9 down, only ONE left! Let’s do a Black Friday deal! We will do 10 contracts at $500! Must be paid in full when booked. We have Venmo, PayPal, or Cash App. There is NO CHUTE FEE, you just pay Auburn University directly for the actual collection and FedEx costs when you order a shipment. When these 10 contracts are gone, they are GONE! Live colored foal guarantee! Dill Pickle is an NRCHA $ earner, 2x ApHC world champion in cutting, & 3x reserve world champion. He is as sweet and friendly as a big lab puppy. 🥰Homozygous for black, agouti, LP, & W20, & 1 copy of PATN1! EE, AA, LPLP, nPATN1, W20W20. First full foal crop is due in ‘25 out of some outstanding mares! 6 panel NN!