A year of the HOOCH! 🐶🥳
I cannot express how much I love this boy. I can’t believe he’s already 8 years old! 😭 I’ve known him for 4 years but it seems like I’ve known him forever! 🐶🥰
I remember when I met him, his mom said, “He’s pretty particular with who he likes.” However, we instantly bonded! I can honestly introduce him to anyone as long as I say, “You want to meet Auntie’s friend?!” He’s such a gentle giant especially with his cat siblings Frankie and Junie.
I can’t wait to spend time with this boy again at the end of the month! 🐶🥰
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So many memories this past year! I’m so blessed and grateful to my clients old and new. It’ll now be my third year in Jersey! I’m continuing to grow and create a community for myself here. 🤗 I’m also so thankful to @thewaynemadison and @ashleysacademy for being so understanding with my busy holiday pet sitting season. They are two of the best bosses I’ve ever had! ❤️ Here’s to continuing to grow and helping you and your dogs in 2025! 🐶🥰
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I know I’ve been mia, but here’s a great training video for you! Jax is one of my clients @thewaynemadison One of the big things we are working on is his reactivity to cars. Most importantly, his parents are seeing a difference! It’s one thing for him to be good with me. It’s another when the training works when I’m not even there. Practice makes Progress! Go Jax! 🐶🥰
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This is a heated topic that really grinds my gears! 😂
On a serious note, there is ZERO benefit for having your dog off leash just to walk them. No dog has 100% recall. They could see something and run into the street and seriously get hurt. Especially in the city where there are so many distractions. You can’t always know how your dog is going to react to things.
If you are going to let your dog off leash here are my tips!
✨Your dog should have 90% or higher recall accuracy. No exceptions!
✨Be sure to choose a semi isolated area or somewhere it is slightly enclosed. Like a baseball field!
✨You alone are responsible for your dog! It is 100% illegal to have your dog off leash in the city unless stated otherwise in the park.
Please have fun, but be respectful! Too many dogs are off leash that shouldn’t be. If you are walking your dog PLEASE leash up! For not only your safety, but for others as well.
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This what progress looks like! 👏
Luna is at the end of her training package! She’s a young dog and we worked on several things.
✨Greeting guests in the home and not jumping.
✨Not pulling on walks.
✨Finally recall!
I always suggest practicing with a long lead for safety. Here we are in their backyard. However, when they take her somewhere new she will be very excited. Having the long lead gives you security. Even if it’s on the ground. You can always step on it to stop your dog in an emergency!
Interested in recall training? Call us at the Madison! 🐶🥰
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I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather today! ☀️💕 Here is a flashback to my equally beautiful walk with Genie. Get out there and enjoy it! 🐶🥰
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A long time ago we introduced the look cue to Eugene! As you can tell, he’s gotten pretty good at it!
Something I noticed as a dog trainer is how some dogs are not attentive with their owners on a walk. This is a crucial skill! 💡
Some dogs this comes naturally for and some it takes practice. Our dog Stella has always been very attached to my boyfriend and I. She often gets complimented for checking in with us while out and about! I’ve always encouraged this behavior. 👏
It’s pretty simple to teach your dog the look cue on your walks if it doesn’t come naturally for them! ⬇️
✨Bring their favorite treats or toy!
✨Say for them to look periodically on your walk.
✨When they look at you, they get their reward!
This is important because it allows you and your dog to walk as a team! By them checking in with you, they are making sure that they are on the right path. In turn, you are reassuring them they are safe! 🐶🥰
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Happy Mother’s Day and Stella’s Gotcha Day! 💐❤️🐶 Since it’s rainy outside I’ll have to make it up to her. 😂 I figured I’d make a video of our recent adventures!
Stella is approx 5 years old and it’s been 3 years since @anthony_vinci26 and I picked her up from @iamtheonewhoderps ❤️
She has come such a long way in the past few years! She used to be very scared of men. Now the two men at the front desk of our building are her best friends! ❤️❤️
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there (including dog and cat mom)! 💐❤️🐶😻
Rescuing an animal is saving a life and that deserves being celebrated and honored! 🐶❤️😻
Adopted through @waggytailrescue 🐶🥰
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Milly is all done with her daycare training package! I’m so proud of Miss Milly Moo! 🐶🐮🥰
We covered so many of her basic skills!
✨Touch (hand targeting)
✨Down (she already knew sit!)
✨Loose Leash Walking (not pulling on walks)
Stay was by far the hardest one for her! She loves people and why would she want to be away from them? Like most puppies, Milly is very resilient! It wouldn’t take long for any new skill for her to become a pro at! 🙌
With her getting tons of socialization at the Madison she will be a well adjusted happy adult dog! Way to go Miss Milly Moo! 🎉
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Signs that your dog is part Husky! 🤣🐺 At first glance you may not think it, but listen to those awroos! I’ve been pet sitting this boy all weekend and have 2 more days with him. Here’s to more awroos! 🐶🥰
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Milly Update! 🐶🥰
I’m so proud of this girl! I say it all the time, puppies are so resilient! They are such quick learners with just a little bit of effort and consistency. Milly has not only become a great walker, but learning to leave it!
Surprises happen in training just like in real life! I was originally filming for pulling on the leash, but Milly showed a wonderful leave it. It’s important to go with the flow and train in the moment. I did this by rewarding her for leave it even though I was originally looking for loose leash walking. Both skills are incredibly valuable! ⭐️
💡When training your dog, reward any behavior you want and ignore the rest! Especially with puppies! They are learning multiple skills and you want to encourage any behavior that leads to a positive outcome.
Keep it up Miss Milly Moo! 🐶❤️🐮
(My nickname for her. 🤣)
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Hooch is so wonderful with his cat siblings and this video is no exception! 🐶❤️😻😻
This video shows how a healthy dog and cat relationship should be. Let’s breakdown what’s going on!
✨Hooch really wants Frankie’s attention! He loves his cat siblings and they will often play chase with each other. However, Frankie is shy and clearly does not want to play chase with Hooch.
✨Hooch whines at Frankie but continues to give her space. Even when she gets to the ground to go around him.
✨He doesn’t chase her understanding that she doesn’t want to play right now. He shows us a yawn, a sign of relieving stress, as he’s disappointed she didn’t want to play with him.
Hooch handled this situation beautifully! He respected Frankie’s space despite really wanting her to play. Respecting each other’s space is crucial with multiple pets in the same home.
Junie approves of this message! 😹
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