 704-617-6177 or our Operations Manager Todd Ellis 980-699-8991.

A Real Black Beauty! What a treasure this super talented mare she is. Brienne always greets you in the morning with a nicker. Just one look at her face will ...

We are excited to announce the arrival of Brinley and Rio's beautiful litter of seven healthy puppies! More pics coming ...

We are excited to announce the arrival of Brinley and Rio's beautiful litter of seven healthy puppies! More pics coming soon! We cannot thank CR Sunny Valley Jacks Nicholas Cowan and Dr. Amanda Ramsey enough for all their help and guidance!

We DNA test all dogs and horses. Both parents are confirmed CLEAR by DNA for PLL and SCA. At maturity these beauties should be between 8-12" tall and 12-15 lbs. Three are reserved already and four are available. Please visit to reserve your new puppy!


Coming soon!!! Like this week soon! Yay!

Hay hay hay! From your favorite baby horse!   Let's all do what we can to make the world a better place! - Love, Tulgon

Hay hay hay! From your favorite baby horse! Let's all do what we can to make the world a better place!
- Love, Tulgon


Brienne’s first fox hunt. She was a rock star! Now another thing to add to her resume!

TULGON OF CAVALLERIA CREK out of Clononeen Tullylish by The Rebel

TULGON OF CAVALLERIA CREK out of Clononeen Tullylish by The Rebel

"Wazzup!!!!! Hay hay! I love hay! And I hope you have a good day! We can all  ! It's the LPA way!" With love from you fa...

"Wazzup!!!!! Hay hay! I love hay! And I hope you have a good day! We can all ! It's the LPA way!"

With love from you favorite bovine,
MosCow xoxo

Very valuable.

Very valuable.

Quotes by Clinton Anderson that a young trainer should live by and most of us learn the hard way:

1. “Work harder than anybody else. That’s the one thing that will beat talent.”
2. “Nobody respects your money like you do no matter how much you pay them or how much incentive they have.”
3. “An employee will do what you inspect, not expect.”
4. “It’s not a bit that’s severe in a horses mouth, it’s the hands behind it.”
5. “Frustration begins where knowledge ends.”
6. “If you’re getting bucked off in the first place, it’s because you’ve already failed. The fact that your c**t wants to buck tells me you haven’t done your homework.”
7. “It’s amazing what you can get done in 8 hours, if you actually work for 8 hours”
8. “You better pick somebody that loves what you’re doing because horses are a drug. It doesn’t wear off. And people that don’t have that drug, will never get that drug.”
9. “Make sure that customer walks away feeling like they got more than they paid for. “

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Clinton Anderson

The Light in Town aka “VIP”
📸Shannon Anderson


This person responsible for this horse should be serving a hefty sentence.

One way to combat New Home Syndrome is to take your horses lots of places. The more they travel the more settled they ar...

One way to combat New Home Syndrome is to take your horses lots of places. The more they travel the more settled they are in different environments. I recall when we used to take Charlotte Cannon’s Skip all over the country. He never batted an eye because he was so used to traveling he settled right in. Interesting read.

"New Home Syndrome"🤓

I am coining this term to bring recognition, respect, and understanding to what happens to horses when they move homes. This situation involves removing them from an environment and set of routines they have become familiar with, and placing them somewhere completely different with new people and different ways of doing things.

Why call it a syndrome?

Well, really it is! A syndrome is a term used to describe a set of symptoms that consistently occur together and can be tied to certain factors such as infections, genetic predispositions, conditions, or environmental influences. It is also used when the exact cause of the symptoms is not fully understood or when it is not connected with a well-defined disease. In this case, "New Home Syndrome" is connected to a horse being placed in a new home where its entire world changes, leading to psychological and physiological impacts. While it might be transient, the ramifications can be significant for both the horse and anyone handling or riding it.

Let me explain...

Think about how good it feels to get home after a busy day. How comfortable your favourite clothes are, how well you sleep in your own bed compared to a strange bed, and how you can really relax at home. This is because home is safe and familiar. At home, the part of you that keeps an eye out for potential danger turns down to a low setting. It does this because home is your safe place (and if it is not, this blog will also explain why a lack of a safe place is detrimental).

Therefore, the first symptom of horses experiencing "New Home Syndrome" is being unsettled, prone to anxiety, or difficult behaviour. If you have owned them before you moved them, you struggle to recognise your horse, feeling as if your horse has been replaced by a frustrating version. If the horse is new to you, you might wonder if you were conned, if the horse was drugged when you rode it, or if you were lied to about the horse's true nature.

A horse with "New Home Syndrome" will be a stressed version of itself, on high alert, with a drastically reduced ability to cope. Horses don't handle change like humans do. If you appreciate the comfort of your own home and how you can relax there, you should be able to understand what the horse is experiencing.

Respecting that horses interpret and process their environments differently from us helps in understanding why your horse is being frustrating and recognising that there is a good chance you were not lied to or that the horse was not drugged.

Horses have survived through evolution by being highly aware of their environments. Change is a significant challenge for them because they notice the slightest differences, not just visually but also through sound, smell, feel, and other senses. Humans generalise and categorise, making it easy for us to navigate familiar environments like shopping centres. Horses do not generalise in the same way; everything new is different to them, and they need proof of safety before they can habituate and feel secure. When their entire world changes, it is deeply stressful.

They struggle to sleep until they feel safe, leading to sleep deprivation and increased difficulty.

But there is more...

Not only do you find comfort in your home environment and your nervous system downregulates, but you also find comfort in routines. Routines are habits, and habits are easy. When a routine changes or something has to be navigated differently, things get difficult. For example, my local supermarket is undergoing renovations. After four years of shopping there, it is extremely frustrating to have to work out where everything is now. Every day it gets moved due to the store being refitted section by section. This annoyance is shared by other shoppers and even the staff.

So, consider the horse. Not only are they confronted with the challenge of figuring out whether they are safe in all aspects of their new home while being sleep deprived, but every single routine and encounter is different. Then, their owner or new owner starts getting critical and concerned because the horse suddenly seems untrained or difficult. The horse they thought they owned or bought is not meeting their expectations, leading to conflict, resistance, explosiveness, hypersensitivity, and frustration.

The horse acts as if it knows little because it is stressed and because the routines and habits it has learned have disappeared. If you are a new human for the horse, you feel, move, and communicate differently from what it is used to. The way you hold the reins, your body movements in the saddle, the position of your leg – every single routine of communication between horse and person is now different. I explain to people that when you get a new horse, you have to imprint yourself and your way of communicating onto the horse. You have to introduce yourself and take the time to spell out your cues so that they get to know you.

Therefore, when you move a horse to a new home or get a new horse, your horse will go through a phase called "New Home Syndrome," and it will be significant for them. Appreciating this helps them get through it because they are incredible and can succeed. The more you understand and help the horse learn it is safe in its new environment and navigate the new routines and habits you introduce, the faster "New Home Syndrome" will pass.
"New Home Syndrome" will be prevalent in a horse’s life until they have learned to trust the safety of the environment (and all that entails) and the humans they meet and interact with. With strategic and understanding approaches, this may take weeks, and their nervous systems will start downgrading their high alert status. However, for some horses, it can take a couple of years to fully feel at ease in their new home.

So, next time you move your horse or acquire a new horse and it starts behaving erratically or being difficult, it is not being "stupid", you might not have been lied to or the horse "drugged" - your horse is just experiencing an episode of understandable "New Home Syndrome." And you can help this.❤

I would be grateful if you could please share, this reality for horses needs to be better appreciated ❤
‼️When I say SHARE that does not mean plagiarise my work…it is seriously not cool to copy and paste these words and make out you have written it yourself‼️

We are ready to hunt! So excited!

We are ready to hunt! So excited!

The hounds are ready!!

Our first Mounted Hound Walk is this Saturday, 8/17 at Larkspur Ranch, Lancaster SC. Gates open at 8 AM, we’ll ride out at 9. Please park in the mare pasture, as usual, & bring water for you & your horses as well as a snack to share. Helmets are required. Please dress for the weather - club polos are appropriate for members. Guests are welcome!

** Don't forget the deadline to order merch is Monday, 8/19!

For additional information, please contact: Tracy Tripp, Hunt Secretary [email protected] / (980) 833-5574 or Sherry Cantrell, MFH [email protected] / (704) 905-0133

We get all our embroidery done at Sew B's, LLC! We highly recommend!

We get all our embroidery done at Sew B's, LLC! We highly recommend!

Our North American Destrier Horse Registry registered North American Courser, CR Gunnr of Kattegat. Fantastic horse. Hon...

Our North American Destrier Horse Registry registered North American Courser, CR Gunnr of Kattegat. Fantastic horse. Honor to be part of his world and to learn from him. -Doc xoxo

Happy Saturday our pack of happy dogs! Left to right: English Jack Russell Terriers Nico, Brinley, Brooklyn, Bear, and h...

Happy Saturday our pack of happy dogs! Left to right: English Jack Russell Terriers Nico, Brinley, Brooklyn, Bear, and half of Giulia! Brinley will be having puppies end of the month! We are very excited!

Evidence-Based Training. Science. For me unsolved cases or unsolved horses, I see a lot in horses as I do in people.

Evidence-Based Training. Science. For me unsolved cases or unsolved horses, I see a lot in horses as I do in people.

Horse and human brains are built to help us survive in our worlds. They WANT to learn. Don't mess that up!

(Photo is of my horse brain model)

Common sense. Same people.

Common sense. Same people.

Gorgeous North American Courser (ShirexPerchXNoriker) CR Ser Bronn of the Blackwater. Bronn is 16.1h, black, 3yo, quiet ...

Gorgeous North American Courser (ShirexPerchXNoriker) CR Ser Bronn of the Blackwater. Bronn is 16.1h, black, 3yo, quiet and smart. Great fox hunting prospect. We estimate Bronn will graduate from our program in September and be available to be your next Dream Horse! 💙

This gorgeous girl is going to make someone’s dressage dreams come true! North American Palfrey CR Lady Commander Brienn...

This gorgeous girl is going to make someone’s dressage dreams come true! North American Palfrey CR Lady Commander Brienne is nearing graduation from CREK’s Unsolved Equine Reconstruction Program! She will be our very first graduate! 💙 So proud of this girl. She’s come soooooo far from a body condition of 2.5 when she arrived to happy and healthy now!


New look, same great event. In honor of those athletes competing in Paris in the coming weeks, and to provide clarity and avoid confusion, we have decided to change the name of our prestigious event to The Mounted Police Championships. Please make plans to join us at the World Equestrian Center - Ocala Jan 9-12, 2025 for this special and important event.


Monroe, NC


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