Jennifer's Dogs

Jennifer's Dogs Jennifer's Dogs provides dog training focusing on obedience, reactivity and fear/anxiety. Dogs have always been a passion of mine. Whether this be dogs or cats!

I try to give every dog I work with the tender, loving care they deserve. To me this means treating them as if they were my own. Giving them the same love and compassion I give my animals every single day. There is a unique bond between every owner and their pet. Every pet I meet has a special place in my heart. I’ve been referred to as “Auntie Jen” from my clients. This is very fitting as I think

of all of the pets I work with as my nieces and nephews. I look forward to working with you and your pet becoming part of the Jennifer’s Dogs family! Best,
Jennifer Brand, CPDT-KA

I’m happy to announce the start of a membership at Jennifer’s Dogs! Before this vision can be a reality, I need feedback...

I’m happy to announce the start of a membership at Jennifer’s Dogs! Before this vision can be a reality, I need feedback from you! 👆

Click the link in my bio ⬆️

It’s a quick one-question survey to help me build a membership program that fits your individual needs! I’m excited to offer this new service to help you reach your dog training goals. 🐶🥰

Please let me know if you have any questions! I truly appreciate your feedback. 🤗

Puppy Bonanza Continues! 🐶💕Everyone say hi to Bethany! 👋Bethany is an adorable pittie puppy! In our first session we foc...

Puppy Bonanza Continues! 🐶💕
Everyone say hi to Bethany! 👋

Bethany is an adorable pittie puppy! In our first session we focused on using a gentle mouth. Teaching dogs to be gentle with their mouth early is crucial for bite prevention as they get older.

When I started my first session with Beth she did the oh so common alligator mouth! 🐊 This is when they put their whole mouth quickly over your hand or toy when they want something. By the end of our session she was gently taking treats out of my hand and her toy as shown. ⭐️

Look at my previous puppy post to learn how to teach your pup to be gentle too! ⬅️

In no time, Bethany will be able to use a gentler mouth with not only humans but other dogs when playing. A little bit of practice is all it takes to see long term results in your pup!

Keep up the great work Bethy! 🐶🥰

It’s puppy central here at Jennifer’s Dogs! 🐶💕Everyone say hi to Newt! 👋The most common complaint I get with puppies is ...

It’s puppy central here at Jennifer’s Dogs! 🐶💕
Everyone say hi to Newt! 👋

The most common complaint I get with puppies is nipping! They tend to take it out on those they love. Their humans! It’s important at a young age to teach them a gentle cue to help with this. This is how you do it!

✨Start with a treat in your hand! Make a closed fist and face your fingers towards your puppies mouth.

✨Say “Gentle” then wait for soft licking motions. If you feel any teeth, take your fist away.

✨Try again! When you don’t feel any teeth, open your fist to give them their reward!

It’s really that simple! The gentle cue is so important because it teaches puppies that our hands are useful and not toys. Keep in mind that puppies nip because they are in pain! Always have options for your dogs to teeth on. Including but not limited to: toys, kong (frozen for a longer effect) and bully sticks! Remember that there is a biological reason why puppies nip. They are teething! The problem comes when they grow up and still do this behavior even when they have their adult teeth. By teaching the gentle cue, you can prevent this from happening!

Happy Puppy Training! 🐶🥰

I have another cute puppy for you guys! Everyone say hi to Milly! 👋 This time it’s a puppy I’m working with through the ...

I have another cute puppy for you guys! Everyone say hi to Milly! 👋 This time it’s a puppy I’m working with through the 🐶🥰

Milly is doing a wonderful job of working on all her basic skills! We’ve only had a few sessions, but she’s already mastered touch, sit and down! ✨

She still struggles in distracting environments but this is completely normal! When all else failed, can you guess what worked for her?

A Ball! 🎾🎾🎾

Ball is life for a lot of dogs! Did you know a toy can be just as rewarding as a treat? Police dogs are trained commonly with toys versus treats because of the type of work they do. When in doubt training your pup, get creative! Find what motivates them and you have your reinforcement. 🙌

Milly is on her way to being a well behaved young lady! I’ll post updates on how she is doing throughout her journey! 🐶💕

Happy Training! 🐶🥰

Everyone say Hi to Jagger! 👏This adorable pup is already 5 months old! 😱 For the past couple of months we’ve been workin...

Everyone say Hi to Jagger! 👏

This adorable pup is already 5 months old! 😱 For the past couple of months we’ve been working on basic obedience skills together. Jagger is an all star! ⭐️

We’ve cover all of the following:

✨Hand Targeting/Touch
✨Leave It

However, we didn’t teach them in this order. The benefit of private training vs. classes is you get to decide what’s important for your dog to learn and in what order. I pride myself in having a customizable approach for your lifestyle.

For Jagger, they are a family of four with two young children. This means it’s crucial for Jagger to use a gentle mouth with his human siblings. We also incorporated them in some training sessions so they can learn to be gentle with him too!

A collaborative approach is key especially with families! Jagger’s mom has done a great job guiding her children on how to interact with Jagger. This makes for a safe relationship between puppy and children.

Keep up the great work Jagger and Family! 🙌

Everyone say hi to Arnold! 👋🐶🥰Arnold and I just wrapped up our first training package! Arnold’s parents reached out to m...

Everyone say hi to Arnold! 👋🐶🥰

Arnold and I just wrapped up our first training package! Arnold’s parents reached out to me because they have two twin boys under 1 years old! 😱 This is quite an adjustment for the whole family! We worked on some boundaries for Arnold while the boys are growing up. Here’s some tips if you are in a similar situation!

✨Have designated spaces! There should be clear lines of what is the babies and what is the dog’s space. First thing we did is setup play areas for the twins that Arnold could not get into. This sets clear boundaries for what is for the babies and what is for Arnold.

✨Toys! This is a tough one. Baby toys and dog toys look quite similar! It’s important to teach your dog what is theirs and what is not. You can do this with dividers blocking unwanted teams for your dog to have. As well as being proactive about leaving things out that they can easily get to that are inappropriate.

✨Healthy interactions! The safest way to do this is by holding your baby and guiding their hand to pet your dog appropriately. The easiest place to do this is on the body and away from their face. Open palm with gentle strokes is crucial! Guide your babies hand to help them understand this and not do grabbing motions.

Arnold loves his little brothers! As they get older, there will be new challenges. As they are crawling more now and beginning to walk! He’s a little anxious by this, but it will take space and time for him to become comfortable. Space is always key for any anxious dog!

Have questions or need help? Reach out ⬆️ I’m always happy to help! 🤗

That’s a wrap for Jewels! 🐶💕💎If you remember, I was working with Jewels for recall  🐶🥰She has about 80-90% recall now! H...

That’s a wrap for Jewels! 🐶💕💎

If you remember, I was working with Jewels for recall 🐶🥰

She has about 80-90% recall now! Her mom has even noticed her being more attentive to her name around the home. 🙌

I worked with Jewels on the long lead outside (look at previous post) as well as in the big pack. Even with 10+ other dogs in the pack she would come to me! This is an incredibly hard skill to attain. Jewels was pretty quickly a pro at it! 🌟

The Madison has some great deals for the month of January! Including $250 for an unlimited month of daycare. That’s right, I said UNLIMITED! It starts at the moment of purchase and you can come as often as you like.

Join the pack and be sure to say hi to me! You can also start training just like Jewels did while your pup goes to daycare. Get started off right in the new year with some extra playtime and training for your pup!

Happy New Year! 🎉🎉🎉

Merry Christmas! 🐶❤️🎄Buttercup recently finished her training package! She was very shy and nervous walking around her b...

Merry Christmas! 🐶❤️🎄

Buttercup recently finished her training package! She was very shy and nervous walking around her busy neighborhood in the Bronx. This is so common and not every dog adjusts well to city life! We worked hard on her gaining confidence in the city. Here’s how we did it!

✨Small Steps! When a dog is scared or fearful you want to take small steps to slowly expose them to the thing they are scared of. This means more walks in areas she’s uncomfortable with (like shops and bodegas) for short periods of time. Over time, Buttercup gained confidence and became better at coping in these areas!

✨Facing the Fear! There is a delicate balance between facing a fear or trigger and when to walk away. Buttercup was scared of buses in particular. We would have her sit by the bus stop for a few moments before letting her walk away. This will slowly improve her fear, but also not overexpose her and make her fear worse.

✨Take Breaks! Buttercup loves the park near her home. Letting her have more freedom there before and after training will allow her to decompress. It’s a fine balance between exposure and taking breaks to relax.

Have you noticed a theme here? Short bursts of exposure + breaks = diminishing of fear. I specialize in this work because it is so rewarding to see a shy and scared dog become more confident in their environment!

Need help with your anxious or fearful dog? Contact me today! I’m happy to help. 🤗

I can’t believe it’s been a year since I met Dot! We met up recently (on the right) and I couldn’t help but compare to w...

I can’t believe it’s been a year since I met Dot! We met up recently (on the right) and I couldn’t help but compare to when we started working together (on the left). 🐶🥰

Dot has come such a long way since we first met! He’s learned all his basic obedience skills as well as how to socialize with his cat sibling Val! I always say that dog training is a life long journey. Your dog will change as they grow. Sometimes that means new unwanted behaviors will pop up!

Dot has started to hump other dogs when he gets excited (he is neutered). A lot of people confuse this as an aggressive or sexual behavior. This is not always true! Dogs can start hu***ng for a multitude of reasons. Here’s some reasons why your dogs may hump even if they are fixed.

✨They picked it up from other dogs! Some dogs are targeted when they are young and are constantly mounted. This unfortunately happened to Dot. As he grew up (he is now in his adolescents) he’s decided to now copy this inappropriate behavior.

✨ They do it as a form of play! Some dog will mount a dog temporarily as a wrestling style form of play. This is super common with pitbulls and huskys. As long as it is brief and normal play resumes, this is an okay behavior as long as it is supervised.

✨ Overstimulation! When dogs get overstimulated or overexcited they can act out by mounting. This is a good time for your dog to have a break or time out from play!

For Dot, he comes easily when called if he starts mounting. We worked hard on his recall training! Supervision is key to correct inappropriate mounting. It doesn’t necessarily mean your dog is aggressive or trying to procreate. However it is an inappropriate behavior for playing. Redirection and time outs are key to address this issue!

I’m thankful for so many things this year! My family, my boyfriend  and our dog Stella, my new family  , and YOU! ❤️❤️❤️...

I’m thankful for so many things this year! My family, my boyfriend and our dog Stella, my new family , and YOU! ❤️❤️❤️

I moved out of the city this year and moved in with my boyfriend in Jersey. This has been a huge transition for my business. I’m slowly growing in the area and hopeful for the future. I also love working with and starting the training g program with my friends They have been so kind and welcoming to me. ❤️❤️❤️

A lot is going on in the world right now. Take this day to focus on gratitude and not fighting. Focus on love ones who support you and ignore those who don’t support you. Don’t allow negativity on this day to reflect and truly be grateful for what you have and others do not.

Okay I’m off my soap box! Lol I hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving and if you are alone know that I’m grateful for YOU!


I’ve been mia for awhile now and there’s a good reason for it! I am proud to be the Head Dog Trainer  🐶🥰I’ve been busy j...

I’ve been mia for awhile now and there’s a good reason for it! I am proud to be the Head Dog Trainer 🐶🥰

I’ve been busy juggling my own business along with this and teaching gymnastics to little kids! 😱

Here are some of the many furry friends I’ve made already! If you know anyone in the Wayne, NJ area please recommend us for training, (with me of course), daycare, boarding and grooming!

The owner Sean is beyond compassionate and loves his business and his dogs. The staff love all the doggies and provide excellent care to your furry babies.

Be sure to stop by and say Hi if you are ever in the area! 👋

Look at this handsome devil! 😈 Everyone say hi to Ruben! 👋For those of you who remember Rosie, she passed away in June. ...

Look at this handsome devil! 😈 Everyone say hi to Ruben! 👋

For those of you who remember Rosie, she passed away in June. She lived a long life and went over the rainbow bridge at age 13. Her mom couldn’t stay long without a pittie in her life. That’s how Ruben came into her life!

Ruben came from an abusive background of being beaten as a puppy. He was barely one when he was rescued! Due to this, he was very developmentally behind and would constantly jump and nip at you. He’s come such a long way since we started working together a couple of months ago! Here are some tips for working with your new rescue pup if they come from an abusive background.

✨Dogs are not innately aggressive. I repeat dogs are NOT innately aggressive. This includes pitbulls! They have a bad stereotype that is completely false. People target pitbulls to abuse due to that reputation and their muscular build. Despite Ruben’s past, he has no aggression with people. He just never learned proper skills including being gentle with his mouth. This is due to the aversive methods used on him.

✨The Gentle Cue! This is so crucial to teach your puppy to use a gentle mouth. All you have to do is hold a treat in your fist. You can open your palm to reveal the treat as long as they are licking and being gentle. No nipping or pawing allowed! This is what we used with Ruben and he learned quickly how to use a gentle mouth.

✨Jumping! Such a common issues with puppies and excitable dogs like Ruben. The best thing to do is always turn your back to them and redirect them into a sit. If they are having trouble with this you can always have them on leash when greeting new people. You can also give them a brief time out in their play pen or crate! Only do this if you have properly associated the area as positive and not negative.

It surprises me time and time again how resilient dogs are. Especially Pitbulls! They are so often abused and still are loving to humans. We have to stop the idea that a specific breed is aggressive. Dogs are only violent when they are trained to be. It has nothing to do with their breed!

Let’s stop breedism and give all dogs the love and compassion they deserve! 🐶🥰

Look at this handsome man! 🐶🥰 Everyone say hi to Haze!One of his biggest problems was pulling on walks! This is so incre...

Look at this handsome man! 🐶🥰 Everyone say hi to Haze!

One of his biggest problems was pulling on walks! This is so incredibly common. Haze is also a big boy weighing in at about 90lbs! Being a bully breed he is also quite strong. Despite all these factors, including him turning only 1yrs old when we met, he has learned to walk on the leash without pulling. Does he have his moments? Absolutely! However now his mom can feel confident walking him around the neighborhood. This is a huge accomplishment as his Dad was the only one walking him when we first met due to his pulling. How can you help your dog stop pulling?

✨Equipment really is key! Most of the time the dog doesn’t have the right equipment to help them to learn not to pull. This is not a replacement for training. I repeat, this is NOT a replacement for training, but can be half the battle. I’m a big front clip harness fan for this reason. These are considered to be anti-pull harnesses. However every dog will need their own unique setup to be successful!

✨ Training! Training is crucial once you have the right equipment. There are two rules of thought for pulling. The stop and be still technique and the turn around technique. You can find both of these in my article here!

✨ Finally, you probably guessed it, working with a certified dog trainer! It is so crucial that you take your time and not use aversive techniques. Here is a database for where I’m certified (the top in the US) to help you find a trainer in your area!

Look for things like positive reinforcement and not “balanced”. Balanced means they use aversive techniques.

Here’s to enjoying those walks around the neighborhood again! 🦮❤️

Juno has been credited for her strong “look” cue. This didn’t happen over night! Here’s how you can teach your dog to lo...

Juno has been credited for her strong “look” cue. This didn’t happen over night! Here’s how you can teach your dog to look on cue!

✨Hold a treat a treat near your face as if pointing to look (refer to picture).

✨Watch their pupils! This is important to see where they are actually looking.

✨When they look at you and not the treat, they get their reward!

It’s really that simple! Patience and consistency is key with any new skill. Also practice in different environments. Start off in an easy distraction free environment (like your home) and work up to harder areas like (in a busy park).

❤️🐶Happy Training🐶❤️



Last week I pet sat  and we ran into her big brother Samson! 🐶❤️🐶 Samson is a staple in the neighborhood and proclaimed ...

Last week I pet sat and we ran into her big brother Samson! 🐶❤️🐶 Samson is a staple in the neighborhood and proclaimed king of the dog run. 👑🐶❤️ They also have the same cow print pattern. Lola loves her big bro!


Juno was so excited to see  aka Uncle Drew! 🐶🥰 He’s the man behind these beautiful photos! 📸🐶❤️                         ...

Juno was so excited to see aka Uncle Drew! 🐶🥰 He’s the man behind these beautiful photos! 📸🐶❤️

A year ago today Zoro passed away at approx 15 yrs old. I’ve put off this post as it was one of the hardest things of my...

A year ago today Zoro passed away at approx 15 yrs old. I’ve put off this post as it was one of the hardest things of my life to let her go. She ultimately passed form renal failure. I had to make the heartbreaking decision to euthanize her. As she was not getting better after 3 days in the ER and was not having a good quality of life. Thank you for everything you did for her in her last days. ❤️

Now that is out of the way, I’d like to focus on her life. One of things I loved most about Zoro was her way with people. She would turn the most anti-cat person into a cat lover. She would greet you at the door and immediately plop on her back for you. She loved people! Especially flirting with men. 😉

She was loving and all she wanted was to be loved in return. I had her for 10 years and she slept in my arms every night. The first picture here is the one I saw from her foster. I know I had to meet her once seeing her unique masked face. As they say the rest was history.

I miss her everyday and she will forever be in my heart. Rest in peace Zoro! You were one of a kind and I love you. ❤️❤️❤️

❤️ ❤️

I loved hanging out with this boy! We need the sunshine back! 🐶❤️☀️📸                            🐾☀️  ☀️🏖🏝               ...

I loved hanging out with this boy! We need the sunshine back! 🐶❤️☀️


🐾☀️ ☀️🏖🏝


Montclair, NJ

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 9pm
Tuesday 9am - 9pm
Wednesday 9am - 9pm
Thursday 9am - 9pm
Friday 9am - 9pm
Saturday 9am - 9pm
Sunday 9am - 9pm




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